Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1892

"Don't worry, aren't you a saint? Isn't it simple to hide behind the rock and prevent a few ordinary people from discovering?"

Dongma smiled carelessly.

"But, all the women who came in were women, and..."

Suddenly twisted = pinched fingers.

"And what?"

Dongma asked amusedly.

"Moreover, they are all very beautiful and outstanding women."

Divinely flushed and lowered his head.

"Okay, knowing you are jealous, behave and stay behind."

Dongma smiled and patted his cracked hip.

"I, I'm not jealous!"

God stammers-Barely wants to deny it, but it seems to cover up.

Soon, under Dongma's push, Shencha hid inside, and Intikes, Shina and Otohime also walked in around the bath towel.

"It really is a winter horse!"

Inticus said happily, and then hopped directly to Dongma. The dizzying giant sphere made Dongma couldn't help but reach out and shook it.

"Dongma, hate it!"

Inticus exclaimed subconsciously, but in the end he didn't resist, and obediently leaned in Dongma's arms.

"As expected to be a young boy, seeing a beautiful woman-the body is too much to control."

Shi Cai chuckled, and then ignored Dongma's masculine and strong body that was extremely attractive to the opposite sex, and washed her head in the shower on one side.

Otohime blushed and glanced at this side, and then sat down next to Shina.

"Why did you come in? If I remember correctly, there is a sign of male soup hanging outside, right?"

While enjoying the body from Shi Cai, Dong Ma asked questioningly.

"I'm in a hurry to eat, if I don't come to wash, dinner will be gone!"

Inticus pouted.

That mature body and posture, coupled with this innocent expression, made Dongma suddenly unable to help it.

"You can let them do it again when dinner is gone, let's do something more meaningful now!"

Dongma smiled triumphantly.


Inticus immediately shook her head.

"Why? Have you seen Mai and I do it? Very happy!"

Dongma tried to coax Intiqs.

"No matter how happy it is, which winter horse is not for half a day? The shortest time is two hours, Mai can not get off the ground every time, but I will go to dinner later!"

Inticus had a "don't want to lie to me" expression.

"Don't worry, I will make you full = full by then!"

Dongma promised.

"A word is settled?"

Inticus looked at Dongma suspiciously.

"Of course it's a deal!"

After hearing Dongma's guarantee, Indix obediently let Dongma be at the mercy.

Following the clear water, the two retreated to the back, just separated from the gods by a rock.

Under the splitting eyes, Dongma fought with Inticus for the first time.

Of course, this is actually not the body of Inticus, but the body of Kamijou Shina.

"It's nice to be young..."

Looking at Dongma and Inticus, who came out after more than an hour, Shi Cai showed a feeling of envy or something else.

And Otohime, who was there, had already escaped.

"Still thinking about what happened just now?"

After dinner, Dongma and Chunxiang came to the room of Divine Crack together. Looking at Divine Crack leaning on the window and looking out at the sea, sky and moon, Dong Ma smiled proudly and asked.

"Who is aftertaste!"

Shen Chai immediately retorted!

"Alright, let's talk about business."

Chunxiang on the side hurriedly rounded the field.


Hanxiu glared at Dongma angrily, and suddenly changed to a serious expression.

That was the expression of the magicians, that was the expression of the powerful who had fought on countless battlefields and defeated countless enemies.

Cold and solemn.

"According to the current situation, everyone here seems to have no suspicion, because even if they use the magic of angel fall-fall, these people without magic knowledge can't know how to use angels, and they are not motivated enough. "

Shenchai first said the conclusions he reached after observing the crowd.

Chapter 2440 The red nun of the witch trial!

As a result, the angel fall-fall event fell into a mist again.

"My friends, this is the Xinfu News Channel. At present, the serial murderer Huo Shenzuo who escaped from the city’s prison has not been found. According to the police, Huo Ye’s method of killing is'ritual killing', which is similar to religion. The scene and the corpse were arranged in a formal way, so some people on the Internet admired him for this reason, even imitating the crime. In this escape, the police believed that he was likely to be helped by some'congregants'."