Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective / Conan Super Detective Chapter 1917

Although it sounded like she was just chatting, she didn't have any resistance to the experiment itself.


It seems that he was not listening to Misaka Misaka's self-introduction, and one of them glared at Dongma, and then continued to walk in the original direction.


Seeing his confidant No.1 gradually moved away, Misaka immediately followed up anxiously.

Dongma, on the other hand, was pacing leisurely behind, seemingly slow and fast to follow.

"Due to well-known reasons, the experiment was stopped, Misaka has not adjusted back to the best physical condition, Misaka Misaka added."

"The half-made Misaka is smaller-smaller than the other Misaka... are you listening?"

Misaka Misaka tried to confirm whether the passing attention of one party was on him.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

One party seemed to ask him absently.

"Speaking of which, the other sisters have been sent to various bases outside the academy city. You are still here. Is it because of negligence in management that you have not been arranged?"

One party asked casually.

"It seems that Yifang Tongxingjiang cares about Sister Misaka's recent situation!"

Dongma said with a chuckle.

"Huh! This kind of thing, the laboratory will also notify me!"

One side snorted vigorously, but the blush on his face that was not obvious under the night sky completely betrayed the girl's heart.

"Since you still have contact with the research institute, it is much easier. If you can, can you help me contact the researchers? Misaka's current body and personality are in an incomplete state, and this state of instability is at any time There may be a problem, so I hope to have a complete training again. Misaka put his hands together, gently tilted his head to one side, trying to make a request with a cute look."

Misaka, like his sisters, used words to express his body and body movements clearly.

However, the passing classmate of the "trideful" party, at the moment when Misaka Misaka's voice fell, he refused mercilessly.

"Go find someone else, like that man over there."

"Hey, don't shake the pot, I'm just a passing crowd of onlookers."

Dongma opened his hands and said with an expression of "I am innocent".

"Oh, don't refuse so fast, Misaka Misaka yelled arrogantly. You are Misaka's last hope, so Misaka will never give up!"

Chapter 2462 The conflict between girl and young girl!

PS: Thank you "**" for your monthly ticket support.

Seeing the appearance of Misaka Misaka, Yifang Tong sighed helplessly.

Even if the girl didn't say anything, Dongma knew her inner thoughts at this time.

Indeed, for a guy who should be a murderer, no matter where you look at it, he is a big evil party guy, but this small Misaka took the initiative to ask for help. This is not like a decision that a normal person should make.

"Could it be that it is because the production has not been completed, so the brain waves have not been used to connect the mind?"

One party asked subconsciously.

Otherwise, the young girl in front of her should be aware of the fact that one party had killed 10,000 Misaka sisters, and logically she would not want to ask him for help.

"No, Misaka just has not completed the adjustment of physical functions, and the personality has not fully formed the most basic level. Misaka Misaka cheerfully explained to Shiraome who finally agreed with his existence."

Hearing the term "white hair" seemed to make one party a little uncomfortable to pass, but it seemed to notice that she hadn't answered her focus, so she didn't have any interest in continuing.

"So, since I met here by such a coincidence, why don't we ask us to sit at your house?"

Dongma, who had been watching for a long time, said with a smile.

"You guy, do you think you can do anything against me if you happen to beat me once? Don't even think about it!"

One party yelled dissatisfiedly.

"What do you mean by arrogance? It's just going to your house to sit down. Could it be that there is something shameful in your house?"

Dongma didn't get angry, but asked rhetorically.

"There is nothing shameful!"

The passage suddenly roared.


This is Dongma's inner thoughts.

Misaka Misaka on the side seemed to have come to a similar conclusion, muttering in his mouth: "Is it possible that this person is easy to deceive?"

Of course, these words were not heard by one party, otherwise they might turn into anger, this guy would really do terrible things.

So following the angry party, the three of Dongma crossed the main road in the downtown area and walked into a small alley not far away.

Passing through the uninhabited alley, I soon saw a five-story student dormitory.

e It stands to reason that this area in the center of the academy city should be a very high-end place, which is also in full compliance with the status of a party in the city of academy c.

But compared to the surrounding elevator apartments with more than ten floors, the apartment where one party lives is extremely old, and the dark chaoshi building gives people a feeling of depression.

However, one party himself does not seem to mind that much.

"Is this where you live? Misaka Misaka couldn't help but praise."

However, letting any normal person come to listen, it seems full of irony.

One side is no exception.

However, Misaka Misaka didn't look at the face of one party, but was self-consciously excited.

"It's great, there is an independent space of your own. There is nothing more beautiful = good! Misaka Misaka sighed with flashing big eyes."

The expression that was so innocent that it didn't seem to be fake made one side curl his mouth with some uncomfort.

While Dongma looked at the two interacting, showing a happy smile.

Then one party fell silent again, stepping on some cracked concrete steps, and walking up the stairs step by step.

"Excuse me! Misaka Misaka entered the room first!"