Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1925

"However, Misaka's problem cannot be solved in time unless it is a researcher at that research institute. Misaka reminded."

"Don't worry, otherwise what do you think Yuriko is going for?"

Looking at Yuriko, who had already disappeared on the road in the distance, Dongma said with a smile.

Chapter 2469 The morning of the noble girls' school!

"Really? That's great... Misaka Misaka smiled relievedly."

Then, he fell asleep peacefully.

"Really an unsuspecting child, but this character is more likable."

Dongma murmured to himself with a smile, and then carried the little last work on his body, then walked out of the family restaurant and returned directly to his home.

"Master Touma, what woman is bringing back this time? Misaka tried to show contempt."

It was Misaka 10030, the sister Misaka who first came into Dongma's line of sight.

After that incident, all Misaka received full-body genetic repair. Of course, because it was a relatively long treatment process after all, basically all Misaka was assigned to foreign experimental institutions in academy cities around the world.

Well, as to whether to go there to continue the experiment or to engage in some other paramilitary purposes, Dongma doesn't care much. As long as their bodies can recover, then some of the small abacus by Aleister is within Dongma's tolerance. Inside.

However, the three Misaka, including Misaka 10030, all became Dongma’s dependents, so they didn’t need to undergo rehabilitation, so they stayed in the school city and were given the right to wander around.

After all, there are only three words, and you can still excuse that it is Mikoto's younger sister.

"I heard it's your sister..."

Dongma put his final work on chuang.

"Ah, it's the last work! Misaka said that he recognized this little girl who looks the same as himself, and at this time, the last product of the military clone project, Misaka 20001, was mass-produced."

"Since you know, then take good care of her. If a white guy finds him, you can give her the last work. She should find a way to heal her."

Touma gave an order, and then under Misaka 10030's bitter eyes, he left his residence again.

"Then next, it's time to tell the remaining key person."

As the elder sister of Misakas, Mikoto naturally has the right to know that she has a new sister.

It seems a little strange... but forget it, don't mind such trivial matters.

After murmured such a sentence, Touma once again came to Tokiwadai's student dormitory outside the school building.

Now, it happens to be the time when the ladies of Tokiwadai finished breakfast and enjoyed morning tea Q


As the top five elites in the entire Academy City, there are only less than two hundred students, but it occupies more than ten times the area of ​​the "a school" where Dongma is studying. The natural dormitory is also full of aristocratic atmosphere. local.

Here, there is no family element, no matter how rich aristocratic children are, there is no way to bypass the rules of Tokiwadai to enter here.

Tokiwadai's admission rules are also very simple: girls of school age above level 3.

As long as this condition is met, everyone can enter here and read.

But in fact, as I said before, 80% of the students are incapacitated, and the remaining 15% are level 1 and level 2 in the academy city, which can meet this requirement. There are too few students.

At present, the total number of students studying at Tokiwadai is less than 200.

Of course, because of this aristocratic elite education, the eldest ladies here completed their summer homework early, and the whole school building still meticulously showed elegance and noble temperament.

Of course, in Dongma's opinion, there is, more than one person, obviously not in line with the atmosphere here.

As one of only seven level 5 in the Academy City, Misaka Mikoto's dead body is sitting in an exaggerated and gorgeous dining room, yawning with an open mouth and without an image.

However, this kind of behavior that does not conform to the image of the eldest lady is definitely not just her own patent. Although there is no more exaggerated behavior than her, it is not as elegant as the eldest ladies in the comics. His laughter, words and deeds are like the perfect people in Ukiyo-e.

"Speaking of comics, today is Monday. It seems to be time for Mikoto to go to the convenience store to read the comics..."

A hint was given to everyone, and Dongma, who walked into the school building alone, Shi Shiran, was muttering to himself in a voice that only he could hear.

As for why it is today, because the date of Japanese manga is usually Monday.

Obviously, Dongma is not the only person who knows the strange personal hobby of super-electromagnetic guns.

"Misaka Misaka, are you going to the convenience store now?"

A girl maid dressed in a maid costume, combed back with short blue hair, showing her smooth forehead, walked to Mikoto and asked.

"Tomimon Maixia? Speaking of which, she is indeed an excellent trainee maid of Dazzling Women, probably here as a summer intern..."

The best maid and the best lady seem to be a perfect match.

But it is just "seems".

It looks like a perfect combination, and a bad topic is being discussed.

"On Monday, it was indeed the time to go to the convenience store. But Domemon, as the intern maid, is it okay not to use honorifics to me?"

Mikoto asked, covering her head.

"Misaka Misaka, if you want to go to a convenience store, then buy me a manga..."

However, Wu Xia didn't seem to want to bother with her doubts, but put forward her own request.

"Not eighteen-ban?"

Mikoto asked suspiciously.

"No, but it's a more explicit girl comic."

Wu Xia said unabashedly.

"BL? But that's not the point. As a trainee maid, let me run errands as the temporary master. Is it really good?"

Mikoto looked at Wuxia and asked again.

"That's not my interest, but the chef's interest. What I like is the love-hate relationship between my brother and sister-Ge's aesthetic type!"

"Is it really good to admit that I like my brother in front of my temporary master? And that kind of thinking is not beautiful, right?"

Mikoto said again.

Chapter 2470 Misaka Mikoto is not good at dealing with scenes!

PS: Thanks for the monthly support of "Long Ao" and "Solitude of Soldiers = Lonely".