Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1929

She seemed to be preparing to turn her shame and anger into appetite. After Dongma helped her wipe her, Mikoto was about to reach out to grab the hot dog that she had just eaten halfway through.

But at this moment...

"Do you remember which one you ate?"

At this time, there were two almost identical hot dogs on the table without a close look. They were all eaten a few bites, but they were not half eaten. No one seemed to make any difference.

"I do not know……"

Dongma lied casually...

Dongma, who has complete memory ability, can't remember what just happened, but in order to appreciate the troubled expression of the super-electromagnetic gun, Dongma feels that it is necessary to lie appropriately.

"Maybe it's the one on the right..."

Speaking of Dongma, he deliberately reached for it, and Mikoto grabbed his hand as expected.

"Wait! Let me confirm!"

Then, without waiting for Dongma's reaction, he grabbed two hot dogs that seemed indistinguishable, and compared them carefully.

"Is the confirmation finished?"

Dongma asked with a smile.

Mikoto did not answer, but only confirmed more seriously.

When Dongma asked for the third time, Mikoto finally yelled impatiently.

"It's so noisy! Can't see it! Then I will give you the one on the left and the one on the right! Baga, you should pay attention to this aspect a little too!"

With a lovely blush on her face, Mikoto handed the hot dog in her right hand to Dongma.

Dongma ate it carelessly, while Mikoto looked like a small animal trying a strange food. He paused for a while watching the hot dog, then took a careful bite, then chewed a few times with a flushed face, and swallowed the date. He swallowed.


After a while, Mikoto seemed to be back to normal.

"Okay, let's go back to the main topic, can you answer it or not to help me?"

Mikoto stared at Dongma closely, waiting for his answer.

"I promise you that there is no problem, but what do you want to do to prove our'couple' relationship?"

Dongma asked with a smile.


Suddenly, a strange silence spread from Mikoto's body.

The originally aggressive girl looked at Dong Ma dumbly.

Obviously, the eldest girl who was just in the second grade of middle school still doesn't know what it is like to be in love.

After all, as long as it is a lover, whatever you do is like a couple.

However, this is still too esoteric for Mikoto.

Chapter 2473 Lovers Game-Miss Miqin's Repayment!

So in the end, Mikoto decided to just chat like this. Anyway, according to the situation where there are no people on the street today, no matter what you do today, it is impossible to complete the plan of "letting more people see their love behaviors". Up.

Talking and talking, the two talked about the only topic in common between them.

"So, after the experiment was forced to terminate, the sisters scattered all over the world, and only about ten remained in the school city."

Mikoto said absently.

"Speaking of which, Academy City is an organization that is even more terrifying than the country. It actually has branch bases all over the world..."

Dongma laughed casually, and he didn't even notice how terrifying Xueyuan City was.

As for whether the super power development course will be leaked, Touma doesn't care at all about it. After all, Aleister is not an idiot. If there is a risk of leaking the secrets, it is impossible for her to release so many Misaka sisters.

Even from the beginning, she had made similar preparations, and those sub-bases were probably prepared for this.

Dongma thought maliciously.

31 "Some development agencies, related companies, etc., actually stand on the side of the academy city rather than the local government. After all, it is capitalism..."

Mikoto spit out casually.

Don’t have too many connections in resource scheduling, intelligence control, and legal regulation.

"Then they should be doing well..."

Dongma still said casually, that he had already known this from Misaka 10030 and other populations.

However, Mikoto seemed to be depressed.

"This, doesn't it seem like a conversation between lovers?"


Dongma nodded slowly.

The situation of the Academy City in the world, various complicated upper-level connections, and body adjustment are not suitable for discussion between couples...

Of course, discussing other women in front of a girlfriend is itself a very embarrassing thing.

"Would you like a drink?"

Mikoto also seemed to feel a little embarrassed, so regardless of Dongma's reaction, she got up directly, crossed Dongma's side, and walked to the vending machine in the distance.

The fragrance of the shampoo left in place accompanied by the breeze made Dongma look intoxicated.

"Seen girls, sure enough, they also have the beauty and beauty of young girls."

Dongma chuckled softly, closed his eyes slightly, and enjoyed the rare atmosphere.

However, beauty-good things usually don’t hold jiu, such as now...

"Haihara Guanggui?"

It seems that the lost chong dog was returned to the original owner, and Haiyuan walked over with a little sweat.

"Hello, how can I call you?"