Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1931

"Then, I will accept your challenge!"

Dongma sneered.

Unfortunately, the store was already full at this time. The students who were supposed to be at home to catch up with their homework today couldn't help but come out for food at noon.

The two of Dongma searched for a long time and found that all the restaurants were almost full, so in desperation, they decided to buy some fast food like burgers.

So Mikoto moved around the crowd very skillfully, seemingly unaffected by the crowd.

Seeing Mikoto who hadn't been touched by anyone at all, Dongma thought for a while and thought that maybe she used superpowers.

So he stopped managing Miqin, and Shi Shiran went outside the queue, but immediately saw a familiar figure.

"Mun Haiyuan, are you still here?"

Dongma asked with a weird face.

"Yes, but why are you alone? How about Misaka-san?"

Haiyuan seemed to ask strangely.

"Didn't you just see it? She just went in to find the store."

Dongma replied casually.

Just when the two were silent for each other, suddenly a figure that looked very panicked passed through the crowd and directly found Mikoto who was in the crowd.

At this time, Mikoto was standing right behind "Haihara", and the crowd that was supposed to be crowded was now divided on both sides because of the person who appeared suddenly, and the right hand was wrapped in a bandage, and his eyes were full of scary bloodshot figures. He was exactly the same as the person in front of Dongma at this time.g

"what happened?"

"Haiyuan" seemed to notice Dongma's gaze and turned his head subconsciously.

But at the same time, the crowds that were originally separated are reunited again because of more crowds.

Therefore, "Haiyuan" did not see the man who was exactly the same as him in dress, figure, and appearance, but was sweating all over and looked very embarrassed.

"This is really interesting..."

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and then he turned his head slightly to look at the "Haiyuan" in front of him.

"Do you have a brother?"

Dongma asked with a smile.

"No, I am the only child."

Haiyuan seemed very confused about Dongma's question.

"That might be my mistake. I saw a guy who looks like you just now."

Dong Ma said without hesitation, as if he hadn't noticed the increasingly ugly face of "Haiyuan".

"Maybe it's a mistake. Maybe it's because the hair color and hairstyle are similar to the body shape of the clothes."

"Haiyuan" said very bluntly.

"Really? But I seem to see that that guy is with Misaka."

Dongma smiled strangely, while observing the expression of "Haihara" with interest.

"Isn't that dangerous?! This is academy city, maybe there are superpowers that can change the appearance of people. If that person has any evil intentions, isn't Misaka-san in danger?!"

"Haiyuan" exclaimed in panic.

"Yes, it just so happens that you need to confirm the facts."

Of course, the facts that Dongma wanted to confirm and the things that "Haiyuan" wanted to do were probably completely opposite things.

"However, I just seemed to be hated by Misaka-san, if after meeting I found out that there was no suspicious person, wouldn't I be embarrassed instead?"

Haiyuan flinched suddenly.

"I will tell her that you are just a little worried."

Dongma said with a chuckle.

"That's good..."

Haiyuan seemed to hesitate, and his body naturally slowed down and fell behind Dongma.


"It seems that you are not only inferior in deception, but also in poor combat ability and extremely poor psychological quality."

Dongma sneered without looking back.

"If I were you, I would wait for a while and wait until I step into the crowd before I do it. Even if it causes sao chaos, it will allow you to get out more quickly."

With one hand behind him, Dong Ma firmly grasped Haiyuan's wrist.

At this time, "Haiyuan" had no initial gentleness and grace on his face, and his cold eyes were full of bitter murderous aura and surprise at unexpected events.

And at this time, he still held a black spar similar to a knife in his hand.

It's probably made of materials like obsidian.


"Haiyuan" roared, and Dongma felt his hand tighten again.

It's just this level of power change that Dongma can perceive keenly, but for him there is actually no change.

"So, is it because of the attack method? Because there are people around you, if it is not a slightly open place, your attack will not be able to be used at all, and it will only attack other people."

Dongma sneered suddenly.

However, although "Haiyuan" gritted his teeth, he couldn't get his hand out.

"It's useless, a mere human, there is no way to fight me with strength alone."

Dongma said with a sneer.

"That's right, the information shows that you guy is a monster..."

"Haiyuan" did not despair.

"Then let you see, the root of the little man-sex!"