Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1937

"Although our experiment was acquiesced by the upper level, acquiescence and publicity are two completely different situations."

In other words, the experiment itself is not visible, and it is naturally impossible to report this situation.

"So, you let her wander outside for seven days in this state?"

Dongma sarcastically said strangely.

"Yeah, maybe it's because of being too self-confident. We naively thought that she would never be able to live alone in the outside world. As a result, she has lived to this day..."

Fang Chuan himself seemed a little unbelievable.

Chapter 2480 Doomsday Virus!

"Then why did you notice it three hours ago?"

Dongma asked strangely.

"Because I suddenly realized that it is impossible for the child to have that kind of rebellious thoughts. The reason for leaving is definitely because she and Misaka Network themselves are threatened. But in fact, we cannot threaten her because the experiment has already ended……"

Fang Chuan said solemnly.

"That is to say, someone entered the wrong information, leading the final work to think that someone would harm her in the research institute, and then escaped right?"

Dongma said slowly.

"Yes, to be precise, it should be the child who noticed that someone was typing a malicious program. She should not have been affected by the program. She just instinctively escaped from the research institute, but in fact, she herself should not know why. "

Fangchuan explained distressedly.

"That's the case, so I said it was noticed three hours ago, right."

Dongma nodded suddenly.

"Originally, I wanted to gather other people to help, but as you can see, I am the only one working here."

Obviously, everyone else thought that this research institute had no future and might even get themselves into some kind of great trouble, so they all ignored Fangchuan's call.

"But the child seems to still trust you very much. The purpose of her finding us is to contact you."

Dongma said so.

"Nani?! When did you meet her? Where is she now?"

Fang Chuan asked in surprise.

"Just in the early hours of this morning."

Yuriko said impatiently.

"No way, how could this be?"

Fangchuan was lost in thought.

"So do you have any idea about that virus?"

Dong Ma asked again.

"In order to find out the cause of the problem, I took a look at her personality data, and found that there were strange codes in every corner, and there were too many fake codes everywhere. I wanted to remove them completely. It's impossible for me alone."

Yoshikawa said with a headache.

"Of course, having said that, but I still found out some clues, it seems to be an indiscriminate attack on people."

Fangchuan's face became very solemn.

"I also found out the start time. At 12 o'clock this evening, the virus will break out in an instant, and it will spread to all the sisters in ten minutes. I am afraid that those one person is enough to destroy an elite special force. My sisters Misaka will start killing people indiscriminately all over the world."

"Well, 10,000 elite special forces are rioting all over the world. I am afraid that no matter what kind of force and organization it is, it will be burnt."

Although Dongma seemed to be worried about the safety of the world, in fact, the gloat in his tone did not hide it at all, and Yuriko couldn't help but glared at him.

No matter how powerful an organization has combat power, it will take a lot of time to deploy combat power if it is suppressed after an incident.

In the eyes of this normal person, a very short period of time is enough for the Misaka sisters to show the destructive power of the world war level.

This is not the most critical issue. Because of the timing of dispatching combat power, it will be the local regular armed forces that ultimately suppress Misaka’s sisters, and it will inevitably form a kind of "superpowers in the school city endanger the entire world". consensus.

Let alone how terrible this kind of consensus will cause to Academy City, even if Aleister doesn't care, it will definitely provoke a confrontational mood on the mysterious side.

Of course, this kind of confrontation was there from the beginning.

In the end, riots may be suppressed soon, but the consequences are just as serious.

The sisters will naturally be dealt with on the grounds that "there is still huge danger".

Well, if they can handle it.

Then those institutions and organizations that originally helped Academy City will begin to have reservations about the attitude of Academy City because of this incident.

These outside support and assistance are actually more important than whether the Academy City itself is strong or not.

Then the expansion, Dongma slightly expanded, and got many interesting results.

The first is the disintegration of the Academy City Club. After all, it loses its sponsors, and no matter how powerful science and technology is, it cannot be transformed into actual results. Then these experts and scholars who master advanced technology will bring their knowledge. Travel around the world.

Not surprisingly, most of them will be taken in by the military institutions of various countries, and then the new generation of weapons and superpowers, such powerful weapons that were originally only found in comics and novels, will begin to enter pure military applications.

The sudden change in the balance of military forces will inevitably lead to a worldwide military imbalance.

Throughout modern history, one will find that the results of military imbalances usually trigger large-scale wars worldwide.

"This is really interesting..."

Dongma said in fear that the world would not be chaotic.

"I always thought that destroying the world should be my task."

Yuriko said with a sneer.

"But speaking of it, if you actually report it, it won't be a big problem, right?"

With Dongma's understanding of Aleister, he should not punish ordinary researchers like them, because it seemed to her to be meaningless.

"It's really not for us, but it's just losing a job that doesn't make much sense."

Fang Chuan shook his head and said.

"The problem is that in this case, the sisters should be dealt with in the same way as after the virus outbreak, because the fact that they may run away is enough for the Academy City to take action to clean them all. "