Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1945

Then, without waiting for Chunxiang to speak, she turned to answer Dongma's question.

"It's not a quarrel, it's just that school is about to start next, and Indix will stay at home alone."

Mai said with a sigh.

"Are you sure that little nun will stay at home obediently?"

Chunxiang asked in disbelief.

"Then what can be done? The child has been in Academy City for at least a month, but there is no sign of accepting the city's'common sense'."

Mai said with a sigh.

"Whatever, this guy shouldn't stay at home obediently anyway, I will let Misaka and the others follow her, hoping that nothing will happen."

Dongma smiled casually.

As for not letting Indix, who has no scientific common sense, get into trouble, it is unrealistic in itself, but it just prevents her from making troubles too much.

"By the way, it's the first time I went to school to report today. Let's find a place to relax after school?"

Dongma said with a smile.

"Relax? I think you want to exercise!"

Mai blushed and screamed.

However, she looked like she was shy, but she didn't mean to refuse.

A group of people strolled slowly on the way to the school.

However, some people seemed very anxious, with a gust of wind and a blue arc, passing by them.

"Huh? Isn't that Bilibili?"

Mai glanced subconsciously, then said in surprise.


Hearing that, although the middle school girl with beautiful shawl and tea hair did not stop her legs, she adjusted her stride and turned it into a running appearance. She stopped and looked towards Dongma. .

"Tsk, isn't this an unfortunate lightning rod?"

Mikoto said strangely.

"You guy, have you taken gunpowder early in the morning?"

Mai retorted dissatisfiedly.

"I don't want to be said by someone who ignored me yesterday!"

Mikoto exclaimed dissatisfiedly.

"Ignore? Although I know that there will be some disputes in the harem, is it not good to ignore others directly?"

Dongma asked amusedly.

"You don't know, I was really in a hurry yesterday. You know what happened to Inticus, so I didn't care about her."

Mai explained helplessly in a low voice.

"Indix? Oh, are those people here again?"

Dongma nodded suddenly... and then looked at Chunxiang next to him, trying to confirm this guess.

"No, except Shirley, I have not received any other British Puritan magicians coming to the school city."

Chunxiang explained.

"That guy doesn't seem to belong to the British Puritan, but I can't tell, anyway, it should be a magician."

Mai said so.

"Regardless of the identity of the visitor, what is the result?"

Thinking of what happened last night when I was helping the final game and Misaka Internet antivirus, I immediately asked with interest.

"That guy was defeated by me and then left."

Mai simply said.

"That's right, an ordinary magician, he didn't have much to say..."

Dongma nodded, and then skipped the topic.

"Speaking of Beep Beep, what did you tell me at that time?"

Mai suddenly remembered something and asked.

"You guy... forget it, it's okay."

Mikoto blushed coldly.

"Nothing, why are you calling me?"

Mai continued to ask without a wink.

"Long wordy! I'll be fine if I say nothing!"

Mikoto shouted proudly.

"By the way, do you usually follow this path?"

Mikoto changed the subject abruptly.

"Why? Do you really want us to take this road? Or, do you really want our Dongma adults to take this road?"

Chun Xiang covered her mouth and teased-teasingly smiled.

"I just asked casually!"

Mikoto blushed and began to curl.

"In fact, we don't usually take this route, but we missed the tram when we went out today, so we had to go closer in this direction."

Of course, if you take a tram, it's fast, but it's not going here.

"Speaking of it, your mood doesn't seem too high?"