Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1952

Inticus asked rhetorically.

"So, that kind of strange AIM position doesn't exist at all!"

However, although Mai said so, she actually looked at Dongma and Fengzhan with an expression of approval.

"Little Mai! Dongma-jun! The important school opening ceremony, where are you guys on earth!"

Suddenly, teacher Xiaomeng's roar came from outside the corridor.

However, this kind of immature roar, the tone said that he was angry, it was better to say that he was coquettish.

"It looks like Teacher Xiaomeng is angry, Mai, did you do anything bad again?"

Dongma asked with a smile.

"I didn't..."

Mai looked away with insufficient confidence.

"It must be because she ran out secretly and was caught by Xiaomeng!"

Inticus immediately expressed his opinion.

"That's not the case! Besides, it was said that it was the opening ceremony of the school. Isn't it the same for Dongma?"

Mai immediately defended.31

"I'm a transfer student, even if I don't attend the opening ceremony, there is no problem."

Dongma showed his hands indifferently.

"Uh, uh..."

Suddenly, Mai showed a tangled expression of speechless retort.

At this time, Teacher Xiaomeng outside the corridor finally found the health room following the voice.

"Dong Ma Jun and Xiao Mai! Although the teacher does not oppose the impure exchanges between students! But during class, it is still in a place like the health room. The teacher will never allow it!"

With such a yelling, Miss Xiaomeng, whose face was abnormally flushed, opened the health room and closed her eyes as if she wanted to refuse to see some kind of children=unsuitable scene.

But in fact, the two women in the room had already changed their clothes at this time. It was just that Dongma held Fengzhan Binghua and buried his face in the "mountain". I didn't even think about watching it with children. Picture.

"What are you talking about, Teacher Xiaomeng?"

Dongma smiled weirdly.

"Um... so nothing happened, the teacher thought..."

Teacher Xiaomeng glanced intently at the scene in the health room, and suddenly looked around with embarrassment.

"Why do you think?"-

Dongma asked with a smile.

"No, nothing, definitely not something unhealthy!"

Teacher Xiaomeng wanted to cover up, but he couldn't escape Dongma's eyes.


"Oh? So, Teacher Xiaomeng must be thinking about something unhealthy!"

Dongma approached Teacher Xiaomeng.

"It's not! The teacher is a mentally healthy adult!"

Teacher Xiaomeng’s flushed face seemed to drip blood at any time.

Seemingly eager to open the topic, Teacher Xiaomeng looked around and tried to find a new topic.

"Huh? The teacher heard a strange girl's voice just now, but there seems to be no one else?"

Teacher Xiaomeng asked strangely.

"Huh? With that said, where has Binghua gone?"

At this moment, Indix looked around strangely, and then at the winter horse that was supposed to be the closest to Fengzhan Binghua.

"Just now she said something was wrong, she has already left."

Dongma said with a chuckle.

"Huh? But didn't she say that she is a new transfer student? Is it because she saw such a strange teacher as Xiao Meng, so she was scared to go back first?"

Intiqs did not hesitate to open the wound of Teacher Xiaomeng.

"That's not the case!"

Teacher Xiaomeng threw her teeth and claws, trying to plug Inticus's mouth.

However, how could Pi's Inticus obediently submit?

The two soon became a team, and then Dongma dragged Mai to the lounge next door for a belated morning exercise.

"Speaking of which, is that kid really a transfer student?"

Afterwards, Mai leaned weakly in Dongma's arms and asked in a low voice.


Dongma has his own views on least for the moment, the possibility of being a transfer student is relatively small.

"Then where shall we go to eat at noon? If you don't hurry, Intiqs should be angry again."

Mai looked worriedly outside, and it seemed that the quarrel had come to an end. Indix and Teacher Xiaomeng sitting across from each other with flushed faces.

There is no doubt that the two young girls should have heard the sound of Dongma here, and because of the emotions like Xiu, they suddenly fell silent.

"Find a restaurant near the school to eat."

Dongma said loudly on purpose.

Sure enough, the ears of Inticus outside moved suddenly. Although the line of sight did not move, judging from the subtle movements of the body, he was still attracted by the word "eat" in Dongma's words.

"The teacher has something to go out!"

It seemed that she was a little eager to leave, so after Xiao 970 Meng finished speaking, she got up and left the health room that gradually gave off a strange smell.