Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1962

Heizi shook his head helplessly and sighed.


Dongma looked at Heizi with interest, which was new information different from that given by Chunxiang.

"Is there any other trouble factor?"

Mikoto asked with an eager expression.

"Yes, according to the information sent by the security team, it seems that the invaders came from different directions, so they should be different talents."

Heizi replied.

"……That one."

Mai hesitated suddenly.

"What's wrong? Why are you still shaking?"

Inticus seemed to notice something wrong with Mai next to her.

"Maybe I think you are too annoying."

Mikoto joked.

"I'm not annoying!"

Like a child, Inticus retorted dissatisfiedly.

"Okay... Actually, maybe that other group of intruders is me."

Mai said with a wry smile.


Heizi looked at Mai with a look of surprise, and everyone except Dongma had similar eyes.

"Because yesterday I met a... well, a guy named Secret Laugh. For some reason, he agreed to help him rescue a friend of his, so we temporarily went out to the academy city. Of course it was not too far away. We came back that day. ..."

Mai explained.

"Sure enough, Mai is still that kind child."

Dongma said with a chuckle.

"Should this woman be following you?"

Mikoto and Kuroko asked Xiang Dongma in unison.

"I didn't!"

Mai immediately denied it, but her face was flushed, but she couldn't hide her true thoughts.

"Okay, get back to business, why are you here?"

Dongma asked strangely.

"I am in charge of the security work for this piece of work today, and now it is also to help the ordinary people trapped in the underground street to evacuate. You should also know that I am a person with great ability to move in space."

Heizi flaunted proudly.

Of course, it is not to show off the identity of a level 4 powerful person, but to show off the identity of the discipline committee who defends the justice side.

"What about Misaka-san?"

Mai looked at Mikoto strangely. Obviously, this fifth-level superpower shouldn't belong to the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline, who was ranked seventh below her.

"Well, ah, it's actually nothing..."

Mikoto immediately moved her gaze to other places where there was no one, with a very guilty expression on her face.


Mai only subconsciously made a questioning sound, and Mikoto jumped up overreacted suddenly.

"Leave me alone!"

"Ah, my sister and I patrolled together. I saw you in the surveillance, so I was worried... Well, I was worried about the relationship between you, so I just came over and took a look. Of course I am embarrassed to say something like this."

Heizi spoke out the truth without hesitation, and Dongma couldn't help laughing because of the serious appearance of betraying his teammates.

"Shock hahaha!"

Along with Dongma's laughter, the other women looked at Mikoto with more or less vigilant eyes.

'It looks like it will be another new opponent, but it looks a bit more threatening than Intikes (not as good as me).'

These are the thoughts of Mai and Inticks in their hearts at this time.

"Then why are you still not moving?"

Dongma looked strangely at the dozens of students who hadn't escaped in the distance.

"Before I came, I had sent out more people than this number."

Heizi sighed helplessly.

Because the partition wall was put down in advance and trapped in the underground street, the number of ordinary people who may be affected by gun battles at any time is obviously much more than this.

"...So, now you are the last refugees."

Heizi, who soon used his ability to send the students out, once again came to the front of the five Dongma.

"I remember you can only send two people out at a time, right?"

Mikoto seemed to have thought of something and asked.

"Yes, but you don't need to think about it, you must be leaving. It's just a matter of time, sooner or later!"

Heizi seemed to see through Mikoto's careful thoughts for an instant, and immediately said mercilessly.

"Then you can send this kid and this boba out first!"

Mikoto seemed to have anticipated what Kuroko wanted to say, and directly pointed at Inticus and Maidao.

"But my right hand, can all its abilities be neutralized, you should also know this, Bilibili?"

Mai helplessly spread her hand.