Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1963

"Tsk, let's send it away with this Boba No.2."

Mikoto shook her mouth, and then pointed to Feng Zhan with a frightened bunny expression from beginning to end.

"That... please don't give people a strange nickname..."

It seemed that after finally plucking up the courage, Feng Zhan expressed his opinion in a low voice.


Of course, she was quickly suppressed by the powerful (?) Mikoto's eyes.

"Hey! Who do you say is a kid? I don't think you are any bigger than me!"

On the side, Inticus saw that her new friend was being bullied, and immediately countered.

It's just that the focus of the counterattack seems a bit strange.

"Okay, let me both go out."

Dongma winked at Heizi, and he nodded slightly, and then he caught the two girls who had not realized that their fate had been decided, and disappeared in place.

"I'm so sorry to leave you here at this time."

Dongma said to Feng Zhan with a light smile.

"It's okay! It's just..."

Feng Zhan just wanted to say something, suddenly the underground street shook again-moved.

In the distance, gradually came louder and louder roars, as well as... the blasting roar characteristic of modern gunfights.

Chapter 2503 The collision of science and magic!

"It seems that our Miss Terrorist has appeared early."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Dongma's mouth.

"The enemy used that eyeball to survey the entire underground street. If the target is indeed us, then it can indeed be here soon."

Mai nodded solemnly.

At the same time, the remaining personnel who had gathered next to the partition wall were suddenly plunged into chaos due to the sound of gunfire in the distance.

Although there are magical abilities such as superpowers, students are still instinctively afraid of "battle" from the bottom of their hearts.

Heizi was just a person just now, after all, he just sent away the victims at an intersection. However, this underground street that runs through the entire city is obviously not only an exit.

"Dongma, what to do! If you fight here, someone will be injured, and some will even die!"

Mai asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, she won't be here."

Dongma smiled faintly, and the self-confidence in his eyes immediately made Mai feel at ease.

"What do you mean?"

Mai was stunned for a moment, then nodded suddenly.

"I understand, then Feng Zhan and I will wait here, and I will leave it to you over there."

"Be careful... forget it, anyway, if you are a magician, it should be of no use to you."

Dongma laughed, and then walked towards the battlefield filled with gunpowder.

The roar of guns and the blasting of grenade rockets still echoed in the narrow and small combat area.

The place that was supposed to be easy to defend and hard to attack was directly and continuously crushed by a huge strange stone statue.

The stone statue, which is randomly mixed with the tiles, tiles, billboards and load-bearing pillars in the underground street, is four meters high and almost tops the ceiling. This is because the stone statue bends down and lowers its head to attack the ground guards. reason.

And behind the stone statue, Dongma saw the chocolate beauty who had seen it once.

Shirley Cromwell, wearing a dark Gothic Lolly costume, a beautiful woman with blond hair like a lion, is stepping on an elegant step, waving the white chalk in her hand, step by step toward the front. go ahead.

The unusually ordinary white chalk was constantly waving in the air.

Although it seems to be waving casually, Dongma reads some mysterious meanings from it.ǐ╯

"It should be a spell to command this big guy..."

q Dongma murmured, and then looked at a group of guards standing in front of Shirley.

"As for shouldn't last three minutes."

At this time, Dong Ma was already very conservative. If Dong Ma hadn't recognized the leader of the team, in his heart, this group of people would not even be able to stop a meeting.

As he entered the battlefield where the bullets rained, Dongma completely ignored the bullets and various hard ying fragments that were rubbing his skin. The guards who fought fiercely on the second fortification.

"The intensity is not bad, and the squad tactics are relatively skilled, but it's not very useful."

The guards in front of them were in groups of three, attacking the enemy with precise point and line shooting.

Obviously, after years of training, it can be accurate to the actual combat level of a gun headshot against any terrorist, but it is of no use to that huge stone giant.

Because the original huge size does not need to be aimed, and the stone giant, which is stronger than military armor, naturally does not care about this kind of individual combat weapon that can only be used in narrow terrain.

So although the scene looks very intense, it is actually only a unilateral victory by Shirley Cromwell.

Because of the huge body of the stone giant, it was impossible for Shirley who was standing behind to be hit.

"However, after all, they are professionally trained elites. Even if there is no way to break the stone giant directly, other workarounds are conceivable."

Dongma laughed sarcastically.

Because at this moment, one of the guards threw the grenade at the feet of the stone giant.

Naturally, it is impossible to expect this grenade to directly explode the stone giant's legs.

However, if it only destroys the balance of the stone giant's forehead, it is still sufficient.


Shirley, who was also aware of this, immediately stroked the chalk in the air, and then shouted the name of the stone giant.
