Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2028

As she had shown before, ordinary people had no room for resistance in front of her.

"Speaking of which, how did you feel when you first gained superpowers?"

The subject changed abruptly.

"Uh... nothing special, probably excited, and the people around are also surprised."

Heizi was puzzled by the problem of no beginning and no end to the end.

"Really... But, I was very scared at the time!"

The bid was surprisingly said.

Chapter 2565 "Inhuman" road!

"It surprised me, you are actually afraid of your ability?"

Although Heizi could not move at all, he did not stop the counterattack.

"Yes, when I think of my ability, I can kill people by just thinking about it. It's really scary! But after all, it is the only ability of human beings. Maybe sometime in the future. Play its due role. With this thought, I have endured this tragic fate until one day, I began to have doubts about this matter."

Knot laughed, like a melting glacier and a spring blooming smile.

"If superpowers are not only available to me, then is there no need for me to use them? Or, if it is not a power unique to humans, why must humans obtain them?"

The smile on Jie Biao's face became brighter.

"Although you may not understand at all, the kids who were with me just now have the same thoughts as me. As for the adults, you know how they talked to me before they fell into a coma when I used them as a shield. Did I say that?"

"Next, I will support you."

The words relayed from the bidding mouth clearly sounded weird, but Dongma and Heizi had no doubts.

Power has always been a double-edged sword. It is naturally a great necessity for people who desire power to achieve a certain purpose, but for people who only want to live an ordinary life and live in peace with others, power is like it. Just like the shackles you put on yourself, you must be careful even if you take one step, for fear of breaking the pedestrians passing by.

"Is this power something we must hold? Can't we try and see before we find the real answer?"

Jie Bi said with a chuckle, looking at Heizi's eyes, as if he was inviting her.

"We have the same ability, so I can fully imagine that as long as you close your eyes, you can recall how you used this ability to hurt others..."

As if he was going to hug the sunspot on the ground, Kyukai slowly opened his hands.

"I didn't want to kill you in the beginning, or I didn't want to kill anyone. So if you are interested in pursuing the truth, I can let you join us!"

The bidding said in a seemingly plain tone.

Waiting in this dangerous place, even at the risk that Mikoto will arrive at any time, not only because of Dongma's "insurance", but also to say this.

And just as expected by the bidding, the sunspot who listened to these words, like most students in this city, was using his power while raising fearful questions.

"I reject!"

However, in the face of such a huge psychic shock, Heizi still categorically rejected the proposal of closing the bid.

"I thought you wanted to say something, and the result really disappointed me... Obviously he has the strength of the ultimate boss, but like a terrible American hero movie, it arranges a core idea that is extremely brain-dead."

Heizi's mouth didn't know whether it was because of pain or sarcasm, and a long arc was drawn.

"You just said for a long time what'evolution' and what's'possibility'... Even if the ants master superpowers, what good is it for us?"

Facing Sunspot's question, Yu Biao explained incredulously.

"Don't you understand? If that's the case, we don't have to be monsters like'space mobility capable people'!"


Heizi snorted heavily.

"Even if your theory becomes a reality, what meaning does it have for those of us who have become superpowers?"

Heizi asked disdainfully.

The answer to her was silence like a dead end.

"If you are so that no other children will repeat the same mistakes in the future, then I will definitely admire your nobleness, but the problem is that you don't think so?"

Heizi laughed coldly.

"More fundamentally, the thought that'superpowers can harm others' is extremely absurd! Power is never right or wrong, and some are just the good and evil of the person who uses it!"

Heizi spoke loudly and utterly, ignoring the severe pain on his body.

"What you said just now, even a dreaming child would not say that. Fear of power, fear of hurting others... What about the injuries on my body? You did it by yourself, don’t give it to me so soon Forget it!"

Heizi asked coldly.


It seemed that he didn't know how to answer Heizi's words at all, so Yubi was ready to do it with an angry expression.

Heizi, who had broken free from the shackles at any time, naturally prepared to fight back unwillingly.

It was also at this time that Dongma's faint word broke the tense atmosphere without a trace.

"End here."

Unanimously, the girls stopped their movements and cast their eyes on the Dongma who had been silent.

"You are still discussing the topic of monsters..."

Dongma said, shaking his head like a sigh.

"From the moment you became my dependents, aren't you destined to embark on an inhuman path?"

So far, what is worthy of nostalgia for the identity of a mortal?

Facing Dongma's silent question, the girls widened their eyes in astonishment, and then lowered their heads as if they understood something.

"If I say that, I really want to be worse..."

The bid is the first to speak.

"Anyway, you can't go back to the original path, so just continue to go further and further on the path of the'monster'. Are you saying that? Master Dongma."

As Jie Biao said, he leaned against Dongma.

"Don't use the word'monster' indiscriminately, although it is sometimes a commendatory word..."