Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2042

It's just different from the previous one. The word "Elements of Earth" is written in blue text on this one.

"Obviously the representative color should be green, why is it blue on top?"

Still asked suspiciously.

"It is to generate a hedge. The chaos caused by inappropriateness will produce a stronger attack..."

Chunxiang shook her head and said.

"In this case, it should be the type of long-distance control."

Dong Ma concluded.

"That's right, and she must have a terminal dedicated to receiving signals in her own hands. As long as she looks for this piece of paper, she will definitely find the woman!"

Chunxiang said confidently.

However, Dong Ma raised his eyebrows. The whole thing seemed a little too simple. How could the master of anti-tracking leave such obvious flaws to the tracker?

However, because the person who used the reverse reconnaissance magical technique was Steel, Dongma did not object, but watched him arrange the ceremony in place.

Chapter 2579 A counterattack from thousands of miles away!

PS: Thank you "**" for your monthly ticket support.

It was said that Steele was setting up the ritual, but it was actually the technique Chunxiang taught him, but Chunxiang could not perform magic on his face, so he asked Steele to perform it on his behalf.

"The name of the technique is'The Four Elements of Lipai'. In the event of'Angel Falling', it would actually be very easy to have this, but after all there are people from the Russian adult religion, and..."

Speaking, he glanced at Dongma, seeming to recall why he was able to use magic without getting hurt, and then continued to say after his face blushed.

"Forget it, anyway, Still, you should be able to do it next, right?"

"Stop talking nonsense, the detection range has a radius of three kilometers, and people will run away if they don't hurry!"

Steel urged impatiently.

"Don't worry..."

Chunxiang still said calmly.

"Passing through the wind, but not through the air, but through will to convey..."

As Chunxiang began to sing gracefully, Stil, who was kneeling with his hands folded before the ceremony, dripped sweat on his head, and seemed very nervous.

The four-color paper suddenly jumped up like a puppet, and then strangely stopped.

The edge of the "paper man" seems to be as sharp as a blade, but this is not the point.

"As I said before, rune magic is very related to color. Simply put, it is the technique of dyeing and fading."

Chunxiang explained to Dongma leisurely.

"First write meaningful text, then use dyeing to render the power up, and then use the fade method to turn off the surgical switch. According to Steele, it is to "color" the card in advance, and then quickly activate it when needed. Afterwards, the process of "fading" through "burning" seems to be very convenient, but it actually includes all the procedures."

Chunxiang mobilized her magic power while continuing to explain to Dongma.

At the same time, the four sheets of paper are like dancing a sacrificial dance. A beautiful circle is drawn on the ground. The lines of the same color keep getting closer to the center until the circle becomes smaller and smaller, and it quickly approaches that one. The card left by Olianna in the center.

"Of course, it is rune text, but in fact it does not need to follow the standard Nordic alphabet, and even modern languages ​​are completely okay. It only needs to meet the corresponding standards."

Chunxiang explained casually.

"Speaking of which, is this magic continuous tracking? If not, doesn't it mean she keeps moving?"

Dongma asked strangely.

For Dongma, it is not very difficult to track Oliana, but he does not understand the meaning of Chunxiang's so much trouble.

"No, as long as we can determine where she is in an instant, we will win! Although it is said that large-scale magic cannot be used here to avoid the excuses of outside surveillance magicians to intervene in the event. But as long as the moment of determining the position, directly Putting Oliana level and holding the Spike Hang Sword to tell everyone that the incident has been resolved, then naturally there is no excuse for continuing to interfere."

The confrontation between organizations and magicians is very similar to the confrontation between countries. It does not mean that you can shoot if you want to. All objective and subjective factors must be considered, otherwise the rules will be broken. People are usually treated as the first bird to be killed first.

"As for the problems that people on the scientific side will cause if they defeat the people on the magic side, they just need to use the'red style' and say that it was Steele who did it. Anyway, the British Puritanism is in control of one hundred and three thousand magic ways. Book, it’s not surprising to master some magic outside the religious system, and even the magic used by Steele himself is not counted in the system of the Cross."

Chunxiang said nonchalantly.

"Next, we just need to process the ingredients of the technique to make others look more like Western techniques."

"It's Chunxiang, really cunning-deceitful."

Dongma said with a chuckle.

"Hmph, compared to Dongma, I'm still a little bit worse."

Chunxiang fought back unwillingly, but was immediately suppressed by Dongma violently.

The body of the girl-spy was just outside the door of the bus by ya, and Steele, who was on the other side of the bus, did not notice what was happening here.

"In short, no matter who catches her and asks the location of Lidovia and their trading partner, it is better to kill her directly or destroy the Spike Hangjian, in short, just stop the transaction."

Steele concluded with a serious expression.

However, in fact, the other two people he was talking to were fighting frantically on the other side of the bus across the face.

Time passed quickly. The four pieces of paper quickly touched the pieces of paper left by Oliana. With a crisp "pop", the paper bounced, and then quickly constructed a sophisticated map. .

No, it's not so much a map as it is a high-imaging image.

Roads and buildings all the way to the greening and public facilities on the street, and then more detailed people...

In the center of that picture, Olianna suddenly raised her head!


In Chunxiang's body, the Dongma was stunned again.

At the same time, Stil was suddenly hit hard while casting the spell, and he curled up and fell to the ground.

"This difficult woman still leaves a trick at the end."

Dongma reluctantly ended the unhappy battle ahead of schedule. After helping Chunxiang tidy up his clothes, he went to check on Steele's situation.

"Damn, it's a countermeasure to tracking magic!"

Steele said as he coughed up blood.

"You still have the strength to talk nonsense, it seems you can't die for the time being."