Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2048

Just as Dongma was preparing for the next move, Oliana suddenly chuckled, and then disappeared in place.

The only thing left in the air was the work uniform that had no function at all.

"Do you use shadows? You have a lot of methods."

Dong Ma Tian smiled at Tian Zuichun, but Yu Wang in his eyes burned more vigorously.

"Of course, Big Sister was never interested in using the same technique!"

Oliana smiled with plenty of room.

"Modern magic, of course, includes magic. In fact, the foundation is based on the five elements. If you learn natural mystery at the top of alchemy, anyone can learn it. On the other hand, although the five elements of magic are easy to master and apply, they are also It’s also easy to be interpreted and counteracted by the opponent... So in the formal battle, my eldest sister’s technique will never be repeated. This is also what I set the "shorthand scripture" to be like a monthly calendar. the reason."

Oliana was full of self-confidence, even if she faced her true ancestor, she was subconsciously frightened, but she did not stop the smile on her face 420.

"Next, Master Zhenzu is ready to experience the skills of a little girl?"

Oliana pursed her mouth lightly, once again tore off the loose leaf of the shorthand original with the pair of Zhu Chun, and then spit it lightly on the ground.


The wind blew from behind Dongma, but it didn't make him move.


Then a huge pillar of fire rose from the ground, but the winter horse hit by the pillar of fire did not even burn even a corner of his clothes.

"It's useless, this level of flame will not be useful to you, let alone to me? If you want to kill me, can I trouble you for a while?"

Dongma sighed and shook his head reluctantly.

"Tsk, it really doesn't work... But after all, it's a strong man like you, no, it should be said that it is a male xing creature. It is impossible for a front xi of this degree to be weakened!"

Nodding her head as if taking it for granted, Olianna tore off a loose-leaf paper again.

X "Although the same kind of magic elder sister will not use it for the second time, the combination of the five elements of magic is not just a combination of five elements!" / ·

Oliana said confidently.

"It seems, at least you feel confident about your magic number..."

Dongma looked at the giant ru that was constantly shaking up and down because of the biting action, showing a satisfied and greedy look on Lan.

"of course……"

Olianna did not launch an attack directly this time. Instead, she used her pink head to lightly touch the long, right and wide sides of the loose-leaf paper.

"So, the, according to the concept of astrology, the constellation represented by the angle should be used to express the concept of power."

Dongma said with a chuckle.

"Yes, and not only did I use the theory of'the relationship between angle change and constellation", Big Sister, I also added the large number decomposition of the number of pages for encryption. So in fact, it's not that Big Sister doesn't want to use the same magic. It’s the magic once used, like a torn off monthly calendar, which cannot go back to the past."

This is the secret of Olianna's magic.

"It turns out that this is your limit. No matter how you try to stabilize the Magic Book, it will never stabilize. It will only repeat the actions of loss of control and self-destruction. My handwriting is so scribble that no one can understand it. So no matter from which aspect, I am a half-hearted stuff..."

Oliana seemed to laugh at herself, but she seemed to be showing off.

"But because of this, the eldest sister will continue to write magic books and produce new techniques. Knowing that she is half-hearted, knowing that once she stops, she will lose, so she will never stop! This is called... Forget your original intention, right?"

Oliana's mouth chun bit the loose-leaf paper, but she didn't tear it off directly, but smiled at Dongma in an unclear voice.

"Next, my magic is a symbol of wind described in red. The angle is zero degrees, and the total number of pages is 577. "Bright color cut", move it, even if you are the true ancestor, you will be broken into pieces! "

Olianna made a declaration.

"How do you think I will choose?"

Dong Ma still admired the beautiful body of the female delivery man with great interest, and seemed to have not heard the dangerous words she had just said.

"Even if you are the true ancestor of the immortal, you should know how to choose in this situation? Even if it is a monster, it hurts to break into pieces."

Oliana seemed very convinced of Dongma's choice.

"Young man, still too young!"

Dongma sneered, and then took a step forward.

It didn't show the speed of light, nor did it fiercely attack, but took a step forward in a bland way, just like walking and shopping.

However, what Dongma is about to enter this time is not a school or a store, but a Jedi that is enough for ordinary people to die 10,000 times!

Tens of thousands of vacuum knives fell from the sky, slashing towards Dongma in all directions without dead ends.

However, these vacuum blades, which can probably cut steel like a bean-fu, were wiped out as soon as they touched Dongma's body.

"True Ancestor, can you achieve this level?!"

Olianna stared at Dongma in horror, and her excitement made her already eye-catching double feng chan move more violently.

"No, even if your vacuum blade is the body of the true ancestor, it should be able to cut it easily. Although in fact it is not fatal to the true ancestor or even the ordinary dead, it can indeed cut the body of the vampire species. That's right."

Dongma chuckled as he walked forward.

"But ah, the characteristics of the'shorthand text' you mentioned just now have just become the weakness of your own magic."

Dongma laughed triumphantly.

Dongma's hand was less than an inch away from Oliana at this time, and her beautiful body was about to fall into Dongma's palm.

Chapter 2586 Trading Items That Doesn't Exist!

PS: Thank you "Taxue Wuhen" for the 1000vip reward!


It seemed very surprised. The vacuum blade that was clearly enough to cut off the special steel had no effect on Dongma.

"What? Haven't you figured it out yet?"

Dongma admired the expression of Luo woman in front of him with interest, and then continued to walk forward lightly.

"Remember what you said before, and completely expose your weaknesses!"

Dongma smiled triumphantly.
