Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2051

"Interesting woman, do you know what it means to dream of'making everyone happy'?"

Looking at the woman dreaming in front of him, Dongma showed a happy expression.

I really want to see what this woman looked like when she was abused...

Chapter 2588 Peter's Cross·Apostolic Cross!

PS: Feilu exploded today, and now the author has just been updated on the background, and I am actively seeking a wave of subscriptions~~~

Just when Dongma was about to follow Oliana, he received a call from Chunxiang.

"Huh? Actually, the Spiky Hangjian, a spiritual outfit, doesn't actually exist?"

Dong Ma asked with a weird look.

"Well, this is also often the case. In the experts of the British Museum, this phenomenon is usually called the'interlacing of inheritance'."

Chunxiang said with a wry smile.


Dongma chewed the word in a low voice.

"For example, the ground map of Nazca, the Moai statue of Easter Island, and the megalithic group in Britain are things that do not know the purpose of production."

Chunxiang explained.

"Key points."

Dong Ma reminded again.

"The point is that these original meanings are unknown, or some things with other meanings will be given some unfounded inheritance or mythology by later generations. The simplest example is the portrait of the Virgin!"

The portrait of the Virgin Mary 31 is actually forbidden in most formal Christian occasions, and of course it is very popular in private.

At the beginning, there were rumors that "the portrait of the Virgin will cry", and gradually evolved into "touch can heal wounds", "hang on the wall can eliminate evil spirits", even more than the "idol theory" can bear The scope of more and more "inheritance" is not even historically possible.

"Well, that is to say, although the so-called Spike Hanging sword was made by the ancestors before the Roman Orthodox Church, people did not know the meaning of making it later, so they gave it a "must be this" The reason' conclusion?"

Dongma asked suddenly.

"This kind of thing is actually very common everywhere in history, so no matter whether the Roman Orthodox side really doesn't know it, or intends to cover up the true purpose with the inheritance given later, in short, the piercing sword can directly kill all the saints. This ability does not actually exist."

However, Chunxiang did not show the slightest relief. Obviously, the possibility of trading the magic side'he weapon' in the science side base camp is no longer possible, but Chunxiang's expression has become more solemn.

"So, what is the real heritage of that thing?"

"Although the interlacing of history has made the error more and more serious, according to the news from there, there is probably no objection to this record."

Chunxiang sighed heavily.

"This thing is not a sword at all, but a cross... Locally, it is called the'Apostolic Cross'!"

"Peter's cross...?"

Dongma tried to recall religious knowledge that was not often used.

"Yes, even in the cross religion, the Apostle Cross is the highest-level spiritual outfit, and the level of danger is far higher than the so-called Spike Hang Sword, even if the power of that sword is as rumored."

Chunxiang explained seriously.

"Then what is the specific effect?"

Dongma asked curiously.

"Peter is one of the twelve apostles. According to legend, he is the gatekeeper in charge of the keys to the kingdom of heaven, but the Apostles Cross is based on another tradition..."

"Another heritage...could it be the origin of the Vatican?!"

Dongma asked in surprise.

"Yes, the current Holy See is built on the territory of Peter, the Holy See Vatican, itself is all of Peter's area..."

Chunxiang explained slowly.

"Of course, strictly speaking, it should be said at this time that the Holy See Vatican was established from Peter's legacy."

"The key question is how the Holy See was promised to be established in a war-torn country like Italy."

Chunxiang explained to Dongma almost questioning and answering herself.

"What the Roman Orthodox Church did at the time was very simple. It established Peter's cemetery in Peter's territory, and erected a cross on that cemetery!"

In other words, the Roman Orthodox Church established the Holy See here on the grounds that "This is Peter's cemetery, and we will manage it on his behalf."

Constantine the Great at that time gave a speech there and set up a church. In the Renaissance era, the church was expanded into a small country, the Vatican.

"St. Peter's Basilica, as the largest church in the world, is actually a sanctuary built on the cemetery of the dead."

Still, who didn't know when he rushed over, added ugly.

"Well, using the corpse of a saint to reinforce the majesty of the emerging church is indeed an effective method."

Dongma sneered.

"Yes, the'Land of the Saints' resting place' is of great significance both religiously and politically. For example, Canterbury Cathedral, the current base camp of the English Puritan Church, is because it thought the great archbishop, the Saint After Thomas Becket was killed for antagonizing the British King, the people became disgusted with the'Royal Family' because of this incident, and instead allowed the Royal Family 453 to recognize the independence and independence of the British Puritanism."

A native British Puritan priest, Steele sums it up authoritatively.

"I almost understand..."

Dongma directly interrupted Steele.

"To put it simply, according to the tradition, as long as the place where the Apostle’s cross is erected, it will become an area dominated by Roman Orthodoxy, not only physically, but even spiritually, politically, and even historically. Attached."

"In general, this is the case. As for the actual operation, I think it should be to turn everything that happens in the entire space into the benefit of Roman Orthodoxy."

Chunxiang hesitated and explained.

"For example?"

Dongma then asked.

"For example, if a Roman Orthodox believer comes here to bet on a boo, no matter what it is, they will definitely win, not the other people of the believer, even if they lose, they will think,'This is nothing, and I have experienced the fun of gambling."

Steele said with a sneer.

"That's it, it seems that everyone is happy on the surface, but in fact there are huge hidden problems!"