Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2064


Ignoring Olianna's cry, Dongma continued talking about his reasoning.

"Activating the Apostle Cross is probably to concentrate the stars in the sky on the ground. And the cross as a spiritual outfit is actually something like an antenna, just for receiving signals."

Of course, there are also spiritual outfits similar to the "Gun of Toravis Kabontic Utori" (the spiritual outfit used by the magician on the last day of summer vacation), which has nothing to do with day and night, and only focuses on the actual position of the constellations.

"Of course, the Apostle Cross must not be of any type, otherwise you will start it directly. So the Apostle Cross must be a magical outfit that uses constellation graphics. And the reason why you are walking around in the academy city alone is just looking for' The best place to erect the antenna."

"Although Master Dongma makes a lot of sense, you may not know much about cross magic. What you just said, the so-called'use the geometric figures of the constellations to activate magic' itself has several contradictions."

After being silent for a while, Oliana seemed to finally find the lou hole in Dongma's words and smiled triumphantly.

"Oh? Then you go to elaborate?"

While saying this, Dongma continued to study Oliana's beautiful body in detail.

"First of all, you should know that the so-called Apostles Cross is something that Peter created the'primitive church' after Peter died. The opportunity to produce this spiritual outfit is'when Peter died' or after..."

Having said this, Dong Ma already understood what she wanted to express.

Peter was killed in the middle of the first century. Constantine approved the construction of St. Peter's Basilica by the Cross in the fourth century. France actually enshrined the territory to the church in the eighth century... The time gap here is really too much. It's huge.

Although it is the Apostolic Cross representing the "Tomb of Peter", the Vatican on June 29, where Peter died, is completely different from the starry sky of August and September in Japan.

Because there is something called "latitude and longitude" on the round earth.

Chapter 2601 The magical outfit that dominates the world!

PS: Thanks for the monthly ticket support of "fwd_1995".

"There is another question. Why do you think I should bring an unusable Spirit Apparatus into this scientific base camp?"

Oliana adjusted her breathing and then asked back.

"Obviously, you have found the conditions to overcome the latitude and longitude problem, but you still need to find specific places."

Dongma replied in time.

"In short, since the constellation is to be used, it must be done when the first to third magnitude stars are clearly visible."

The current time is four o'clock in the afternoon. In Japan in late September, the sunset time is about seven o'clock.

Considering that the stars sometimes start to shine before sunset, there will be an opportunity for the Apostle Cross to start at 6 o'clock in the afternoon.

"Although Big Sister has to admit that your reasoning is close to the truth. But you still have to find Sister Lidovia first, right?"

Oliana said with a chuckle suddenly.

"Yes, before that, I have to find the best place to erect the antenna."

Dongma said with a chuckle.

"How does the big sister feel, you seem to be very confident?"

Oliana gently stroked Dongmanaxiong's muscles with her hand, and asked with a puzzled expression.

"Of course, because you seem to have overlooked a very critical issue, so I am not worried about that thing will start."

Dongma smiled confidently.


Oliana replied non-committal.

"Then, what are you going to do next? Although I know the contact information of Sister Lidovia, if the prudent person notices something, he should cut off the contact and run away alone."

Oriana said affirmatively.

"It doesn't matter, you just have to act according to your behavior pattern under normal circumstances."

After patted Meiyan's buttocks, Dongma got up and ended the "punishment".

Soon, the two got on the automatic bus together.

However, because it is an automatic bus, in the peak area, the vehicle suddenly stopped on the road because of the excessive number of people and luggage on the bus.

"It seems that we can only get out of the car and walk."

Dongma laughed, put his arms around Oliana, and stepped onto the asphalt road that was scorching hot by the scorching sun.

As the day was sinking, Dongma and Oliana wandered on the darkening street.

"Speaking of it, we seem to have said before that the reason why you walked around on the street with a fake apostle cross may be to find the best place to place the apostle cross... Then the act of'walking' itself has a certain What is the meaning of?"

Dongma asked suddenly.

"Stars do not exist only at night, but it is difficult for human eyes to observe their positions during the day."

With that said, Dongma raised his head and looked at the orange sky.

"As long as the date and coordinates are confirmed, the arrangement of the stars can be inferred with certainty. Even without any tools, knowledge and reality can be combined..."

Of course, Dongma doesn't even need to perform silent calculations, and can draw conclusions instantly.

"But ah, even a little bit of coordinate deviation, the observed constellation pattern will be biased, even a little bit, it will affect the magic."

Oliana tried to retort.

Dong Ma did not respond to her words because his cell phone rang suddenly.

"Osola? How's it going?"

Dong Ma asked straightforwardly.

"Master Dongma, I found some new materials from the library here... I get along well with everyone from the British Puritan Church. Before that, Miss Shenli took me to a delicious Japanese restaurant. Listen Speaking of Amakusa-style people, in the Japanese Street in the manager’s London..."

Obviously at the beginning of talking about serious things, Osola used the magical "natural gas field" to change the topic to daily chat in an instant.

"Don't ignore my question..."

Dongma interrupted lightly.

"Hmm, it is indeed a very valuable piece of information."

If there was no topic of that Japanese restaurant before, Osola's words might still be somewhat credible.

"The conditions for the use of the Apostles' Cross are already known from a diary."