Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2073


Dongma said casually, and took the hot napkin.

However, compared to the hot napkins handed over by his family, Dongma is more concerned about the girl who ran back in a panic and the conversation with her companions.

"Wuhe, what did your adult say?"


"Idiot, the important thing now is to proceed step by step!"


The strange conversation made Dongma couldn't help but smile.

"What's the matter with them?"

Looking at the Amakusa-style people who seem to be dining elsewhere, Mai asked strangely.

"It seems to be a special magical exercise of Amakusa style. It takes special etiquette to eat specially made dishes."

Osola explained naturally.

"Well, in the Amakusa style, even sleeping, washing and walking, you need to use special religious rituals, and eating will naturally be limited."

Inticus nodded.

"Anyway, it's a group of troublesome guys."

Dongma summed it up, and then greeted everyone to enjoy the dishes made by Osola's novice.

"Dongma Dongma, where are we going to play next?"

Intiqs, who quickly wiped out the food, asked intently.

"Yes, yeah, the beauty of overseas travel-good memories have not yet been created!"

Mai also said with a look of longing.

"Speaking of which, the World Heritage Site 20 kilometers away should be a must-see."

Osola was quickly swayed by Mai and Intic Ribbon.

"Although I haven't communicated with the tour guide, the destination of this trip should be Venice... But the tour guide seems to be unable to work normally today."

Mai was disappointed and glanced at Dongma reproachfully.

"In short, although it has shortcomings such as heavy air and expensive rent, it is indeed a water capital with such reputations as the'Queen of the Adria Sea' and the'Bride of the Adria Sea'."

Osola concluded.

"The prefix of the Adriatic Sea, isn't it a bit more?"

Dongma asked casually.

"Because in ancient times, Venice was the ruler of the Adriatic Sea, and there was even a national sacrificial ceremony every year. At that time, the governor would throw the golden ring into the sea to symbolize the marriage ceremony between Venice and the Adriatic Sea."

Most maritime countries have similar traditions. After all, the ancient oceans were not as "harmless" as they are now.

By the way, Italy at that time was the same as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. In fact, there were countless small countries and city-states, and it was time for reunification in modern times.

While listening to Osola's explanation, Dongma's hand also passed under the dining table and grabbed the beggar under the nun.

With a strange cry, Orsola continued, blushing.

"The strength of Venice at the time was considered a relatively powerful military state among the Italian states (because it controlled part of the maritime trade), so it hated the Roman Orthodox religion from abroad, and even almost declared war. Of course, it was actually called the'enemy of Rome.' 'This country did not really go to war with the Holy See, but continued to prosper. In the fourteenth century, Padua, Mestre and Venice were the main powers that suppressed Northern Italy in the fourteenth century. Stay in history."

The explanation of Osola's "teacher" made Mai, a historical novice, constantly exclaimed.

"Chioggia used to be in a hostile relationship with Venice. After all, they were so close and they were all maritime nations... At that time, Italy had many countries that traded in salt and foreign goods to maintain the economy similar to Venice, but in the end, because of various The reason, only Venice is left."

This is the end of Osola's history lectures.

"So, no matter what, the next target is Venice."

Dongma concluded.

"Yes, there are not only a lot of scenic spots, but also a lot of knowledge about cross religion."

Osola, who is a cross, said so.

"Moreover, in all of Italy, there is only Venice that can remove vehicles and maintain traffic."

Of course, the most important thing is that although Chioggia has civilian motorboats, there are no special sightseeing boats.

So, under the confusion of sightseeing (food?), Mai and Inticus immediately began to organize the items to be packed.

Because Amakusa-style, they have helped finish a few rooms, so Mai and Inticus started to help from the dining room.

Dongma still didn't do anything, just sitting while tasting the black tea, watching Mai and the other women busy there with sweat and clothes getting dirty.

In this case, beautiful women will have some different styles.

Just as Dongma expressed similar feelings in his heart, Indix had already started to complain.

"The monastic uniform has become so dirty!"

Only one pair of Intiqs said loudly.

"Moving was originally such a job."

Mai said without raising her head.

"Oh, oh, the work is almost done, why don't we go inside and get a shower?"

Osola patted the dust on the monastic uniform, and the huge fierce part shook constantly with the action.

But before the words were finished, a huge cloud of dust fell from the lampshade on the ceiling and hit Orsola's head.

"...Alright, let's come together!"

The casual Orsola, pushing Mai and Inticus from behind, with a dusty head, walked towards the Yu room inside.

Chapter 2610 Sniper in the night!

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket support of "Take Shishishi", "grt", "Yechen Xingyue" and "1996".

"Sure enough, girls still care about sweat and dirt..."