Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2084

Wuhe girl xiu blushed and groaned.

"Well, although the fighting ratio between the two sides is a bit disparity, but... forget it."

Originally, Dongma didn't expect to rely on Amakusa's help, but he now cares more about Agnes who is trapped on the flagship of the Queen of Adria.

"Tongma, what do you seem to want to say?"

While controlling the movement of Sister Big Stomach, Mai noticed Dongma's expression.

"That, let me do it."

Angelina did not know when she followed Rukia to appear beside Dongma.

"Huh! Dongma is really that winter horse. If you act alone with a girl, even the sincere nun will not let it go!"

Inticus whispered.

"Sister Inticus, can I think you are jealous?"

Rukia, who protects Angelina like a mother, immediately ridiculed Chun after hearing this.

As if showing off something, he deliberately used his hand to pull the monastic clothes that had just been torn by Dongma and then sewn with needles.

"Yes, damn!"

Inticus opened her mouth furiously.

"I said you, a relapsed nun, why are you angry because of other people's affairs, but bite my head!"

Attempts to grab the rodents from their heads, but as always, they did not succeed.

"I don't care, I must kill you this time!"

Indikes grabbed Mai and bit, and the scene where two beautiful girls rolled together in a ball together made it impossible to look away.

"Well, Sister Yanis is still on the dangerous flagship, please listen to me..."

However, the small-scale sao chaos gradually expanded to the Gowa Maiden, Osola, and even Rukia, so that no one was listening to what she said.

Later, Dongma and others followed the Amakusa-style disembarkation and disembarkation ashore.

Of course, it won't be something with a big goal like getting on and off the ship, just a small canoe made by a similar method.

After Dongma and others came ashore, the small wooden boat melted into the sea like ordinary paper.

"This is where?"

Although this is also land, it is obviously not the place where they boarded the boat just now.

"It seems to be Sotomarina, which is also the area near Chioggia, but unlike the central area where I live, it is a neighboring area by the sea."

Osola looked at it and explained.

"Although I know it will be safer to follow Master Dongma, since Sister Yanis wants to gather everyone, then I must return to her too!"

Rukia expressed her attitude as soon as she landed ashore.

"Don't worry about it, even if you go now, they will only make Agnese's condition more severe when they are highly vigilant. So, wait a minute and have dinner first."

Dongma patted the nun's Luo's exposed back under restraint.

"Yes, I understand."

Facing reddening, Rukia and Angelina looked at each other before agreeing to stay.

In the chaotic night, everyone did not have time to eat dinner, so with the Adriatic Sea in the dark night as the background, the Amakusa-style people started cooking preparation and cooking with camping equipment.

Although the rituals and rituals peculiar to Amakusa style make the cooking process seem a bit redundant and strange, it is still working.

As for the unemployed, apart from Dongma, there are only Indikes and Angelina who look very small.

"People, people, prefer caramel cocoa to coffee and black tea."

Perhaps it was because of being hungry, Angelina proudly introduced her favorite drink.

"Sister Angelina, as a nun who serves God, it is not good for you to be obsessed with sweets."

Rukia, who just helped carry the ingredients and charcoal, immediately took the time to knock Angelina on the head.

"It doesn't matter. In my opinion, most nuns are of this type."

With that said, Dongma glanced aside at Inticus who looked away awkwardly.

As for Orsola on the other side, it seemed that he hadn't noticed the unfolding on this side at all, eating the raw ham directly from the cutting board.

"So, the nuns in spiritual practice are not enough to serve as a sample for discussion!"

Although Rukia wanted to refute loudly, the surrounding "pig teammates" had directly turned her words extremely weak.

"Master Dongma."

Wuhe girl also handed a warm towel to Dongma at the dinner.

"Five Harmony, it's not enough to harm xiu so much. Now I'm just facing these nuns. If you then face your ex-pope, what should you do?"

Dongma laughed loudly without regard to the girl's flushed face.

Chapter 2620 The ancient art of destroying Venice!

PS: Thanks for the monthly support of "hs_x:shsb" and "Kiyu Non-pastry".

After dinner, it was naturally a formal combat meeting.

"First of all, the fleet that Yanis and the others are in should be the Queen's fleet guarding the Queen of the Adriatic Sea, right?"

Inticus asked with a serious expression on her face when she was off the line during the meal.

"how do you know?!"

Rukia and Angelina asked in surprise immediately.

You know, even these two Roman Orthodox Christians only learned of these things when the Queen's fleet served their sentence.

How could Inticus, who was a British Puritan nun from beginning to end, know?If she knows all, does it mean that the deployment of the Roman Orthodox Church has been completely exposed to the British Puritan Church as a direct competitor?

A series of questions made the two nuns who had no professional qualities in this aspect show a panic look.

"That's not the point. Anyway, you are not considered to be Roman Orthodox people anymore."