Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2085

Dongma said with a chuckle.

It was not because they were convicted, nor because they were against their church members.These are common occurrences in the Roman Orthodox church with many factions.

"As my dependent, just follow my orders well."

Dongma said with a smile.

"Dependent? Is that the weird thing you did before?"

Angelina tilted her head strangely.

"Sister Angelina, as the lamb of God, how can she say such dirty words!"

Rukia screamed, flushing, and pressed Angelina's head down.

"I said, although you know that your relationship is extraordinary, can you return to the topic now?"

Jian Gong talked aside silently.

"Well, um, it's just that we don't know exactly what the Queen of the Adria Sea is, whether it is a facility or a magic ritual, we only know that it is a very powerful thing."

Angelina said carefully.

It is also true that they, who are purely laborers, will naturally not be told more core things.

"Speaking of which, what kind of labor are you doing?"

Dongma suddenly thought of something and asked.

"Our job is to extract the wind from the sea."

Angelina answered honestly.

"Wind? If it's the wind on the magic level, it should be the wind among the four basic elements. If you want to pull away from that... Is it to create an unstable environment on purpose?"

While answering for Dongma, Indix raised further new questions.

"I don't know this. I only know that although the frigate is made of ordinary sea water, there should be other auxiliary techniques."

Rukia shook her head and said helplessly.

"Speaking of which, the Queen of the Adriatic Sea, isn't it an alias for Venice? Does this fleet have anything to do with Venice?"

The Wuhe girl, who had been working hard to pour water for Dongma tea, suddenly raised a question.

"It should be the inheritance of magic related to Venice. After all, Venice had a very famous period of antagonism with the Roman Orthodox Church, which is also in the Italian Federal District, in history."

Orsola took a bite of bacon and said vaguely.

"Independent-independent spirit?"

A trace of disdain appeared on Dongma's face.

Venice at that time was originally a city-state composed of mourning dogs whose homeland was dominated by others. Whether it was the Holy See or the Byzantine Empire, any country that wanted to annex Venice was unreservedly hostile by Venice.

"Even at the end of the ninth century, the Venetian merchant once brought the remains of St. Mark (one of the twelve apostles) into Venice, claiming to the outside world'in order to protect the resting place of the saints', trying to fight against the Vatican who had the same claims."

Upon hearing this, Rukia also nodded in approval.

"Yes, because of the trade in salt and foreign goods, Venice has gained huge wealth. France and Genoa are no exception. The neighboring countries such as Padua and Chioggia have gradually been suppressed by them militarily. In the end, it became a maritime power that was obviously close to Rome, but did not respect the orders of the Pope.

Angelina seemed to have finished the dinner on the plate, and then Rukia added.

"Venice's momentum caused the pope to expel them from the church several times. Of course, for a country that is fully economically and militaryly strong and powerful, this level of attack does not even count as tickles (although for For other European countries in the Middle Ages, it was almost equivalent to the death penalty)."

After looking at the side and making sure that there was no extra food, Intix continued with Angelina's words.

"At that time, the Roman Orthodox Church felt threatened, so in order to be able to wipe out the heathen country of Venice, the'Adriatic Queen' was built. Because the flagship has a large-scale art for the city level, it is naturally impossible. Equipped with anti-ship defensive techniques, so the Queen Fleet came into being."

After listening to Inticus' explanation, Jian Gong shook his head in confusion.

"But can these old antiques really work?"

"The'Queen of the Sea of ​​Adria' is a large-scale technique that can only be used against Venice, because the Orthodox Church of Rome is also worried that if it is taken away by the enemy, it will turn against itself."

Inticus added.

"What are they trying to do? Wipe Venice off the map?"

Angelina turned pale with horror.

"However, Rome and Venice are at odds, at least a few hundred years ago, or even a thousand years ago. Now as a different city in a unified country, why does the Roman Orthodox Church want to destroy this place?"

Osola asked suspiciously.

"Maybe there is some significance, so that they will not hesitate to take out antiques that have been dusted for thousands of years to attack Venice."

Dongma's summary made the scene fall silent for a while.

Generally speaking, the purpose of producing such strategic weapons is nothing more than to demonstrate authority.

But as the world's number one religious power and magic sect, it seems that there is no need to do such meaningless actions.

Chapter 2621 Ancient weapons that destroy civilization!

"Since the Roman Orthodox Church has done this, there are reasons why it must be done."

Dongma took the topic into a new level.

"Could it be the Apostles Cross incident?"

Wuhe, who was very quiet on the side, suddenly uttered a word that made everyone discolored.

"It was the topmost spiritual outfit of the Roman Orthodox Church, but in the end not only the spiritual outfit was lost, but the mission was not completed. Using the Queen's fleet under anxiety is not incapable of understanding that stupid mortal mentality."

Dongma sneered disdainfully.

The more you are in a high position, the more powerful you are, the less one will allow yourself to fail.

Even if it really fails, it must be recovered as quickly as possible.

What's more, the failure of the use of the Apostle Cross means a major failure from the magic side to the science side. It is to ask if the biggest trump card of the Roman Orthodox Church is useless for the Academy City, what should be used against the Academy City?

"But even if there is any action, why must it be Venice?"

Mai asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, the function of the Queen of the Adria Sea is only destruction, from civilization to real objects, directly destroying a city... Apart from that, there should be no other value-creating functions."