Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2088

"Although it is a seemingly insidious tactic, if my judgment is correct, the bishop of the Roman Orthodox Church should not care about the attack here."

The arrogance of the Roman Orthodox Church, especially the arrogance of the Queen's Fleet Admiral, Dongma has been able to fully judge.

After Rukia and the others managed to escape, they had not set up corresponding prevention measures.31

Obviously knowing that Chioggia has appeared in the British Puritan team, but only sent two or three cats and dogs to sniper, it can be seen that he did not pay attention to other people from his bones.

"After all, the opponent is the opponent of the bishop's class. You can't underestimate the enemy."

Rukia reminded seriously.

"Of course, I don't think he can be stupid enough to think that our attack will stop at the periphery, so they should have started searching the surrounding waters now."

Dongma said with a sneer.

"Will you find us..."

Before Jian Gong was finished, Dong Ma was interrupted unceremoniously.

"Of course you will find that since you have searched for the surface of the sea, you will naturally look for it under the surface, so the upper and lower ship should have been discovered."

Dongma said with certainty.

"In other words, has the role of you bait in the palace construction completed?"

Osola asked expectantly.

"Now, the other party should have attacked them with underwater weapons similar to torpedoes."

However, the life and death of Jian Palace were not taken care of by Dong Ma. Since this kind of combat was proposed, there would naturally be a way to escape.

The key question now is...

"Are you ready? Now, it's time for us to play!"

Following hundreds of fire ships, Dongma's ship also approached a frigate.

From the very beginning, whether it is a fire ship or an embarkation ship that is submerged by Jian Gong, it is a trap for you to lead the enemy to move in the wrong direction.

The core of the real plan is to send the ship that Dongma and the others are riding to next to the enemy ship.

"Then next, we only need to do the simplest thing, to directly defeat the opponent's core!"

Dongma smiled coldly.

"The location of the flagship...found it!"

Rukia and Angelina looked around and quickly found the location of the flagship.

Well, even after a dozen ships, the giant ship that is several times larger than the other frigates can be seen by an individual as the flagship Adria Queen.

"I will build a bridge between the ship and the ship, and then I will ask you all to make a yellow long!"

Halfway through the words of Wuhe who followed, Dongma and another female voice interrupted.

"However, I don't think the other party will let us pass so easily."

Dongma said nonchalantly.

At the same time, the sound similar to the built-in broadcast on the ship echoed in the night sky.

"The 29th, 34th, and 47th ships, all members retreat immediately, and our fleet will sink the above three ships with all their strength!"

"Sure enough, it was discovered."

Dongma said with a smile.

"...Before the enemy destroys this ship, we have to speed up our action!"

Wuhe's face was startled, but then he glanced at the Dongma next to him, and then felt relieved.

Slender hand grabbed a bundle of paper and spilled it around.

In an instant, it was like peng swelling after the air was heated, and an arched wooden bridge connecting this ship and other ships was quickly formed.

However, the opponent's magical attack is definitely not slow, almost at the same time as the bridge is formed, invisible artillery fire has enveloped the ice ship they are on.



The continuous sound of cannons emanated from the deck, the outer wall of the ship, and the sea near the ship. The huge multilateral impact made the originally sturdy magic ship look like a small sailboat in a storm, and could only sway helplessly. With.

However, under the protection of Dongma’s blood fog, everyone was not impacted. Even the bridge exposed to the intensive artillery fire did not receive a single attack. The people boarded safely and came on smoothly. On another boat.

Of course, the enemy won't let it go. Just as Dongma and others stepped on the deck of another ship, dozens of nuns with various weapons rushed to Dongma and others to gather.

"It turns out that in addition to the use of free labor, these 373 people can also withstand the enemy's attack. No wonder there are so few people in the management."

Looking at the huang-colored sleeves and skirts on these nuns, Dong Ma suddenly said.

"These people are from the Sisters of Agnes?!"

Osola instantly recognized the identities of the nuns. Those huang-colored costumes had obvious holes, and they should be restrained.

"It seems that those management should hide in a safe place."

Inticus said so.

"I said, you should know the current situation of Yanis, can't you help us?"

Mai asked in a loud voice.

"It's a pity that the work of serving God cannot be mixed with personal feelings."

The headed nun shook her head.

"Obvious lie... but that's probably the only thing the nuns can do for Agnes."

Dongma let out a sigh.

If she turns back at this time, I am afraid that Yanis, who is next to the opposing commander, will die immediately.

So all they can do is to delay time here.

Chapter 2624 board the flagship!

PS: Thanks for the monthly support of "Lelouch V. Britannia".