Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2134

2.3 million vs. 2 billion, you can know which side is at a disadvantage with your toes.

Therefore, normal people would think that the current situation was provoked by the inferior school city in order to restore the situation.

Human heart is such a thing.

"Then what do you want to do?"

Dongma asked with a chuckle.

"About this, let me explain, Master Dongma."

Chunxiang's voice came from the woods behind the bench, and the graceful figure appeared in front of Dongma along with the shadow under the tree.

Chapter 2665 The death of the pro-ship!

PS: Thanks for the monthly support of "Lelouch V. Britannia" and "Wuyi".

"Chunxiang, is this your sponsor too?"

Seeing Chunxiang appearing at this time, he thought of the identity of the council member of the academy city in front of him, and Dongma suddenly asked strangely.

"Are you finished?"

Chunxiang shook her head lightly, then turned to ask about the middle of the boat.

"It's almost done, I'll leave it to you next."

The pro-boat nodded softly.

"So, are you ready?"

Chunxiang asked again. From Dongma's point of view, her face was extremely solemn at this time, even if the same light fu smile still hung on her beautiful face.

"I was ready yesterday..."

The pro-ship showed a relieved expression.

"That's fine."

Chunxiang nodded, and then took out a women's pistol from behind. The mini-caliber could not hide its deadly threat.


Gunshots sounded, but the three people present stood there as if it were taken for granted, and did not show any panic and unnaturalness after an incident like "a shooting occurred."

With a smile at the corner of his mouth, the pro-ship fell slowly to the ground in 867.

"Tell me, what is the situation?"

Don't care about the woman who fell on the ground with blood constantly popping out of her mouth, Dongma looked at Chunxiang.

"In a very simple situation, our boss is the general council, and if the goal is also a member of the general council, doesn't it mean that the general council itself is not unified at all?"

Chunxiang said naturally.

"Of course I know this, but do I need to kill this woman just because of different opinions?"

In Dongma's view, this woman does not have such a huge energy and influence at all.

But obviously, in the eyes of other people in charge of the board, this seemingly simple woman is not a negligible figure.

"Of course, those people at the upper level hope to use this incident to uproot another scientific organization called the Roman Orthodox Church in the name of religion. If the pro-ship directors destroy it, it will damage it. A large number of people... well, a large number of high-level academies’ interests."

Chunxiang explained ironically.

"Intensified war...must...stop it!"

The pro-ship spit out these words with difficulty and determination.

"However, if I alone say that, I cannot refute the opinions of the other eleven people and the chairman. That's why I want to contact people who can truly solve the status quo."

With a pleading gaze, the pro-boat looked at the only person she thought could change the status quo.

"This kind of contact will inevitably be exposed, so in order not to affect my family, I must block the mouths of the other eleven people while making contact!"

The pro ship said categorically.

"That's why I entrusted Chunxiang..."

Dongma did not comment on the best choice for the pro-ship.

After all, the power he and this woman possess is completely incomparable on the same level.

"So don't blame her, because she just received my commission."

The pro ship said sincerely.

"Then leave it to me next, anyway, you will be dying, I think what you want most to hear is the sentence I want to say next... rest assured."

Chunxiang said lightly.

The pro-ship smiled at the most, and left the world where she gave her life.

"Where are we going next?"

Dongma gently closed the eyes of the pro-ship.

"Let’s talk on the way, now the airport of the 23rd School District is ready for special planes, and we really don’t have enough time now."

Chunxiang seemed to be anxious.

"Don't worry, you should know my strength. Even the most advanced passenger aircraft cannot move faster than my own."

Dongma said with a sneer.

"That seems to be right, but because I also need to go over and do something here, so let's ask Master Dongma to go up with me~"

Chunxiang hugged Dongma's arm and said in a jiao tone.

"Alright, anyway, for such a long journey, I don't bother to take a trip myself, just to try and see what kind of newest Xueyuan City passenger plane looks like."

At the same time, Dongma did not forget another thing.

"Hey, is it Agnes?"

Taking out his cell phone, Dong Ma once again gave Yanis at the execution stand.

"Yes, it's me Yanis, Master Dongma."