Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2142

The people in the chaotic crowd just felt a gust of wind blowing.


But even if they subconsciously pass through such puzzled thoughts, violent people have no chance to stop and think about this issue.

But Dongma stopped midway.

Not because of the crowds, but because the phone in Wuhe's pocket rang.

"Hello? Chunxiang?"

I glanced at the number displayed on it, it was the number Chunxiang used in France that I told Wuhe just now.

"Master Dongma? That's great. I wanted to confirm your situation with Wuhe."

Chunxiang said in a delighted voice.

"Confirm the situation... Did you also move on your side?"

Listening to the noisy voice on the phone, Dongma instantly made a judgment.

"Yes, but here is going smoothly towards the Papal Palace. After all, the place where the C document is most likely to be there."

Chunxiang replied.

"Sure enough, your goal is also there... From the beginning, the goal was Avignon."

Dongma nodded.

"Do you already know it? It seems that you have encountered the Amakusa-style five-harmony."

It seems that on the other side of the phone, Chunxiang is holding back the sound of snickering.

"I think you are itchy! You dare to calculate your master, I will take care of you when I get back!"

Dongma threatened viciously.

"Then you are here!"

Chunxiang fought back with a tone of "who is afraid of whom".

"Little lang hoof!"

Dongma cursed in a low voice, in exchange for a bewildering lang smile on the other side.

"But for a crowd of that level, did you just rush in?"

Dong Ma suddenly thought of the scene of a young girl with a fiery figure squeezing around in the crowd, and suddenly frowned.

"No, there are too many people here. Even if I want to force a breakthrough, maybe I will be discovered by the guards on the side of the Papal Palace, and the effect of secret action will not be achieved by then."

Chunxiang seemed very upset about this.

"Anyway, let's meet first, where are you?"

Dongma asked.

"I don't know, I only know that there are bao moves everywhere. It is better to wait in one place and wait for the bao move to pass."

Chunxiang suggested.

"But you'd better not be so optimistic. In case it is the bao movement formed under the effect of the C document, the bao movement will only intensify before the Roman Orthodox Church achieves its goal."

Dongma denied Chunxiang's optimistic view.

"Master Dongma, is there any way?"

Chunxiang asked for help.

"Of course there is."

Dongma replied positively.

"In fact, as long as we think in reverse, if we don't go to the Papal Palace, don't we need to solve the problems we are facing now?"

Dongma smiled and gave an unexpected answer.

"I've heard Wuhe said, why does Avignon attach so much importance to this incident?"

Dongma then asked rhetorically.

"Is it because the Vatican equipment can be remotely controlled to launch the C document?"

Chunxiang replied after thinking about it.

"Yes, so just cut off the'pipe' connecting the two places? In this case, no matter what the C document is, it can't be activated anymore."

Dongma surely said...

"In this case, the place where the'pipe' passes halfway is nearby."

Chunxiang immediately thought about it.

"That's the best. The next action is to cut off the'pipe' first, and then take them in one pot before the enemies in the Papal Hall are discovered."

Dongma concluded.

"But the crux of the problem is that I am not worried about the battle. After all, there is Master Dongma you are here. However, the point is that we don’t know who is using the C document. If before we enter, the other party will act in advance to change the C document. Hidden away, it will be very difficult for us to find."

Chunxiang raised her concerns.

"Forget it, anyway, blocking the C document first is the point."

Dong Ma gave the answer simply and roughly.

Hanging up, Dongma and Wuhe passed through a residential area.

"Where are your companions? Haven't you arrived yet?"

Dongma asked strangely.

"Although we have made emergency contact, the assembly can only be completed tomorrow at the earliest. After all, this is France, not Japan."

Amakusa, which has an absolute geographical advantage in Japan, can only act like ordinary people in France, a foreign country.

"Then just follow the location given by Chunxiang just now."

With that said, Dongma picked up Wuhe again and passed through the dense crowd.