Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2165

Mai Ye urged impatiently.

"Didn't no one chase you? Or did you meet Emperor Yuangen again?"

Dongma asked with interest.

"No, just a little chore..."


"Someone is dead, and you need to deal with it... Hamami should have told you, right? You members of lower-level organizations, this kind of chores is your main job."

Mai Ye said coldly.

At the same time, Yuriko, who had just arrived in the Thirteenth School District, also encountered unexpected obstacles.

Chapter 2692 Incinerator!

"Are you block?"

About three kilometers away from the satellite antenna, Yuriko was stopped by an invisible man.

"No, we are a member..."

Facing the former first place in the Academy City, the man seemed to be very relaxed.

"Tsk, did another one pop up? What's going on today? Have all five secret organizations come out to party?"

Yuriko sneered.

"That said, the first party will pass...Miss. Although our purpose is different from theirs, can you please not destroy the satellite's ground antenna?"

The man asked with a wry smile.

"You hide your head and show your tail so well, I don't feel the sincerity of your negotiation at all."

Although it can be said that he is a man from the sound, in Yuriko's field of vision, in front of him, there is only a deserted area.

It should be stealth ability or technology similar to optical camouflage.Yuriko guessed so.

"No way, after all, the opponent is a strong like you, we little characters have to be more cautious."

The man still seemed to be smiling wryly, and it sounded like he was giving up.

"What I mean by this is...Do you think you can beat me by being more careful?!"

There was a cruel smile on Yuriko's face.


An unannounced storm erupted from around Yuriko's body, and under such a storm without dead ends, even an invisible and transparent person would not be spared.


A painful whine sounded from the edge of the storm.

At the same time, the figure that appeared in the deserted area was a man with severe bruises on his side waist and right leg.

The down jacket she was wearing was smashed into pieces on one side, and blood-stained down was scattered around with the storm.

But strangely, in front of that man, there was another man who was also seriously injured.

Judging from the clothes he was wearing, it was probably the security guard nearby, who was probably alarmed by the voice just now.

"So that's it, those with spatial abilities who can only move behind the person are really boring abilities, even LV4 can't reach it!"

Yuriko sarcastically said mercilessly.

"You can't even calculate the theoretical value of your own 11-dimensional space, and you cannot move without others' coordinates. This kind of excellent ability is really a waste of you!"

"You, a woman who is easily defeated, are not qualified to say me! In short, the doctor asked me to stop you here, you can't take a step forward!"

The man shouted angrily.

"What gives you the courage that makes you feel like you can stop this lady?!"

Yuriko couldn't help but sneer.

"My code name is Blind Spot Movement. Would you care about the lives of the hostages? Don't be kidding! If you didn't care about the safety of the hostages, you wouldn't have rushed over to cut off the ground antenna! When you show up here, you will be stopped by me. The best proof!"

The blind spot moved with a triumphant smile.

" still don't understand the aesthetics of villains..."

Yuriko shook his head and sighed slightly.

"Huh! Bluff! Faced with this situation, even you are helpless!"

The blind spot moved and smiled triumphantly.

"Indeed, this situation is not very interesting."


"Since it's boring, let this situation end sooner!"

Yuriko sneered, then rushed to the blind spot.

Through vector calculation, Yuriko's movement speed at this time is probably a little faster than the speed of sound.

Although it is a very slow speed for Dongma, for the person with the most lv4 ability in front of him, it is a super high speed that cannot be reacted at all.

Naturally without any suspense, he hijacked the security guard to move, and was directly knocked to the ground by Yuriko.

After rolling for about dozens of laps, it stopped at a distance of about 20 meters.

"Yes, damn..."

He coughed up blood in his mouth, but there was no time to wipe it, so he could only scrambled and jumped up, and then looked around in a panic.

"Why? Who else do you want to move behind? Don't worry, no matter how you escape, in the next moment, I will tear you apart!"

Yuriko walked into the opponent with a grinning grin...

"Let you have a good understanding of what kind of existence the so-called super evil party really is! Stupid!"

Slender fingers directly poke the center of the eyebrows moving in the blind spot, and the unknown dark tissues can easily damage a person.

On the other side, Dongma found Mai Ye, and then took a corpse-burning chore from her.