Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2172

But at least Dongma understood that at this time, the bid ended and entered the secret cell where her "companion" was being held.

The voice calling her name can be heard clearly even through the mobile phone Dongma, but the result at this time can only be relentlessly retching, and there is no extra energy to look up at the surroundings.

Shouyan walked in slowly, and the knot could only support his body, holding the flashlight and staggering to his feet.

"Hide behind!"

Although it was obviously not clear who it was, since they were all their own companions, the bidding still tried their best to protect them.

"I probably understood your thoughts. Since there is no way to break the'windowless building' from the outside, it is indeed a pretty good idea to enter the interior through me and then blow it up from the inside out."

Jie Biao said with a sneer.

"It seems you want to have a good talk?"

Shouyan asked slightly unexpectedly.

"Did you hear me clearly? I'm talking about'ideas' instead of'methods', because it just stays in your self-knowledge, not objective facts."

The smile of the bid was full of disdain and mockery.

"Your so-called plan, as long as the ability of the space system can meet the conditions for entering Aleister base camp, do you think that with Aleister's cautious style, there will be no protection against this?"

Obviously, the answer is no.

"Indeed, killing the monster Aleister is not an easy task."

Hand salt paused.

"But, what if our goal is to support his current life activities?"

Shouyan's speech made Jie Biao's face freeze.

"No matter how strong it is, it is just a machine made of metal and other materials. It is not an immortal monster. I have heard that there is no substitute for that thing. If it is destroyed, I think even she will be very It's a headache."

Shouyan proudly showed off his plan.

"It is impossible to succeed, because the information you have learned is not right. Do you think there is even a slight chance of success for the plan you imagine based on this?"

Knot shook his head slightly.


"Don't you know? From the beginning, there was not a windowless building, because since there are no windows and doors, it is impossible to form a building from the beginning, and it is impossible to complete such a thing from an architectural perspective. "

Since there is no entrance and exit, it is impossible to construct the interior. Once the interior is to be constructed, even if it is sealed afterwards, there will be gaps such as "windows or doors".


The salt shook in an instant.

"But we can actually draw a very obvious conclusion from the description of the outside world..."

"The essential elements of the human body, including oxygen, can be generated inside; it can withstand radiation, otherwise there will be nothing to resist attacks. Of course, the so-called radiation naturally includes things like cosmic rays."

"Cosmic rays?!"

Hearing this, Shouyan seemed to grasp a certain point.

"So, based on the assumptions that can be made, I actually have one or two in my heart. Of course, these are definitely not Aleister's correct answers. After all, I don't think she will tell me all the information."

Knot shook his head with a wry smile.

"The'plan' she is carrying out now far exceeds our imagination. This is the only thing I can assure you now. I am afraid that there is nothing she can't give up because of this. How can your so-called battle be against her? effective?"

Chapter 2699 Surpassing the final bid!

"...You may make a lot of sense."

After being silent for a while, the hand-salt expression became more solemn.

"But, since the decision has been made, it is absolutely impossible to give up halfway here!"

"Why? Why do you want to take Aleister's life even if you do this?"

Looking at the decisive woman in front of her, the knot asked the same doubt as Dongma's heart.

"Because in this city, I have experienced countless despairs, and the connecting lines behind these despairs seem to vaguely lead Aleister, the master of the school city. I want to prove to him personally, Does she have anything to do with all this, or what kind of relationship does she have!"

There is no confession of feelings, which makes her words seem especially true.

"Really a stale wish."

Dongma shook his head.


Shouyan is noncommittal about this.

"Hmph, I used to want the so-called truth, but then I discovered that the truth is not reassuring, it only makes people more frightened."

The knot with personal experience shook his head and sighed.

"Also, whether Aleister admits or denies, can you accept this answer honestly? Impossible, because from the beginning, you have regarded everything as a lie, otherwise you would never think of'pursuing The idea of ​​truth."

Since everything is true, there is no need for the so-called "truth".

Only when people think that everything is a lie do they want to find the so-called "truth."


Shouyan said again.

It was just a decisive tone in his tone, but he didn't waver at all.

"So, what are you going to do?"

Shouyan asked rhetorically.

"Do you still need to ask? If I still hesitate now, I can no longer protect anyone!"

The tone of the bid rose suddenly, and the hesitation that had always been permeated in her words was wiped out. The fear of violent abilities and the lack of self-confidence no longer existed, and only unprecedented firmness was left.

"It seems that I have decided to use it."

Shouyan showed a smile.

"Yes... As a respect for your opponent, let you see how I am doing my best!"