Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2182

When Yuangen said this, Yuriko knew what misunderstanding he had made.

However, I have no need to explain.

Yuriko sneered inwardly.

"You monster, think you can enter the ranks of good people by protecting a few weak people?"

Yuangen roared loudly.

"So, you are the one who didn't figure out the situation!"

Yuriko lifted the 31st spring on the ground to one side. The first time she came here, Yuriko felt her "comrade".

Although it looks miserable, it will not cause any serious problems.


"Shooting Dongma's relatives and hurting my compatriots is an absolutely unforgivable sin!"

With a loud noise, Yuriko rushed directly to Yuangen who hadn't reacted yet.

"The evil party is divided into different grades. Let me teach you this basic truth today!"

The strong collision between superpowers did not affect Yuriko's voice.

At the moment Yuriko's voice fell, Kakine, who was directly hit by Yuriko's head, was hit and flew to the restaurant behind.

There was a sound of broken glass and tables and chairs. It was obvious that the opponent should have been hit hard, but Yuriko didn't let her heart down.

After all, the opponent is a superpower second only to her, Weiyuan Matter·Yuangen Emperor.

"Sure enough, it's a person with the ability to manipulate vectors... Even if I create a huge mass that all vectors cannot move, as long as my body can be manipulated by vectors, any defense is meaningless."

In the smoke and dust, Yuangen came out step by step.

At this time, his whole body was covered by a layer of material similar to a cocoon. If you look closely, it should be six wings.

The white wings of an angel slowly spread from behind Yuangen.

"Tsk, Dong Mark didn't tell me that you still have this ability."

Yuriko said unexpectedly.

"That monster, I haven't had time to activate the ability... But his arrogance is also the reason for his next failure. I won't fall twice in the same place!"

Yuangen declared a little angrily.

"Be less arrogant, mythical fool!"

"I will return this sentence to you, you egocentric fool!"

Before they could finish speaking, the two attacked again.

Yuriko manipulated the vector under her feet to make herself move explosively, while Kakine seemed to wave her wings as expected, avoiding Yuriko's impact laterally.

However, Yuriko's attack could not be so innocent. The moment the whole person fell on the fence behind, Yuriko waved his backhand behind him.

The vector that pierced the air came into her hands, and the vector that was fully controlled instantly began to brew in a small space. The whirlwind that exceeded two hundred meters per second, like tearing the entire space, rushed towards Yuangen who had just completed an evasive action.


However, as the original second place of the Academy City, Gane can not be that simple.

Although most people will experience a momentary stiffness after completing a difficult dodge action, after all, the body's muscles still need to be buffered to relieve force.

But the action that Emperor Yuangen dodge just now was done by the wings he created himself.

So he didn't abide by the structure of human mechanics in the first place, making him even make a second dodge action at this critical moment.

As a result, Yuriko's third wave of attacks followed.

Yuriko had already appeared on his only way when Yuangen had just moved halfway, and raised his right fist, hitting Yuangen's face fiercely.


"Know? The essence of this world is composed of countless elementary particles."

Without blinking his eyes, Yuangen put away his wings and stood in front of him.

The moment Yuriko's fist and wings collided, the wings collapsed into countless white feathers.

It was obviously a feather that looked defenseless, but it completely cushioned Yuriko's punch that was enough to be a weapon against the city.

"The so-called elementary particles are things smaller than molecules and atoms. Quarks, leptons...and antiparticles, hadrons..."


"Such physical knowledge is meaningless to my 980 non-elementary matter!"

The six wings behind Yuangen regenerate in an instant, and emit a more dazzling light.

"My unmet matter can create matter that does not exist in this world. The concepts of'non-existence' and'not yet discovered' and'may exist' are completely different."

In other words, the matter created through the'non-element matter' is the matter that cannot appear in this world, and modern science cannot classify it, and even surpass ordinary people's imagination.

"So, do you want to interfere with my vector through the laws of physics that I can't understand?"

Yuriko suddenly smiled.

"Very good, let's get rid of your non-element materials together!"

Yuriko took a step forward, seeming to want to twist the neck of the broken root directly.

In Yuriko's thinking, there is nothing that cannot be destroyed with vectors.

Even the winter horse can actually be destroyed, but the winter horse will subdue her before she is destroyed, and even if it is destroyed, she can recover instantly.

"You still don't understand anything..."

Yuangen shook his head.


The white wings suddenly emitted white light that was even more dazzling than the sun.

Chapter 2708 The world law of mutation!

PS: Thank you "Elysia" for your monthly ticket support.