Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2200

Dongma asked after thinking about it.

"Yes, without that thing, the airline's main business will be stagnant, after all, that is not the amount of data that can be done manually."

The captain replied.

"The specific method?"

"A copy of the virus-infected software is attached to the threat letter, which seems to be able to directly infect and destroy the system of the master recorder through the Internet. The worst thing is that after testing, it seems that there is a function of backing up data to the portal while destroying it. By writing programs to make the virus misunderstand that the log file has been corrupted, it will take some time to crack the encrypted log file."

The captain said helplessly.

"Did you find out the specific defect?"

Dongma gradually entered the state.

"No, it's just that according to the flight number attached to the threat letter, it was discovered that there were three flights of aircraft that had engine stalls during the flight. Although it was only fifteen seconds, it was obviously not a mere accident. "

Those three are previews, for this grand performance.

"But in this way, there is no need to attack people so obviously? Is this attack also a necessary part?"

The blonde flight attendant asked with a puzzled look.

"Obviously, that's right..."

Dongma said thoughtfully.

Thinking about this, Dong Ma walked toward his seat again.

The entire passenger plane is roughly divided into six areas, from front to back are first class, business class and economy class, and also includes the upper and lower floors.

The stairs that divide the first and second floors are located in the interior of each isolated area. In a space of seven meters, there is a collection of stairs, pantry, toilet, and storage room for in-flight dining trucks, as well as a hatch for fire fighting.

The cargo warehouse of the passenger plane is on the lower floor. This fire-fighting hatch is set up to prevent timely rescue when the cargo warehouse catches fire.

"Is there something crucial missing from the flight attendant who was attacked?"

Dongma asked with a smile.


As if suddenly aware of something, the captain hurriedly used the walkie-talkie to confirm the situation.

"Don't ask, it should be missing something like a security key."

Dongma sneered and interrupted the captain's actions.

"If I guessed correctly, I've seen the suspicious guy just now, but I didn't see clearly because of my back... But if my reasoning is correct, the guy should be unable to implement the original plan due to some resistance. It’s a simple and crude backup plan to open the fire compartment door by stealing the safety key from the staff.”

"But, only the card keys of me and the deputy captain can open there."

The captain was surprised at first, and then asked suspiciously.

"Yes, it's impossible for an ordinary flight attendant's key to open that kind of important hatch. So if it weren't for panic, it's impossible for that guy to make such a low-level mistake."

Dongma showed a confident smile.

"I think that guy should now be standing in front of a certain security hatch, sweating profusely, and cursing in his heart watching the electronic information that keeps prompting that it cannot be opened."

Chapter 2725 Variables from London!

"But, we don't have enough manpower to find one by one in the partition area?"

Although he probably knew where the opponent was, the captain was still a bit helpless.

"It's okay, a person in that state, as long as he is given a little chance, he will rush forward regardless of the consequences."

Even if he knew it was death, he would still hold a fluke mentality and deliberately ignore the possible danger.


The blonde flight attendant looked at Dongma suspiciously.

"If that's the case, then make him one."

After speaking on his own, Dongma used the blood connection to directly communicate with Mai who was still ravaged by Inticus in his seat.

Without any hesitation, at the moment Dongma said, "Leave Inticus with Intiqs first", Mai covered her head and fled.

Although she didn't figure out the situation, Inticus still chased her "head biting target" and left the seat.

'The opportunity is here!'

Dong Ma and the mysterious person before thought almost in their hearts together.

Not long after Mai and Intiqs left, a French man who was wearing a humble suit and his skin was too pale, he looked only in his twenties.

As for why he is French, because he is muttering French like a dialect.


Following him, Dongma, who walked to the seat beside him and sat down, patted his shoulder gently.


The uncomfortable sound as if the hiccup was interrupted by life came from the man's mouth, and he turned his neck stiffly, as if finally found the Dongma who was clearly close at hand.

"So, is this the props you want to use?"

At this time, the man was holding a black cell phone battery cover and a fingernail-sized chip-like thing.


The man cursed in a low voice, but then found himself unable to speak at all.

"Stop talking, I know what you want to say, am I upset why I didn't give you 30 more seconds?"

Dongma laughed as if to see through everything.

"It's useless, because you've been targeted from the beginning, and the bone short knife you want to take out of your arms. Shouldn't it be a weapon specially prepared to pass the metal detector?"

Dongma smiled and took the odd-style short knife from his hand.

"Let me see... the program of using the mobile phone's transmission function to infect the emergency landing stabilizer... um = a good idea, but..."

·Dongma showed a meaningful smile.

/aq "Are you sure you can achieve your goal?"