Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2217

The heavy smoke that makes people unable to open their eyes can't stop Dongma's sight at all.

The female magician at this moment was sliding towards them with incredible movements.

It's not normal people's running, but with the help of the'tail' under the skirt, sliding like a bicycle chain.

"No complaints, right?"

Like a question to a dying person, he spit out gently from the girl's mouth.

The strange spear pierced directly through the door of the bulletproof car, but it stopped by Dongma's side.

The tail under the girl was swaying at a high speed, which seemed to strengthen the girl.

But no matter how you shake it, the weird weapon can't get close to Dongma.


She didn't seem to understand why this phenomenon was, but the female magician adjusted her strategy very quickly.

The weird spear is like cutting meat, running along the edge of the car and directly towards the fuel tank in the rear.


The loud noise of the explosion echoed again in the northern suburbs of London.

Chapter 2740 The'corner' of the subway station!

PS: Thank you for the monthly support of "Elysia", "Pope" and "Measuring and Moving".

The explosion in the northern suburbs of London was enough to shock the entire city of London and even the entire country of Ying. It did not harm Dongma and Oliana at all.

Naturally, the same is true for the new light magic girl, one of the initiators.

The deadly flame and storm did not tear the girl into pieces, but was forcibly absorbed into that weird spear blade.

Like a finger, it opened and then closed violently, absorbing all the explosions.

Excess flames overflowed from between the blades, and the irregularly square flames of up to one meter long turned the originally weird spear into a fork used by giants.

The girl raised the flame spear high, like pounding rice cakes, seeming to be aiming at the winter horse to see which position is more suitable for hammering.

"It's not good for girls to dance knives and guns like this, te don't still face Master Dongma..."

Oliana's soft voice sounded, obviously she didn't want Dongma to do it herself, and the third magic queen fell on the girl first.


Accompanied by the shock, the girl flew out all over.

But there was no actual damage. The girl held the old box in one hand and the weird spear in the other. After flying out a few meters, she stopped on the damaged sidewalk with her boots.

"Keen child..."

Oliana sighed.

"No, it's a dull child."

Although in combat, surprisingly sharp.

"Ahhhh, I actually used the important spiritual outfit as a shield!!"

English with a Scottish accent came out of the girl's mouth. Although it was a bit weird, it seemed to Dongma to be extraordinarily loving.

"That is the spiritual outfit they will use for this operation?"

Dongma asked with a chuckle.

It's not Dongma's habit to beat Ke-Love's girl, so focusing on that box might be a better choice.

"It should be so, no accident..."

Although she confirmed Dongma's statement, Olianna sighed.

Sure enough, Master Dongma is still that Master Dongma.

"Damn it! I actually took advantage of my, no, that way, Berrop would twist my tail and retreat temporarily!"

The girl panicked and waved her "tail" suddenly, and then the whole figure flew into a big broken tall building next to her like a spring.

"Want to escape? Interesting!"

Dongma chuckled.

The girl's movements are so keen that she doesn't look like a human at all, even the Spider-Man in the comics is about this level.

"Do you want to chase? Even if you move on a building, as long as you follow the road next to the building, even I can chase it smoothly."

Oliana said confidently.

Of course, in fact, for Dongma, chasing any creature doesn't need to be so troublesome, just follow the shortest path and find the target.

"However, there seems to be another source of magic power of the same nature as this child nearby."

Dongma, who walked through the ruins like a stroll in the courtyard, said lightly.

"Should you stop by and arrest?"

Oliana asked.

"No hurry, we will solve one first."

I glanced at a certain direction farther, if I remember correctly, there should be a subway entrance.


At the same time, Belop, who was at the entrance and exit of the subway one kilometer away, kept holding his head.

"That idiot, I have said several times that this is the site of the Zeroth Church, so maybe Scotland Yard will be dispatched too."

Although he is a powerful magician, in the face of a hunt for a snake like Scotland Yard, Berrop has no confidence that he can complete the task before being discovered.


The familiar cry for help came faintly, but Berop just gritted his teeth and didn't mean to rescue him in the past.

I want to give you a knife now!

This is Berrop's true thoughts.