Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2241

Inticus was upset.

"But forget it, I just thought about the pattern of that special mark, if I read it correctly, it should be the core of the mechanism, a mark of a certain'heart'."

Indix's tone suddenly became serious.


"What you are facing now should be a special spiritual outfit made with reference to the clay giant designed to fight Thor, the god of thunder, in Norse mythology. Although in the mythology, this giant had a problem with the material for the heart. It is very weak, but the Ying country has made effective improvements to this point."

"Another dangerous man with a future!"

Mai shouted, seeming to avoid the giant's attack 0.3.

"It is true for you, even your right hand can't completely wipe out that thing..."

Inticus still said slowly.

"I know! Then it's the showtime of the master!"

As soon as Mai’s voice fell, her tender but elegant voice rang...

"Follow the orders of orthodoxy, here is the declaration of the heirs of it!"

The dangerous giant was motionless as if he had lost his strength, and then Peng swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The explosion extended from the giant's heart, turned into countless square parchments, scattered in the air, and then fell back to the ground.

Chapter 2762 Explosive Angel Power!


Mai exclaimed excitedly.

"Then it doesn't matter to me..."

Speaking of Inticus, she hung up the phone.

"Damn, is that how you treat your woman?!"

Perceiving the abnormality, Kerissa stared at Dongma with horror and resentment.

"Any questions?"

Stroking the young queen's young body, Dong Ma asked casually.

"You guy, don't you know that those guys will make my Katina orthodoxy be abnormal after they move on the special car?!"

The Queen asked sharply, and then quickly turned into a tax evasion scream.

"Of course I know, and I also know that it was the reverse magic power from the Gawain Guidance that caused Katina to be forcibly assassinated, achieving the effect of breaking the balance."

While Dongma was talking, he felt the terrible magical conflict inside Katina.


Some dark red blood came out of Kerissa's mouth.

"You know 31 ways..."

Before she finished speaking, Kerissa vomited another mouthful of blood.

"These are some small punishments you have imposed on you... Besides, for you who have become my dependents, this level of magical turbulence is simply impossible to cause much serious damage."

Dongma put Kai Lisa on the luxurious big chuang.

"How much power is lost?"

Dongma asked with a smile.

"About 50%..."

After wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth, Kerissa made an accurate judgment.

"His Royal Highness, the special carriage directly below the palace, we have already completed the recovery and re-sealing. The Puritans will never interfere with the orthodox operation of Katina by this means!"

By connecting the external walkie-talkie, the report of the knight was passed to Kai Lisha's ears.

"Then continue to carry out actual measurements around London to confirm the impact of this fluctuation, and by the way, check the spiritual equipment in Buckingham Palace. There should be a lot of them that can't be used anymore."

Kerissa coldly ordered.

"Understand... Your Highness..."

Kai Lisha interrupted the knight's worry.

"Be prepared to interfere with the spiritual outfit. I want to adjust the orthodox state of Katina again...In view of the situation this time, I will strengthen the suppression of the domestic resistance forces. I don't want to see similar things happen again!"


Kerissa turned her head and glared at Dongma who had taken off her long skirt, and commanded as if resisting.

j. Understand!The beautiful prince was also conquered cleanly.


Kerissa cursed in a low voice.

"What? Are you dissatisfied with me?"

Dongma behind her asked with a smile.

"If it wasn't for you guys who opposed me twice, how dare those Cavaliers show the attitude just now!"

Kerissa's tone was full of dissatisfaction.

"You can't blame me for this, but you have chosen the wrong way to control from the beginning."

Dongma shook her head and denied Kai Lisha's opinion of her.

"I am a member of the Royal Family, and without a clear heir to the mother emperor, I cannot directly contact the middle and low-level members of the Cavaliers."

Kerissa naturally knew what Dongma meant.

You Huanben led the Cavaliers, and controlled the entire Cavaliers through the special existence of the'Knight Captain'.

Believing in the correctness of Kai Lisa's business, and the existence of the knight leader who has high prestige in the knight school, the whole knight school will stand firmly on Kai Lisa's side.