Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2242

However, the problem is that the knight leader has died.

Just like the ancient emperors managed high-ranking ministers, and then used them to manage huge lower-level bureaucrats.

Under normal circumstances, this management system is very efficient and low-cost.

However, once an abnormal situation occurs, it will be a very bad thing for Kerissa's rule.

Because she herself, there is no absolute prestige among the Cavaliers. The people of the Cavaliers are only loyal to the Second Queen because they are convinced by the Knight Commander.

This kind of indirect loyalty will become a fragile relationship that can be broken once there is a problem in that key link.

More importantly, now, the Katina orthodoxy is experiencing abnormal fluctuations.

At this moment, the knights in the country, I am afraid that this kind of suspicion has already appeared in their hearts:

Is the second queen really the one who can control the sacred sword of Katina?

Is the second queen really fit to sit on the throne of the queen of ying country?

The second queen... is it really worthy of her allegiance?

"In this case, once the mother emperor and the woman collude to form a large-scale organized counterattack, can the knights in this mental state be able to hold it?"

Kerissa smiled bitterly and shook her head, obviously not optimistic about it.

"At the moment when the counterattack begins, at least half of the people's hearts will be shaken."

Dongma didn't care to say the words that made Kerissa collapse.

"However, you won't lose the ability and courage to continue going on because of these people's betrayal, right?"

Dongma sneered and asked.

"of course not!"

Kerissa replied confidently.

"Then, let us continue to enjoy the calm before the storm."

Of course, for Kailisha under Dongma, this is obviously not the tranquility before the storm, but the real storm.

On the other side, everyone from the Puritan sect is also analyzing the current situation.

The nuns from all over the ying country were having heated discussions at this time.

"Although it weakens the orthodox power of Katina, it still inevitably produces this kind of recoil."

"Three small churches in the city collapsed, all of which were affected by the power of angels erupting with the second queen as the center."

"According to the data obtained from the observations at St. George's Cathedral, the current concentration of angelic power and the random use of magic is likely to detonate the entire London."

"But you can't give up the great opportunity right now..."

"Sure enough, you still have to wait for the angel's power to dissipate naturally before you can counterattack..."

"Then wait until a month later..."

However, the topic of discussion is gradually unfolding in a strange direction.

Chapter 2763 The first queen Limeya!

PS: Thank you for the 1000vip reward of "Blowing Wind".

"Teodsia Electraban just reached the confluence point, and the remaining power of Puritanism has basically been concentrated."

"Steerban hasn't arrived yet. Through the previous Airbus incident, he rented a transport plane at the airport, but he fought the army at the airport, so it may take a while to get here."

In other words, with the exception of Steerban, everyone else has concentrated on this pier where the middle class usually rents yachts for travel.

Of course, the magicians and nuns are not here to recuperate.

Because since the beginning of the rebellion, the Puritans were in a state of being fully eliminated by the Cavaliers, and even the most basic diet could not be guaranteed.

So in order to better continue the battle, referring to their respective religious habits and magic characteristics, various foods far beyond the category of ying country appeared here.

"Not good! The hot soup not only entered the stomach, but also spread all over the body...!"

The bad lines seem to have become accustomed to the nuns.

"Well, please be a little restrained before the official exercise..."

"Don't serve me a salad! You have to eat meat at this time! The huge meat is amazing!"

It seems normal, but with the previous dialogue, I always feel something is wrong.

"The amount is not important, the right amount is the best."

"Don't talk nonsense! Come again!"

"So, you have to take your time. If it is too strong, it will hurt you."


Listening to the worse and worse conversations of the nuns, Wuhe looked like a Liushen without a master, and hurriedly handed all kinds of food to everyone.

At the same time, in the suburbs of London, Queen Alishad rode an already strenuous army horse, from a full-fledged rush to a slow pace like an outing.

"I'm really sorry, if you can successfully regain power this time, you will be the world's number one horse for honoring."

Although awarding horses to horses was something that shocked the people who heard it, Alishad was very casual, obviously not just talking.

As if finally unable to hold it, the steed squatted on the ground with four legs, drinking water from the ditch and chewing on the disorderly growing weeds around it.

"It's a terrible situation, but using this thing to break through with all its strength, it seems a bit too early..."

When the queen hesitated, a brisk voice that didn't match this atmosphere sounded from behind her

"Sure enough, the best steed will get tired after running wild for so long."


The long golden hair that was almost dragged on the ground was now tied up and tied around his waist.

The supreme bishop of the Puritanism in the ying country, Laura Stuart is more like a beautiful village girl.

"You fellow, isn't it because your riding movements are not standard that caused this child to waste extra energy?"

Alishad scolded contemptuously.