Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2245

Of course, since Divine Split is here, the main force of the battle must be the Amakusa-style group centered on saints.

The power of the entire sect is not only the increase in the rank of saints.

"Next, it depends on how well Amakusa-style and the magicians of other factions can cooperate."

Agnese glanced at the many magicians behind her, including Agnes' troops.

"There is no need to think so much now, Mai's mission is very simple, just live to the end."

Shen Li said solemnly.

"Okay... But, we have entered London for half an hour. With the large-scale movement of hundreds of people, in the current urban area of ​​London, we have not encountered a cavalry block. Is this abnormal situation really okay? "

Mai asked suddenly worried.

"The only reason is that the other party is also preparing for a blocking battle. Before we arrive at Buckingham Palace, there is probably a fierce battle waiting for us."

Shen Chai said affirmatively.

"But it's okay, as long as they can't make a counterattack action."

While talking, Shen Cai stretched out his hand to cover his ear duo.


Before Mai could react, a violent roar sounded.

"Oh, I forgot to remind you, it's better to cover your ears duo."

The long overdue reminder, this lightly spit out from Divine Cleft's mouth, but at this time Mai could hardly hear what Divine Cleft was saying.

All the glass products within sight were shattered to pieces due to the sound of the explosion. From here, there is also a huge five-meter beam of light, directly piercing the night sky above London.

The impact that has reached the physical level of performance is clearly felt by everyone.

There was no signal from the mobile phones, the fully loaded truck was shaking violently, and the smaller car was blown away by more than ten meters or even dozens of meters.

However, this level of bombing was not once.

the second time……

the third time……

Within a few seconds, explosions of this magnitude occurred a dozen times.

"Is that why the Cavaliers can't make a counter attack?"

After a while, Mai, who had recovered a little bit of hearing, shouted loudly.

"Of course, infantry coordination is the basic tactic of modern warfare."

God split proudly smiled.

After a few seconds, he burst-level shelling continued to be output.

However, compared with the previous one, the previous one is more like a test fire before the official shelling, and now is the real total attack time.

Hundreds of barrage created meteor-like lights in the night sky and flew towards the area where Buckingham Palace was located.

Chapter 2766 Wang's daughter's determination!

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket support of "Gone with the Wind ~ Rising Sun".

"Isn't there only one fortress of Gawain?!"

Mai asked in surprise.

"Of course there is only one floating fortress like Gawain Guidance, but as a matching ship, Yaluqi Deep Sea has several ships that always sail in the deep sea. According to the information there, there are now four ships that can be used to bomb Buckingham Palace. , The other four were circling with the Ying National Navy on the sea."

Simply put, it is a spiritual outfit similar to a magic submarine.

"But...Although there is a strong cover, can we really get close to Buckingham Palace under this kind of'fire cover'? I am not an immortal like yours, I will die!"

Mai said with a scared face.


"Hey, you just cut it! What does that cut mean!"

"It doesn't matter what kind of thing..."

"It doesn't matter how...!"

"Compared with how to rush over, Kerissa, who has not revealed any flaws or even unscathed even under this level of bombing, is the core issue!"

"Damn it! In this case, don't talk about the more desperate thing!"

Mai exclaimed dissatisfiedly.

"A monster that is in the center of a nuclear explosion without any damage, actually has to rely on a mere right hand to fight against it. Why do I suddenly feel that we are really unscrupulous?!"

"The only good news now is that for the convenience of militarized management, Kerissa has concentrated all the population of London in a specific area..."

This is one of the reasons why there are almost no pedestrians along the way.

"Churches, hotels, cinemas, gymnasiums... avoid these places that can house a large number of people. Even if the residential area is blown up, there will be no victims."

Shen Li said with a sigh of relief.

"What about the national treasures of ying in Buckingham Palace? Although they are not comparable to the British Museum, they should be treasures among the treasures, right?"

Mai continued to ask along the topic.

"It's ok!"

As if she had eliminated her own sense of existence, the third prince, Villiam, said firmly.

"People in the whole country are suffering from the pain of the stage. As a royal family, we must not only consider our own gains and losses, otherwise we will not even be able to compare with bugs... So in order to restore peace, even Buckingham Palace will destroy ten eight. This is also a reasonable loss that is obligatory."

Under Mai's gaze, Vilian raised an extremely retro crossbow.

The material of wood gives people a sense of nobility that only upper-class talents would use collections. If they were taken out to say that they were collections that Leonardo liked during his lifetime, many people would believe it.

However, this weapon, which is more like a work of art, is powerful enough to exert lethal power in the hands of weak women.

"The servants who don’t understand magic and battle are in a difficult situation to let me escape from the battle. If I still run away blindly, I can only choose to turn back and join the battle in such a situation where I can’t be safe even if I escape to the ends of the world. ."

Vilian's expression was full of determination and determination.