Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2253

"If there is a new dynasty in the future, it will not be impossible to make corrections when the wrong decision is made... Even if the king at that time still cannot listen to the opinions of the people, you will once again become a tyrant and bear the sin of killing all enemies. "

This kind of consciousness, if you really find a word to describe it, "Holy King" is definitely not an exaggeration.

"However, in the face of foreign invasion, in the face of the so-called powerful Roman Orthodoxy and EU countries in your eyes, there are actually methods that can be solved without Katina."

Dongma stretched out his hand and got up from the ground. Although his figure had become shaky because of the impact of the explosion, his eyes were full of firm Vilian.

"The knights behind you are not weak and incompetent waste. They have families, friends, and lovers who need to be protected, but they can still draw their swords and stand up for you, for your "person". The true knight."


Kerissa was still silent.

"Of course, your'knight' can only be me."

Dongma arrogantly declared the sovereignty of Her Royal Highness.

Humph!A man who can talk!"

Kerissa smiled again, almost the same cruel sneer as before, but with a little more element called'joy'.

2 "But even if the waste can pick up the sword again, and the trash fish in front of them can perform magic again, what will they do next? The second obstacle-type cluster missile has been launched!"

Kerissa said slowly.

"I will not give up!"

Mai who was struggling to support her body shouted loudly.

"Ha, even if you destroy the Katina orthodoxy, do you think I will order the missile to explode in the air because of fear of death? After all, it is not a nuclear weapon, and there is no such extra function from the beginning."

Kerissa smiled triumphantly.

"Yaruki Deep Sea can still fight back!"

"It's a more realistic method, but if you can do that, you should launch an interception attack just now when the first shot was launched... So don't be naive, it's a cruise missile that is supervised and manufactured by this queen. So simply be beaten down!"

Kerissa said confidently.

"Well, the missile has arrived, are you ready for the last words?"

A shooting star appeared in the night sky.

"Stupid guys! Get to know my'military' skills!"

It's just that the ordinary girl's Mai can't do anything about this, and the saint who can withstand the destruction and bombing has basically lost the ability to defend again.


"Blood Curtain..."

Unfamiliar words came out of Dongma's mouth.

The bloody color that was visible to the naked eye rose in vain on the battlefield that was already covered with blood.


Kerissa turned her head to stare at Dong Ma in fright, but Dong Ma remained unmoved.

"Although I never like to call out the names of moves when fighting, like in anime or novels. But this is the first time I have used such a large-scale skill. I have to think of a name, right?"

Just like in a daily chat, Dongma opened his hands casually, and the blood mist that appeared in the air at an unknown time began to slowly rise.

"You bastard!"

Kerissa cursed loudly, no longer caring about the image of the princess, struggling hard to escape from Dongma's arms.


"Even the archangel, as long as I want, I can only stay in my arms obediently!"

Dongma whispered in the ear of the queen.

The words full of threats didn't stop Kerissa.

There is no doubt that the obstacle-type cluster missile is definitely a "blood curtain" that cannot be deployed through Dongma.

So Kerissa made an attack similar to insurance...

Kill Vilian!

The slash that tore through the space swept like light towards Vilian who had just stood up.


The fatal attack did not take away Vilian's life. The huge dimensional wreckage was like being caught by a pair of invisible big hands, and stopped motionless in the air.

"Yeah, I forgot to mention it just now, my'blood curtain' is not just a defensive barrier."

Dongma chuckled and let go of Kai Lisa's body, but now Kai Lisa couldn't even make the most basic struggle movements.

"In the scope of my'blood curtain', everything is under my control. Whether it is a physical phenomenon or an abnormal ability, it can only appear with my permission..."

Wanting to explain his abilities more precisely, Dongma added after a pause.

"In short, it is the combination of fantasy killer and inherent enchantment ability."

Of course, it is a more optimized combination.

Chapter 2774 The end in front of Buckingham Palace!

"Damn it!"

Kerissa, who was caught in the "blood curtain", cursed angrily.

"I can do it by myself, even I have to praise it."

Dongma chuckled and walked to Kerissa.

"But since you want to save your own country, don't you have a greater chance of winning together with your sisters, and can even use better methods?"

Dongma's question caused Kerissa to fall into silence.

However, the tough prince did not change her mind.

"After the Virian of Human Virtue, has the sister who represents the mind also appeared...what annoying!"

Kerissa looked at the knights that kept appearing in the rear with dissatisfaction.