Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2273


Bella asked unconvincedly.

"Because I happen to know this man."

Miwako explained.


"Sato-kun! I didn't expect you to still think of me as an old man!"

The man in his fifties sitting in the high-end office building got up and smiled to greet Dongma and others who came from outside.

"Long time no see, Senior Nomura."

"Introduce, this is..."

"Of course I know this person. This is the big red man of our Metropolitan Police Department. Although I have been away from the Metropolitan Police Department for several years, I still know the current criminal minister."

Nomura came enthusiastically and took Dongma's hand.

"But it was really impossible to see before. Today is really brilliant!"

"Nomura Ichiji, the original investigation department police department, later resigned from the Metropolitan Police Department for personal reasons and joined this top domestic investigative agency in Japan. It seems to have been rated as the best investigator in Tokyo for several consecutive years, right?"

Dongma gave out Nomura's resume like a few treasures.

"I didn't expect the Minister to still care about small people like us. It's a great honor!"

"Well, the greeting is over, we should talk about business."

Touma broke away from Nomura's fat hand.

"We want to ask you, why did you follow this girl two weeks ago?"

Miwako handed Oda Yasko's picture.

"I'm sorry, I haven't seen this person."

Just a hasty glance, Nomura firmly denied it.

"Senior Nomura!"

Miwako reminded sternly, and at the same time took out the photo he had taken while secretly shooting.

"However, this is a matter of customer privacy. Our company has very strict regulations in this regard, and I have to support my family."

Frequently blinking those red eyes from staying up late, Nomura said in a flustered manner.

Chapter 2790 half brothers and sisters (five)

"Do you often stay up late? Nomura...should be called Nomura Investigator now?"

Dongma showed a weird smile.

From Nomura's point of view, it seemed to be the entrance of hell that suddenly appeared in front of him, causing him to burst into cold sweat.


"Don't be surprised how I saw it, your bloodshot eyes still tell everyone this."

Touma's smile gradually widened, and he continued to approach with Nomura's panicked expression.

"Do you know what else I saw? In order to maintain sufficient energy, you used methamphetamine, which is the so-called'meth'!"

Dongma's words instantly faded the blood on Nomura's face, leaving only the pale as deadly on his fat face.

"Frequent blinking and erratic pupils, compared to the photos on your desk, you have obviously lost more than a dozen catties, even if you eat junk fast food that can only increase weight for ordinary people..."

Touma said coldly what made Nomura desperate.

"Your carotid artery, which jumps like a basketball, also proves this. I believe the forensic report will not disappoint me."

Nomura took a desperate step back and leaned against the desk with burgers and fries.

"Well, judging from your actions, the drugs should be hidden on that desk."

Dongma nodded in satisfaction.

"But I'm not so unkind. After all, you are the original elite police officer of our Metropolitan Police Department. You can work hard without credit."

Dongma raised a smile that he thought was kind.

"So, if you still think that you were once a member of the police force, then I think you should put the information about the investigation on the table, and then pretend that nothing happened and go to the female secretary outside of you. Make a cup of coffee and talk about life..."

"Then we will learn about the investigation without your knowledge."

Touma's eyes made Nomura have no courage to say rejection.

"Well, I put the information on the table, you are not allowed to read it."

With a sigh, Nomura reluctantly put a pile of documents on the desk, and then ran out of the office as if fleeing.

Using computer-like memory and memorizing the information on the file, Dongma and others left the investigation company where Nomura was located and came to the client of the investigation.


Morita Trust Fund, a fund company that covers the next floor of a certain commercial office building as an office area. At this time, their legal representative is receiving inquiries from Dongma Cwei in their office.

"Baba Kefu and Oda Yasiko, you asked the lawyer to come forward a few months ago and ask the company to investigate the identity of these two people..."

Dongma sat alone at Ruizi's desk.

"Why is this? Because you discovered that there is a blood relationship between them and you."

And Mizuko Morita, who was supposed to be sitting in that seat, was kneeling between Dongma's legs obediently.

"Your father is a famous rich man, but he is also a famous playboy. He has left several illegitimate children because of his extramarital affairs, and of course he paid his mother to shut up."

Dongma squinted comfortably.

"But when he was dying, he revealed this information to you and your sister Aiko, and now, they are all dead."

Reached out and brushed the silky long golden hair, admiring the beauty of the beauty under her feet.


Ruizi looked up in a panic.