Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2275

"Very simple, we are going to stop our murderer."

Dongma lay back on Watson's thighs triumphantly, and relaxed his eyes closed.


Musashino City Hospital, the ward of Aiko Morita.

Ruizi, with blond hair, is sitting in front of Aiko's bed, reading to her the book that probably represents their childhood memories.


Dongma suddenly broke into the ward and said.

"what did you say?!"

Mizuko got up from the chair in a panic.

"The murderer who killed Kefu Baba and Yasiko Oda!"

Dongma shouted loudly.

"Nurse! Security!"

Ruizi shouted.

"Your alibi, the surveillance video of your apartment, you must have done tricks!"

But Dongma said loudly regardless.

"what happened?!"

The doctor in charge of Aiko Eisita ran in in a panic, he should have been attracted by the commotion here.

"To be precise, even I think a little bit more than you! I even know about the third heir!"

Dongma said with a proud look.


Ruizi looked shocked.

"Your father, Mr. Morita Kiichi’s third illegitimate child! Putian Riko lives at 5-7-6, 5-chome, Hachibancho! Don’t tell me you don’t know anything? Your acting skills belong to me. It's off."

Dongma sneered.

"Your Excellency the Police Chief!"

At this moment, someone probably called the police, but Erbela rushed in angrily.

"Stand back! Kerr Police Department make up!"

Dong Ma roared unceremoniously.

"I'm interrogating my prisoner now, so don't tell me anything!"

Dongma stared at Bella coldly, causing Bella, who had been determined, to flash a panic in his eyes.

But then she recovered.

"This is the case of our Musashino Police Station. Even if you are the Criminal Minister of the Police Station, if you have not passed the normal procedures, you cannot intervene in this case!"

Bella raised her voice, trying to make herself look less flustered...

"Then you just wait for the official notice from the Metropolitan Police Department. By then, I won't just intervene in the case as simple as that!"

Dongma glared at Bella, and Bella was not outdone.

"At that time, I will definitely obey your instructions, but before then, please ask any personnel related to this case, otherwise I will definitely protest to the General Office!"

"Then enjoy the last freedom tonight."

Dongma sneered, turned and left the ward.

"Sorry to bother you, at least until tonight, the police inspector with a false name will not be here again."

Bella bowed and left the ward.

"Then my sister will ask you, Doctor Murano."

After this farce, Ruizi didn't seem to want to stay anymore, said to Aiko's attending doctor, and then left.


5-7-6, Hachibancho 5-chome, Putian House.

Putian Lizi, who got off work late at night, came home alone, took out a stack of tax bills, utility bills and other letters from the mailbox, took out the supper from the refrigerator and put it in the microwave as usual, and enjoyed it while reading various documents. 3.4 hours of rest.

The sound of the microwave oven is very loud in the silent night.

It was supposed to drive away loneliness and fear, but it concealed another more terrifying voice.


It seems that the sound of the microwave oven has improved.

"But why is it lighter than usual?"

Putian Riko murmured strangely, then walked across the living room to the kitchen.

I didn't notice at all, the entrance door that was supposed to be locked opened a crack at some point.

The black figure is approaching her...

"Don't move! Miss Morita!"

Miwako's voice suddenly sounded.

"Or should I call you Miss Morita Aiko?"

The pale Qiao Lian turned her head, looking extremely scary in this dark night.

Chapter 2792 half brothers and sisters (7)

"I don't understand, what the hell is going on? She should be still in a coma, how could she suddenly be all right!"

Across the glass of the monitoring room, Morita Mizuko looked at her twin sister who was sitting there casually.

"Because it is not an ordinary coma, but a coma caused by drugs. This way, as long as the doctor thinks, you can wake up your sister at any time."