Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2284

The Zoboia said slowly.

"So, you know we know his identity, right?"

Dongma asked with a smile.

"Sai Tada, are you worried about him?"

"He is my father..."

The Zoboyan still said slowly.

"That's why you hesitate... well, this is also natural."

Dongma nodded thoughtfully.

"You know, the sooner we find him, the better for him, because he hasn't had time to kill Torii Renko..."

The Zoboia kept stirring his thumbs in both hands, seemingly anxious.

"You love him very much, but you don't love what he does, do you?"

Dongma looked at Saeki's eyes, and tears seemed to gush out from those red eyes at any time.

"He is my father!"

Zoboya emphasized again.

"But it doesn't mean you have to do bad things for him..."

Dongma shook his head.

"But, although I don't know why my father did that, I still helped him kill the five children..."

Yaren's face seemed to be distorted due to pain.

"It is true that your sin and the blood on your hands cannot be washed away, but it can atone for it!"

Dongma said sternly.

"...Well, let me tell you."

Yaren's psychological defenses collapsed.

Chapter 2799 Serial Abducting Murderers——Balloon Man (7)

PS: Thank you "Luo Ye" for your monthly ticket support.

Soon, following the special commando team, broke into the real residence of Tutadasai.

"lay down your weapon!"

The headed Miwako shouted with a gun.


Wearing only a vest, Tsuchida looks sloppy, holding Torii lotus in one hand and an earthen pistol in the other.

"Tell Yaren, I'm sorry for him!"

After saying this, Tutian raised the gun and aimed it at his temple, pulling the trigger without hesitation.

However, this is not the point, at least in Dongma's view, how this guy died is not the point, the point is on him.

"Is there something wrong? Lord Chief Police Officer."

Watson asked questioningly.

"How is Torii Renko?"

Dong Ma did not answer immediately, but instead asked about the victim's situation.

"Everything is normal, no injuries, just a fright."

Miwako replied.

"Very good, at least not all situations are far from what I expected."

Dongma nodded, still staring at the Tutian plug lying in a pool of 043 blood.

"What is different from your expectation?"

Watson asked strangely.


Dongma raised his chin and motioned everyone to look at the corpse on the ground.

"As a man who can control an adult male, he should have been more oppressive in my expectation, but from the previous video, I suspected that this guy looks extremely weak."

On the back of the corpse, there is a back brace that only patients with spine can wear.

"There are three scars... Has he undergone spinal fusion surgery? And he has been repaired repeatedly!"

Watson asked in surprise.

Because such a person whose actions have been affected can easily escape seven years of pursuit, which is really unimaginable.

"Perhaps this is why he needs Zoboia."

Meihezi guessed.

"Wait, did you hear that?"

Dongma suddenly interrupted.

"It's like... the sound of wind blowing in through leaking glass."

Miwako, who also has inhuman hearing, replied after listening.

"Take me to see the room inside."

Dongma said thoughtfully.

"There are two rooms in there, one should be the room of Zoeki and Torii Renko..."

Meihezi first took them to a small room of about eight or nine square meters.

It seems that the area is not too small to bear, but the messy environment inside and the shabby debris randomly placed make this place more like a utility room than a bedroom for two children.