Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2285

If it weren't for a bed made of cushions in the room, probably no one would have thought it could live here.

Facing a glassless window, it seems that a cold wind may be greeted at any time.

"The other room should be Tutian."

Miwako immediately took Dongma to another room.

Although there is no difference in area, it is obviously a space for normal people.

The well-decorated bed, the glass windows covered by curtains, the TV, the wardrobe, and even a laptop, obviously should be the room where the balloon people live.

However, Dongma found some unusual signs in this room.

Pulling open the curtains with a "wow", Dong Ma saw a half-curved gap appearing on the glass window, and there were still some blood stains that had dried for a long time.

"So that's it..."

At the same time, a piece of hair that was obviously not Tuda plug was found on the pillow.

"Tutadasai, not a balloon person!"

Dongma so asserted.


Tokyo, Sakura Shinmachi, Saeki's house.

The Zoeki's room, although the Zoeki couple seemed to tidy up very carefully, it was still full of the style of Zoeki's childhood ten years ago.

After dinner, or after a long-lost family reunion, the Zoboya are ready to fall asleep in this long-lost room.


The switch of the old-fashioned desk lamp was turned on, and the light yellow light shone on the back of Zoboya.

"Mr. Kamijou? What are you doing here?"

Zoboia asked in surprise.

"I think we need to talk again."

Dongma crossed her fingers, rested her chin, and stared at the facial expressions of the demi people.

"How did you get in?"

Yaren asked in a panic.

"Of course he came in from the front door in a fair manner."

Dongma said naturally.


"Didn't they tell you? Well, maybe they forgot."

Dongma arbitrarily skipped the fact that he had implied on the Saeki couple and went directly to the topic of today.

"I remember you said before, you got your hand cut by the glass of the window? And it's still in your own room? Because it's hot?"

Dongma asked with a sneer.

"So, you must know how surprised I am after seeing your room today..."

"Two desk lamps, one TV, one computer? Compared to Tutada's room, it is a heavenly treatment. After all, he can only sleep on a broken mattress."

"No, that is my room!"

Zoboia retorted nervously with his hands behind his back.

"Don't make up any nonsense, you told me yourself, your hand was cut by the glass window, and the only place in your residence where there is glass and broken is the master bedroom."

Dongma waved his hand to interrupt.

"In other words, Tadasai is not a balloon person, you are!"

"Of course, the evidence is more than that. I found your hair on the pillow of the master bedroom, but only Tutian's hair was found in the utility room. After all, Tutian's short gray hair is not your half-long black hair. Those who send it will have it."

Dongma gave a summary coldly.

"In other words, in the entire incident, you are the controller of the'Balloon Man', and Tu Tian is the puppet under control!"

At the moment when Dongma's voice fell, the Zoboia's temperament completely changed.

The young man who had appeared to shrink from being abused by a perverted murderer was suddenly filled with a cold and merciless aura like a cold winter.

Chapter 2800 serial abduction of murderers-balloon man (end)

The Zoboar slowly pulled out a chair, changed the cowering just now, and sat on it calmly.

"I rarely make a wrong judgment, even if it's just a moment of judgment."

Dongma said in admiration.

"Although I have not observed the psychology of the prisoner for a long time, it is difficult for ordinary people to hide from me even when I am careless."

"Well, by the way, I never thought of you as a fool, otherwise, it would be impossible to live so long with a perverted side. But I did not expect that a little boy who was turned right would actually treat that The criminal who abducted him was under control..."

"You don't know anything at all."

The Zoboia smiled confidently.

"To abduct more children, is this your idea or his idea?"

Dongma asked.

"I was only fourteen years old, and I was lonely."

Yaren's smile was full of irony.

"No, you just want more children to experience the same grief as you do. Hurting them in the same way can make you feel the pleasure of satisfaction and revenge."

Dongma sneered.

"No, you forgot about those parents. I want to see them crying on TV, crying to let the beast return to their child..."

Yaren smiled unhurriedly, seemingly not caring that he was confessing his crime.

"When Tsuchida first took me away, I was really in pain. But even after a lot of pain, I can see my parents' grief on TV. Although I can see it almost every day, of course he Not affected in any way..."