Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2293

Watson let out a scream, because Dongma's head had entered her skirt.

"Back to Sumitomo Building!"

Following Dongma's orders, Watson tried to rotate the steering wheel while forcibly enduring the thrill from below.

The policewoman with flushed face and dripping eyes didn't notice. On the case that was thrown aside by Dongma, in the emergency contact column, filled in the name of "Natsuko".


"Ms. Xiazi in this hall?"

Somewhere in the underground parking lot of Sumitomo Building, Dongma stopped the tall and strong female secretary who was about to leave work.

"What's the matter? Chairman Kamijou."

The hall asked respectfully.

"Most ordinary people will not have any profound influence on a secretary. The profession of secretary itself has such obvious flaws, but for some people, it is the best way to blindfold."

Dongma looked at this female secretary with great interest, who was peculiar to her choice of secretary.

"I do not know what you're talking about?"

The church seemed to take a step back vigilantly.

"Until now, I thought that you became his secretary after being transferred from Fukuda back to Tokyo, but now it seems that you should have been working together for a long time, otherwise it will not be listed in the emergency contact column in the operating records in Osaka. Fill in your name."

With such an appearance, he can still be a consortium-minded secretary, and he must have extremely outstanding work ability.

"Mr. Fukuda is an excellent manager, so I tried my best to help him..."

Before I finished speaking, Dongma interrupted him.

"Indeed, I think the reason why he rises so fast is because of your help."

Dongma showed a sneer.

"So, Fukuda is not the only beneficiary of this series of murders, because there is also your secretary who has been promoted with him...Of course, you are still just a secretary in your position, but whether it is salary, pension, or built-in equity, The treatment of the secretary as the president of Sumitomo Bank and the secretary of a small office in charge is extremely different."

"So what! I paid so much for the consortium! This is what I deserved!"

Realizing his own situation, the hall roared almost desperately.

"How does it feel to play a big consortium between applause?"

Dongma looked at the crazy woman in front of him.

"They have no vision! They didn't discover the talents of me and Mr. Fukuda! That's why I had to do this!"

The hall yelled, but Dongma didn't move at all.

"So the question is, what role did Fukuda play in this series of murders? The insider who acquiesced to your actions? The accomplice who participated in your actions? Or the surrogate who was blinded by you?"

"Do you know? I have seen many self-righteous supervisors like you..."

Bentang pulled out a women's pistol from his bag with a frantic look.

"You are just waiting for me in this empty parking lot alone. You don't know that I can freely control the surveillance here, right?"

The hall proudly pointed at Dongma with a muzzle.

"Give me a ride in the car honestly! I don't care what you are the criminal minister or the chairman of the consortium. 4.9, anyway, the next scheduled target will also include similar characters, so it's better to practice your hands first."

Slowly opening the car door, the hall signaled Dongma to sit in.

"But before that, I will bury you in the back garden of Mr. Fukuda's villa on the outskirts of the city, and make an anonymous call to your colleague in a week or two to let them find your body and your correct reasoning."

However, the triumphant smile of this hall solidified in the next instant.

"Carry on to Futian, the new successor will definitely need an experienced administrative secretary like you... It's a good idea, but it's a pity to use the wrong object."

He appeared in front of the hall like a flash, subduing this terrifying serial killer on the spot in an instant.

Chapter 2807 a series of murders extending in the morgue (1)

"how do you feel?"

In the mortuary of the Mihua Municipal Hospital, Dongma was hugging the gunfield, which was as naked as the surrounding corpses.

"Being with these silent but most honest corpses makes me feel totally unusual pleasure!"

It seems that dealing with corpses all the year round, coupled with the "outside" that he has become a deceased, gave Gunfield such a strange "sexual interest".

Only in the morgue full of corpses can the gunfield find the pleasure of a normal woman.

"Sure enough, it still hasn't changed..."

The year that Dongma left did not seem to cause much change to his dependents.

"But, is it really okay for Master Dongma to bring the child over? After all, isn't that child our companion?"

Gunfield stood up and picked up the shirt on the ground, while looking at the closed iron door of the morgue.

"Although it seems to be too fast to bring her here on the third date, I think if it is the kid, he should be able to adapt to this well."

Dongma said confidently.

"Is that special?"

Gunfield didn't seem to believe it.

"Then let you see."

Dongma smiled, then got up and pulled out a morgue coffin next to him.

"this is……"

Qiangtian glanced at the corpse of the elderly man with a little surprise.

"Are you dressed?"

Dong Ma did not answer directly.

"Need to care?"

Even so, Gun Tian sorted out some messy clothes.

"Master Dongma..."