Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2294

Dongma opened the door, and Watson, who had obviously waited for a while outside the door, let out a flushed face.

"Have you waited a long time?"

Dongma smiled and hugged the beautiful girl curled up in a ball.

"No, I didn't wait long."

The girl who seemed a little weak, naturally couldn't break free of Dongma's embrace.

"Then come in."

Dong Ma led Watson into the morgue.

"Hello, Gunfield Coroner."

Seeing the gunfield standing inside, Watson greeted a little timidly.

"Hello, Mr. Watson."

Qiangtian chuckled coldly as usual.

"Um... is this the corpse to be sent for autopsy?"

Watson glanced at the only corpse obviously outside.

"No, according to the original plan, this corpse only needs to register the necessary procedures before it can be sent directly to the funeral home. It has just been dead for less than an hour."

There was a trace of mystery in Guntian's smile.

"Died of heart failure?"

"Oh? How do you know?"

Qiangtian asked in surprise.

"Because there is a small blue dot under the hairline of the corpse, usually targeted chemotherapy will leave such a mark. From this point of view, the deceased suffered from brain cancer during his lifetime. Blood clots happen to be a common complication of brain cancer. The clot caused a pulmonary embolism and eventually died of heart failure?"

Watson guessed.

"It is worthy of being a high-achieving student in the Faculty of Medicine of a prestigious university. It is similar to my initial conclusion."

Gunfield clapped softly.

"In the beginning?"

Watson noticed something unusual in Gunfield's words.

"I agree that he died of heart failure, but I have a different view of what caused this."

Dongma smiled and inserted the topic.

"Shall we go to the ward where he died?"

Guntian then asked.

"Which ward?"

Dongma asked.


Guntian replied.

"Very well, come with me."

Speaking of Dongma, he led Watson into the inpatient area.

"What are we going to do? Master Dongma!"

Following Dongma quickly, Watson asked in confusion.

"Heart failure seems to be a normal cause of death, but in the final analysis it is caused by adrenaline..."

Dongma's words were rarely interrupted by Watson.

"Adrenaline is a hormone. Is it a common medicine for heart disease?"

"This is the brilliance!"

Dongma said flatly.

"Sorry to bother you. When the patient in this ward passed away, was anyone with him?"

Dongma suddenly grabbed a woman in a medical suit and asked.


The woman replied not sure.

Hearing the female patient's answer, Dongma walked straight into the ward.

"Stop cleaning immediately and keep everything in the room intact!"

Dongma said to the cleaner who was cleaning the ward inside.

"……who are you?"

The cleaner who seemed to be in his fifties looked at Dongma warily.

"We are the police."

Dong Ma glanced at the beard-faced cleaner who seemed to have not cleaned the instrument for a long time, and signaled Watson to show the police officer ID.


The cleaner looked at Dongma in a panic, and then looked at the doorway where some people were gradually gathering.

"Now, please come over to 063 by the leaders of your hospital, and before that, we need to ensure the original condition of the scene."

Dongma ordered coldly.

"I understand."

The cleaner ran out hastily.

"Master Dongma, what the hell is going on?"

Watson, who still didn't understand, asked.