Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2322

Watson said.

"So, why does this eco-terrorist organization threaten your public relations company?"

Dongma then asked.

"You also know that our public relations targets actually include some large energy companies, and occasionally we also help them to do some image restoration work after pollution accidents."

Chong Nong said naturally with a face.

However, in fact, there will naturally be a lot of filth and dissatisfaction, especially local residents affected by the pollution.

"For example, a large-scale forest pollution incident in Gunma?"

Dongma told the most famous energy pollution public relations case of Zhongnong Strategy Consulting Co., Ltd.


Chong Nong made no answer with an awkward expression.

"Indeed, the so-called Earth Self-Defense Force sent us seven or eight threatening letters three years ago. We should still keep a copy of that time. Chairman Kamijou would like to see it?"

Seeing the embarrassment of his boss, Keita turned the subject away.

"of course……"

Dongma nodded.

When the four of them got up, Dongma suddenly said something inexplicable.

"Michelangelo, Khumbu, Sky Tower. Third row, fourth column, seventh column."


Keita glanced at Dongma suspiciously, while Watson followed Dongma's gaze thoughtfully and saw the Godsend game chart on the Zhongnong office computer.

The three words Dongma just said can fill the corresponding three spaces, and can fill in the remaining spaces in an instant.

Later, Dongma consulted the archives of Zhongnong Strategy Consulting Co., Ltd.

"Anything to find?"

Watson asked carefully.

"It's not certain, but the exaggerated expressions in these letters and the use of the words of an unpopular Western novelist gave me a bit of a clue to the person who wrote this letter."

Dongma said with a sneer.

"Wait, you said this is a person?"

Watson asked in surprise.

"Yes, it is a person acting under the name of the Earth Self-Defense Force."

Dongma said affirmatively.

"Then who is this person?"

Watson continued to ask.

"Generally speaking, the leaders of such ecological organizations have sufficient relevant knowledge, and the professional terms quoted in these threatening letters can also confirm this. And I happen to know that a related expert will often quote this unpopular novel. The famous sentence of home."

Dongma said with a smile.


"So, when the Metropolitan Police Department came to me, is it accusing me of being a'terrorist'? If this is the case, I will report you to the media!"

The old man with white hair roared loudly.

The open sideburns and sharp eyes don't look like academics at all.

"Mr. Kase Fumiya, we think the way you speak in public and the grammar used in these threatening letters are extremely similar, so this kind of lies that can be debunked at once should not be continued."

Dongma said with a sneer.

"I'll say it again! I am not a member of the Earth Self-Defense Force, nor have I written these letters, nor have I made bombs!"

Kase excused, and did not move Dongma at all, because...

"Remember which finger you used to press the button when you got on the elevator?"

Touma took the evidence bag from Segawa who had just entered the door.

"This is the Metropolitan Police Department. In the previous hour, all personnel were prohibited from using the elevator, except for your special visitor."

Dongma smiled triumphantly...

"You got off the elevator, we took the button, and sent to the forensic class for comparative analysis, and we quickly found a matching fingerprint from the fingerprint database. The fingerprint appeared in the last time seven years ago. The scene of the explosion made in the name of the Earth Self-Defense Force."

Touma stared at Kase, who was pale.

"So you made the bombs of the Earth Self-Defense Force, and you wrote these threatening letters, and your only mistake is that you didn’t take the bomb out of the ventilation pipe in time after the bomb went wrong, so that you can avoid being caught. The murder was charged."

"...It is true that these letters were written by me. I have made bombs before, including the last operation three years ago. We used nitrate bombs to blow up five internationally renowned large companies. At that time, we received much attention. Chong Nong is just one of our many goals, so in fact we have not taken any action against them."

Kase defended in a deep voice, although it didn't sound convincing.

But Dongma doesn't think so...

"Master Dongma, are you sure to arrest Kase?"

Walking out of the interrogation room, Watson asked.

"Is there any result on the bomb disposal team?"

Dongma asked noncommitantly.

"Preliminary results came out. The bomb at the crime scene was a home-made bomb 2.1 made of potassium chlorate. The main ingredients were gasoline, bleach and petroleum jelly."

Segawa on one side replied.

"Unsurprisingly, if the person who made the bomb was really Kase, then he would definitely use some less polluting natural substances, and he also said that he made the nitrate bomb, which is usually used to make nitrate. The catalysts are all chemical fertilizers. So if the bomb at the scene is really made by Kase, it will definitely leave the pungent smell of chemical fertilizer on the scene of the explosion, but in fact, you should remember the smell left on the scene, which is exactly as mentioned before The taste of gasoline, bleach, and petroleum jelly is more consistent."

Dongma came to the conclusion.

At least in the Kakuda Internet bombing case, Kase is likely to be innocent.

Chapter 2832 the explosion resounding on the timeline (four)