Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2324

Watson asked questioningly.

"My husband loves me very much! He values ​​family and children very much! He can't just leave without saying anything!"

Madame Suihe insisted.

"Although I once had illusions, in the end reality told me that only the possibility of'death' can explain why he has not shown up until now."

It may be that the room has not been cleaned for a long time, and the moldy smell on the wall of the living room made Dongma feel a little uncomfortable.

"So, you think he was killed?"

In fact, the pictures on that wall really have no trace of being moved, even if a picture of a black couple on the cabinet shows that this space seems to reveal a strange disharmony.

"If it's just a heart attack or something, someone will definitely find him. Eventually, whether it's the hospital or your police, they will come and tell me, right?"

Shui Hei's tone was a little excited.

"Well, if he really didn't hide his guilty conscience after planting a bomb because he had a grudge against the company..."

Chapter 2833 the explosion resounding on the timeline (five)

Seeing Mrs. Suihei who changed color suddenly, Dongma suddenly changed the subject.

"So, who do you think would want to kill him?"

"It was true that he had quarreled with another person in the company before the incident, but the police had confirmed that it was impossible for that person to commit a crime."

Madame Shuihei sighed and shook her head.

"Well, by the way, has this house been changed since your husband disappeared? Even if it's a small-scale furniture move?"

Dongma asked suddenly.

"No, I haven't made any changes to this place since my husband died."

Although Mrs. Mizuki was a little confused, she shook her head.

"So, you haven't even cleaned the mold on the back of the cabinet?"

Dongma smiled and asked a word that made Madame Shuihei frown.

"How did you know?"

Madame Suihei looked at Dongma in surprise.

"I have a better nose..."

Dongma pointed to his nose.

"So, can we go to the backyard to see next?"

"Yes, but why?"

"It's just a routine procedure."

After speaking, Watson left the living room with Mrs. Shuihei, while Dongma took a step behind, and once again carefully glanced at the source of the discord—beside the cabinet, there were several photos hung with a musty smell. Wall.

After chatting for a while, Dongma and Watson bid farewell to Madame Suihei.

"Master Dongma, it seems that we can't get anything from Madame Suihei, what shall we do next?"

Watson's question made Dongma smile strangely.

"No, it's not without gain, at least we can know that Mizuki Shinsuke has been dead for a while."


Watson looked at Dong Ma in surprise.

"On a photo of the wall cabinet in the living room just now, it was taken with the living room we just stayed in as the background. If you look closely, you will find that the wall in the photo is not in harmony with the wall we actually see. The place."

Dongma induces Watson's memories.

"...It really feels strange to say so."

Having said that, there is no Watson with a perverted memory like Dong Ma. Without careful observation, it is impossible to find such subtle differences in Q(

ˇ"The first discordant place is @the distance between the photos. In that photo, the distance between the photo frames is about 18 cm, but in fact the distance between the photo frames is only about 10 cm. The suspension position has also dropped by ten centimeters. So it is obvious that someone took them down and put them back on, but did not pay attention to maintaining the original distance."

Dongma said confidently.

"That's the picture that Mrs. Suihei moved?"

Watson doubted.

"She said that she hadn't moved that room. I confirmed this through observations just now. In fact, where we were sitting just now, we were able to see the back of the photo frame. Normal humans naturally couldn't observe what was in the dark shadow. But we should be able to see clearly..."

Dongma glanced at Watson, who was blushing because of her lack of observation and concentration.

"...There is no nail hole in the original position, but there is a slight bulge."


Watson noticed the last word Dongma uttered.

"It was a phenomenon formed by the plastic bag that wrapped the corpse of Mizuhei Shinsuke because of the corrosive gas emitted from the corpse.

"Nani?! You mean, Shinsuke Mizuki's body was in the wall of the living room just now?!"

Watson's eyes widened in horror, and he stepped on the brakes suddenly because of panic.

"This also explains why the wall is moldy. In order to leave enough space for the corpse, the murderer removed the temperature insulation layer and let the corpse be sandwiched in the interlayer. This created a temperature difference. After condensation occurred, It will emit mildew."

The conclusion is obvious. Three years ago, the murderer killed Mizuki Shinsuke, removed the insulating layer from the wall, stuffed the corpse in, and repainted the wall.


"After investigation, Madam Suihei did not kill her husband, because from October to December three years ago, Madam Suihei stayed with her seriously ill father in her hometown in four countries."

Meihezi took the report and reported.

"Obviously, the murderer also knew this, so he took advantage of this blank period of no one in the Shuihei family to commit murder and hide the body."

Dongma said unsurprisingly.

"So, maybe Shuihei has an accomplice? In order to prevent things from being exposed or if you want to stop halfway, you killed the accomplices Shuihei?"

Meihezi guessed.