Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2332

Dongma stretched his hand to an inconspicuous corner of the wall.

"Judging from the shape of the blood splash, it should be caused by a slam. From a more normal possibility, it should be blood stains left after someone was hit in the nose."

Dongma described it with sentences that the inspector could understand.

"This is indeed a suspicious point... But, does this have anything to do with the diamond theft incident two days ago?"

Inspector asked suspiciously.

"The connection is in those glass vases."

The song is over.

"There are three layers of decorative stones in these two vases, and each layer has a different color, but here there are only two layers inside."

Dongma pointed to the vase with a layer of decorative stone missing.

"But judging from the mineral residues on the side of the vase, this vase was still full until recently. It is worth noting that many of the stolen diamonds are rough diamonds that have not been cut. There is almost no difference."

2840 silly [email protected]

"So, if I stole a lot of rough diamonds, then this vase is the best hiding place?!"

Watson reacted.

"Wrong, the accomplice who just snatched the diamond from Dingxia, obviously guessed this too."

Dongma nodded with a sneer.

"However, apparently this companion was a bit anxious and missed one of them."

Dongma poured out all the decorative stones in the vase and picked out a translucent stone with a rough surface.

Although its appearance is not good, but there is no doubt that this is an unprocessed rough diamond.


I had been immersed in Dongma's inferences for a long time before he reacted and seemed to scream, and then hurriedly ran outside, apparently applying for support.

Such a murder case is not something that an inspection in another district can participate in.

However, Dongma did not leave. Instead, he found his mobile phone from Dingshita Yoshito's legacy.

"Anything to find?"

Watson asked questioningly.

"Aren't you curious? Who will be Dingxia's companion?"

Asking this, Dong Ma opened the phone address book at the same time.

"He has three numbers in an unnamed column in his address book, each of which corresponds to a name, namely Yuanshan, Chestnut, and Tutian. And these three people happened to be involved in the theft together with him. jury."

Dongma said with a sneer.

"So, they still have contact, right?"

Watson asked puzzledly.

"You may have never been a juror, and of course I have not, but an elementary school teacher I know did. She is a caring person, and she even communicates with every child’s parent, even if the child is no longer there. She is in class. But even for such a person, she has never had any contact with her former jury colleagues."

Dongma said sarcastically.

"Why is that?"

Watson asked questioningly.

"Because that is after all participating in the final process of a crime. After a group of people have tasted the taste of judging others, they will not want to continue to get along with those who have done the same thing, because it will remind people of the The crime in front of oneself."

A sense of guilt is something that most normal people want to avoid.

"Then what does this mean?"

p_hua asked strangely.


Dong Ma did not answer, but took out the tablet computer and called up the photo information of the original four-person criminal gang.

"These four people invaded Shutendoko two years ago...We have already met Hino Meji, an expert in unlocking with extraordinary skills."

Dongma clicked on the first photo, and then slid his finger on the second photo.

"Mori Mizu Kojiro, he was the inner respondent in the four-man group at the time..."

Dongma flicked across this person's photo, and then pointed at the third person.

"This is the genius who came up with that genius' attention and made the whole plan, Fukuji Abe."

Then point to the fourth person.

"This is Tsuzo Eimiya, Ph.D. in electronic engineering."

Dongma's slightly excited explanation did not confuse Watson.

"I have read these materials too, it seems that there is nothing worth noting?"

Watson asked strangely.

"The focus is on the next part."

Dongma flicked his fingers a few times and called up four new photos, which were just below the four photos.

"As you know, Dachishita Yoshito has superb programming skills, which is very similar to Fukuji Abe's function."

"Doi Yaya was an electronic engineer until he was laid off by the company..."

"Kinoshita Peiji, the locksmith's son, earned all the tuition and miscellaneous fees for finishing graduate school with his ancestral income..."

Having said that, Watson finally reacted.

"In other words, this theft case was actually a case involving Yoshito Dingshita and his companions on the jury?!"

"Maybe it was just a joke at the beginning, but when Dingxia cracked the programming language, they realized that their combination could actually perform the same operations as their predecessors."

Dongma said cheerfully.

"But in this way, who is in charge of the inner work? Is it this woman?"