Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2337

Bella immediately got up and walked out.

"Now, is it confirmed that the blood belongs to the two victims?"

Dongma asked suddenly.

"Unfortunately, we have compared the bloodstains at the two scenes, and they all match the DNA samples of the two victims."

Miwako glanced at Kogoro carefully.

At this time, after hearing the news, he almost fainted and lay down on the seat.

"Finally, we transferred this letter that'M' has sent to Interpol over the years from Interpol."

While talking, Mei Hezi called up a dozen letters written in cut characters on the projector.

"According to the inferences of Interpol-related psychology experts, this murderer has a certain tendency to talk, and at the same time has a clear psychology of mocking the police..."

"That's just a state that'M' can show. It is impossible for such a killer like a precision instrument to show such an obvious flaw."

Dongma shook his head and interrupted Miwako's report on the conclusion of Interpol's investigation.


Mei Hezi nodded, then crossed the text.

"Finally, although the murderer has committed crimes continuously for ten years, he does not commit three or four consecutive crimes every year, but prefers to concentrate on continuous crimes over a period of time."

"In other words, how many similar cases will we encounter next?"

Dongma asked thoughtfully.

"I think so..."

Meihezi nodded and said yes.

Then, several hours passed.

During this time, Kogoro returned to the office in despair.

Although he seems to try his best to help the police catch'M', Dongma does not want him to intervene in the investigation with too many personal emotional factors.

This incident quickly spread among Xiaolan's circle of friends, but because most of the relatives and friends around Xiaolan were Dongma women, the commotion was only on the surface.

The only Conan who might be really worried had actually already noticed Dongma's identity. After confirming the situation, he quieted down and said that he would wait for Dongma's investigation results.

Soon, the body of Yi Dongying was found.

The place where the corpse was abandoned was on the beach near Dream Island Park in Gangdong District.

Not only that, but the progress of the incident seemed unexpectedly fast.

"Master Dongma, just now Mr. Maori called to call the police, saying that someone had broken into his office!"

Segawa, who was responsible for arranging the protection of the Mori office, also reported at this time.

"It's up to people to work, and it's up to the sky, and I'm on that day. In my opinion, your pursuit is like hitting a stone with a pebble, and it's overwhelming. Even if the gods and demons are in front of me, I can kill the gods and demons!"

Reading the letter made with cut characters on his hand, Dong Ma showed a playful sneer.

"I'm very sorry, Master Dongma, Mr. Maori, we made a mistake at this time. It is obvious that we should also arrange manpower on the back street so that the murderer will not be turned in through the window over there."

Segawa said with an annoyed look.

"It seems that he is eyeing you, Uncle Maori...Do you need me to prepare a safe house for you?"

Dongma looked at Kogoro with a strange expression and asked thoughtfully.

"no need!"

Kogoro replied categorically.

Chapter 2845 the call of blood (the rising Kogoro)

"No! There is no need for this!"

Xiao Lang firmly rejected Dong Ma's offer with a face.

"What you have to face is a villain with ten lives on his back. You are not me."

Dong Ma reminded again.

"I know, facing a murderer that even Xiaolan can subdue, I don't actually have much chance of winning."

Kogoro nodded heavily.

"Besides, I don't have so many police officers on my side. I have always protected you."

Dongma continued.

"I understand that it can protect me for ten and a half months, and it is impossible to protect me for ten or twenty years...Of course, I can't wait that long!"

Kogoro showed an unprecedented serious expression.

"And this guy obviously didn't want my life, otherwise it wouldn't be as simple as just coming in and putting a note."

It seems that Kogoro suddenly awakened the soul of reasoning that would appear on him with a small probability.

"He wants to play a game! He wants me...or strictly speaking, it should be you, the game in which he is fully engaged!"

Kogoro gritted his teeth and looked at Dongma.

Not because of emotions such as hatred or anger, but just the despair and regret that I can do nothing.

"Very well, now that you have enlightened, then naturally I will not disappoint your expectations."

Dongma smiled confidently.

"Of course, I will send additional guards as necessary, so please bear with me."

"Relax, have you forgotten that I was born as a police officer? I know better than you what to do at the frontline scene!"

Kogoro said proudly.

The next day, around noon, Dongma received a call from Segawa.

"Why? There are clues so soon?"

Dongma asked strangely.