Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2360

Dongma asked rhetorically.

"That's... a medical alarm?"

Watson looked carefully, then replied hesitantly.

"Well, as a medical student, you should also know that only patients with hemophilia, epilepsy or allergies will wear such a device."

Dongma nodded in satisfaction, then turned and walked towards the woods in the park behind him.

"So, what kind of allergies need to wear this kind of thing?"

As he crossed another small gravel road with no people, Dong Ma asked pointedly.

"As long as allergies that cause anaphylactic shock are included, such as food, medicine, or allergies caused by mosquito bites...hate, what!"

When Watson said this, he suddenly waved his hand in front of his face, as if driving something away.

"That's an Africanized bee..."

Dongma replied, and then followed the bee to the side of the wood that was not dense.


Watson followed suspiciously.

"Simply put, it is a term that describes a certain combative species. The crux of the problem is that this bee is obviously not native to Tokyo. It's like someone specially put them on the only way for Terayama Yuki to jog. "

With that said, Dongma found a wooden box containing sugar water from a hole on the back of a tree, and on a branch not far away, the seemingly natural beehive and a large number of flying bees.

Chapter 2865 the truth

"But how do you kill people? Raise bees, and then wait until Miss Terayama runs past, poke the hornet's nest with a wooden stick?"

Watson asked with a puzzled look.

"Don't be so troublesome, just put a little lemongrass oil on Miss Terayama's clothes, because that can ensure that the bees are attracted to her and attack her in an instant."

With very careful planning, she kept running away while the bees kept chasing her until she died of allergic shock.

"But if she is allergic to bees, she should carry adrenaline with her?"

"Adrenaline only works when you get a bite or two, but if you face the attack of the entire swarm, it will have no effect."

Dongma shook his head to refute Watson's doubts.

"And if it is really such a murder plan, then the murderer should come here soon, because the sugar water for keeping bees is running out."

"I will immediately arrange for manpower to monitor here!"

Subsequently, Miwako tuned to Segawa, where surveillance activities began 24 hours a day.

Soon, on the next night, Dongma was in his villa and saw an old man dressed in ordinary clothes.

The old man's clothes were ordinary, and his worn overcoat made him look impoverished. However, most of his bald hair was combed neatly.

Because he was caught at the scene of the crime, he shouldn't be dressed up specially, but just habitually tidy up.

"What are you doing?! Even the police can't arrest people casually!"

The old man with a long face exclaimed excitedly.

"Arresting people? Then can you explain why when you were arrested, you had a notebook in your hand and happened to record a series of equations representing the falling trajectory of an air conditioner?"

Dongma asked with a sneer.

"Are you sick? Are you arrested for doing physics problems?!"

The old man yelled.

However, the sweat constantly oozing from his forehead has exposed his true thoughts.

"To be honest, I don't want to catch you, I just want to find your behind-the-scenes master through you."

Dongma said with a sneer.

"Seiyu Kodera used to be a professor at the University of Tokyo and an important researcher in the special research group of the Ministry of Defense. You applied for retirement five years ago. The Ministry of Defense should be based on your hard work for so many years. This is not right. Do you conduct close and confidential surveillance?"

Dongma flipped through the old man's notebook.

"Perhaps you have calculated it, or maybe someone discovered this loophole by accident. Anyway, you have now found a mysterious employer and helped him complete a series of murders..."

Dongma paused.

"And this character, let's call him'Moriarty'."

Miwako, who is familiar with Dongma, realized that Dongma didn't want to continue speaking, so he immediately took the conversation.

"The clues we currently have are enough to focus our attention on you and the killing of Hideme Iijima and Misuke Saeki, so strictly speaking, we are not arbitrary arrests."

With that, Meihezi took out a cell phone.

"This is the mobile phone found from your body, and it has been verified that it is indeed your mobile phone. In the SMS message of this mobile phone, we found a garbled text message very similar to the mobile phone message box of a perverted serial killer. "

The old man has been silent since just now.

"No need to pretend. The next thing I want you to do is to send a text message to your boss during the time I go to the restaurant for dinner, saying that you are in trouble, and I want to personally dialogue."

"Of course, if you can tell me everything about Moriarty before he responds, then I will consider letting my friends from the Metropolitan Police Department and the Public Prosecutor's Office to sentence you as appropriate."

Of course, judging from the scale of his crime, the indefinite period is obviously already at a minimum.

"After you think about it, just ring this bell..."

Dongma motioned to Masakamoto to place the retro ringing bell in front of him.

"It's best not to have the idea of ​​running away, you should be very clear that you can't succeed..."

After the warning, Dong Ma went to the restaurant next door.

"Master Dongma..."

Although Dongma and others were still enjoying the superb food as usual, Watson sat there with a face full of unease, motionless, as if what was in front of him was not a Michelin three-star food at all.

"Are you nervous?"

Dongma put down his knife and fork.

"No matter who that person is, now we obviously have to deal with a terrifying figure hiding in countless assassins reaching out..."