Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2362

The hands that kept clenching and letting go seemed to show his inner anxiety.

"He is wearing a limited edition electronic watch and is constantly watching the time..."

It seemed that the person had noticed the same, he suddenly got up from his seat, left a few small denominations indiscriminately, walked out of the restaurant quickly, and got on a BMW sports car about twenty meters away from the Toyota. .

The moment he took off the wig from his head, even Watson, who didn't believe it at first, was convinced that this person was here to do it.

Following this person, Dong Ma easily found his other connection partner, a white man who appeared to be over 1.9 meters tall.

"Is this the Moriarty we are looking for?"

Watson asked in surprise.

"Look up his details. Before I find his residence, I want to know a little bit more clearly."

Dongma did not answer directly.

"Yes, I have already passed the photo to Miss Xiuzi. I think with her technique, I should be able to find this person's information soon."

In fact, the information about this person did come quickly.

Although a foreigner, Hideko's personal network is not limited to Japan.

"John Heifeberg, he has been very smart since he was a child, and has shown an amazing talent for killing."

Sitting in the top box of the Keio Plaza Hotel in Tokyo, Touma looked at the man's information as if reading a newspaper in the morning.

"When I was young, I lived in an orphanage in Hamburg. Your roommate 470 was beaten to death by a few older children. But the strange thing is that after less than two months, these beaten children are all inexplicable. The earth is dead."

"Yes, such a tragedy did happen at that time, and then I was transferred to another church orphanage in Munich."

The tall white man speaks a fluent Tokyo accent. It seems that Dongma's arrival did not surprise him or panic. On the contrary, he opened up the red wine like an old friend meeting and poured a glass for Dongma and Watson.

Obviously, there was no evidence for the events at the time, and John Heifeberg lived like this until now.

"I'm even more curious, how did you find me?"

Prisoners before execution also have the right to know the reasons for their death sentences.

"Because Xiaosi's victory is in my hands..."

Dongma answered briefly, and then asked straightforwardly.

"So, have you ever acted under the name Moriarty?"

"I am not him."

John's answer is also very direct, which is surprisingly direct.

"So, can you talk to me about this new genius in the criminal world?"

Dongma asked in his spare time.

2867 Born-18 Mar 1974

"I know why you are looking for him. I heard that your little girlfriend was killed?"

John's expression gradually became serious.

"Although her death has nothing to do with me, but I can tell you what happened. Because her death is entirely because of you, Mr. Kamijou Touma..."

However, Dongma's attention was not on him at all at this time, but through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the hotel room, looking at a window several hundred meters away.

There, a figure shrouded in darkness was holding a sniper rifle with a bright red aiming point facing John's back.


The gunshots were almost inaudible, and the bullet instantly penetrated John's heart.

"It's really cautious and brutal to kill."

Dong Ma did not pursue the killer, because the man took poison in front of Dong Ma and killed himself after shooting.

"Master Dongma, even if this line is broken?"

Watson asked unwillingly.

"No way, it seems Moriarty is a bit more interesting than I thought."

Calculate his own action, and arrange this move in advance.

The clean behavior style and the in-depth understanding of himself made Dongma full of interest in this mysterious crime master.

"By the way, is there any new development in Xiaosi Shengli?"

Dongma asked suddenly.

"There is no progress. He just keeps explaining to us every one of his murders. He hasn't even hired a lawyer. He seems to just want to talk to people and confide in his heart for so many years."

Miwako on the side replied with a wry smile.

"By the way, on the way here, Xiaosi Shengli received a message on his mobile phone."

Speaking, Meihezi handed the phone to Dongma, and there was a text message on the screen, all of which were strange and garbled text messages.

"Go ask Xiaosi, what does this garbled character mean."

Dongma said without hesitation.

"I sent it back to the main office and asked about it on the way here. Xiaosi said that he didn't recognize this password at all, and it seemed that he used another password."

Miwako replied with a wry smile.

"Another set... So that's it. The passwords between Moriarty and each killer are completely different, but the garbled codes used look very similar."

Dongma was stunned for a moment, then said suddenly.

"Then what shall we do?"

Watson asked.

"It's very simple. Just ask another Mo Yongya's subordinate."

Since it was Moriarty sent out the small temple of the code, but I don't know it.V MT

So obviously Moriarty already knew what was going on here, and his code was not sent to Xiaosi, but to another person he could not directly contact.

At this time, he was serving his sentence in prison, and it was obviously impossible to see Moran who was texting.