Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 2370

"Impossible, he cannot make such a mistake."

The bow was still shaking his head, and didn't seem to realize that Dongma had already stuck in front of her.

"His life has only two stages, before and after his sister was killed."

Dongma hugged the bow that was suddenly helpless.

"Did you know him before?"

Dongma gently stretched his hand to the full breast.

"I hope so, but it was actually at the memorial service after his sister died."

The bow that fell into the memory did not struggle, but recalled the scene at that time.

"That's a terrible occasion."

Dongma chuckled and took off her dress from top to bottom.

"That was only the first time I met, and the formal contact should be a few months later..."

Gongzi wanted to struggle subconsciously, but couldn't get rid of Dongma's hands.

"Ren killed Segawa and was comforted. This is probably the last thing I can do for him."

Crystal tears ran across that pretty face and fell on Dongma's hand.

"From now on, I will never have anything to do with him. According to the current law, he probably won't be able to come out again in his lifetime."

Gongzi allowed her body to "dance" in the winter horseshoe, and the wonderful rhythm made her crazy until the whole person convulsed.


"Master Dongma, how did you gain?"

Watson asked curiously in the evening at Kamijotaku.

"Nothing. Although Yuzi is very honest, but he refuses to reveal anything, but the guy Otsuka apparently does not want to admit that he is being used by others. It is probably caused by being in a high position all the year round and suffering psychological trauma in his youth. Stubborn and arrogant."

Dong Ma grumbled with disdain.

"Then these are?"

Looking at the various pictures and texts on the projector on the wall, Watson showed a puzzled expression.

Because these seem to be the customer data of Otsuka Security Company.

"Although there is no way to get complete information, our Metropolitan Police Department still has some public information, such as those customers who have ended their contractual relationship with Otsuka Security Company..."

Dongma pointed at those pictures.

"In the past, most of the targets Otsuka Run dealt with were stalkers and compulsive criminals, so from the perspective of the concept of'enemies', our suspects are too many to count. More importantly, he took My revenge aspirations are open to the whole world..."

At this time, Dongma suddenly noticed a photo.

Otsuka Run and Yuko lie together sweetly, and the blooming cherry blossoms seem to herald the beginning of love between them.

"Is there anything wrong with this photo?"

Watson asked strangely.

"In fact, I was sure from the beginning that there was some kind of deviation in this whole thing, and even knew who caused the deviation, but I couldn't understand her motive... But now, I know."

"What motive can be seen in this photo?"

Watson asked strangely.

"We all thought at the beginning that the reason for leading Otsuka to kill the people in Segawa was to profit from it, but in fact it was the opposite. The reason she did this was actually to give Otsuka a spiritual peace. "

Dongma sighed.

This is probably what she called "the last thing done for him".


"Master Dongma? Didn't play enough last night? Although I don't mind, this is the office, and Lun has just entered. I really don't want any bad rumors to appear at this time."

Bow took off his coat and looked at Dongma with reddish cheeks.

"Speaking of it, I remember you told me yesterday that you and Otsuka Run met in January fourteen years ago? That is after her death?"

Dongma asked suddenly.

"Yes, is there any problem with this?"

The bow felt a little strange, so he stopped the next movement.

"I think you, as an important partner who helped him succeed in his career and life, must be very aware that the police found an anonymous fingerprint at the scene of the death of Sister Otsuka. The police believed it was probably left by the murderer..."

"I compared your fingerprint yesterday, and your fingerprint exactly matches that fingerprint."

"So it's actually not the murderer's fingerprint, but your fingerprint!"

"Because the person who ran into the murderer at Otsuka's house was not Otsuka Ren, but you!"

Dongma said firmly.

Chapter 2874 Mao Lilan

"I think the reason why Otsuka Run is so sure that the murderer is the Seto who could not commit the crime when possible is because the witness at the scene of the crime was his favorite woman."

Looking at the bow in silence, Dongma asserted.

Because of that photo, it shows that they were very close before they died.

"However, we checked your files. At that time, you should have been married to another man. Although the marriage lasted only a few months, if you said that at the time, it would reveal the fact that you were having an extramarital affairs."

"So? We were indeed together at the time, so what?"

The bow stared at Dongma fiercely like a wounded female beast.

"Because the police did not find the prisoner you described to Otsuka Run, Otsuka has been unable to accept it for many years. Of course, this is equally unacceptable to you."

Dongma continued.

"So fourteen years later, you stumbled upon a man who could pretend to be the murderer of the year, a passer-by from Segawa. He is the medicine for your husband to restore peace. And then, you just have to insist that he is the man you met that night. It's okay."

"He is the man I met that night! It was he who killed Ren's sister!"