The author needs to write this book step by step, such as aerospace carrier, super soldier.

As for why the United Nations will tolerate it, the author has an explanation later.

If you have to compare with the real world, then **** is beckoning to the book.

However, the location, money, and latitude and longitude of this book are all information carefully checked by the author on the Internet.

For example, the total amount of US dollar M2 broad money in 2006 was really 6.8 trillion.

Another example is the price of Apple's stock in 2006, the price of Lehman Brothers' stock, and the Dimark Arms Company.

The author also uses the world map to confirm the position, calculate the time of arrival or time difference, etc.

It's a parallel world.

The author's writing style is not good, but the author will try to be more rigorous.

You can't have the technology to traverse the stars at once, or which super soldier can destroy the world.

This loses the fun.

The author is also trying to maintain a balance, and the rhythm is step by step.

The previous "Summoning a Mercenary" had problems with the rhythm, which would seem very chaotic.

If you want to write it, you can't rush it.

Containment objects are like the introduction, there will be SCPs, but they are more of movies or originals or games.

After all, SCP has its own complete world view. If the author writes a lot of SCP, isn't it also water writing?

So agents, task forces, and doctors who are reading this article, don't worry.

Again, it needs to be done step by step~

As for Halsey, some readers question why she knows everything.

In the gaming world view, she received a double Ph.D. at the age of 15, and is hailed as the smartest person in the twenty-sixth century.

Like Herendin, who was drawn by the protagonist before, it was her Thor's hammer from the navy cottage.

Even without her various technologies, humans might be annihilated.

PS: Thank you for your support~