Containment control starts with the umbrella

Chapter 83 The Truth Has Been Buried

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself, be good."

Seeing that Halsey was still depressed, William patted the top of her head and said:

"You only know the characteristics of Elizabeth Green now. You don't even have a sample. Thinking alone can't solve the problem.

Before Andre led a large number of troops to come here, we first obtained the detailed information of the red fog area, and then made plans."

Halsey seemed to have received enough encouragement, not as uncomfortable as before. Instead, he nodded cheerfully:

"I know~"

"..." William just smiled and said nothing.

Of course he knew this was Halsey's little routine.

For the D-class personnel who died because of her, there must be twenty-nine thousand without thirty thousand.


I'm afraid it's not installed in the theater parking lot.

But it is this weird character that makes William like her.

With a restrained and light manner, William led Halsey to Hank and the others, preparing to go to the Umbrella branch's wartime command center in Kennedy Airport.

Everyone just left the position where the helicopter formation was parked, and didn't walk long in the airport.

There were dozens of heavily armed Marines, surrounded by a senior general, rushing towards them.

The general among the Marines, illuminated by the bright lights set up in the airport, allowed William to see the opponent's looks clearly at a long distance.

His hair and beard are gray, his face is slightly wrinkled, and there is a cigar between the index and middle fingers of his left hand.

Wearing a three-star black beret, and the name tag on the right chest of the uniform indicated the identity of the general.

The three-star lieutenant general of the U.S. Marine Corps, Mike O'Donahue.

Mike, who had always maintained his majesty, his face stagnated at the moment he saw William, his old and dry eyes gleaming, as if past events suddenly appeared before him.

Then the lieutenant general threw the cigar on the ground and stomped it out, swiftly leaving the Marines beside him.

He wanted to get closer to William, but Hank raised his hand to stop him. The latter also said quietly in a warning tone:

"I'm sorry (looks at Mike's name tag).

Lieutenant General Odonnahugh, please don't approach any further."


Mike, who was stopped, had no dissatisfaction. Instead, he looked at Hank with appreciation and said, "Very good, young man."

When William saw Mike, he finally remembered who the other party was.

In his inherited memory...

Grandpa would take him frequently to travel to the United States when he was alive, and Mike, who was only a lieutenant colonel at the time, was one of the many people who came to visit.

Even though the memory is vague, William still remembers that Mike would often amused him when he was young and talked about strange things in the army.

After many years.

Mike's hairstyle and beard have not changed, which makes William recognize at a glance.

The only difference is that the lieutenant general is facing the same problem as Andrei, that is, he is no longer young and old.

After confirming that Mike was once promoted by Grandpa, and then through the system's loyalty monitoring, William said to Hank:

"Alright Hank, let this lieutenant come over. I was taken care of by him when I was a kid."


Hank, who was ordered, put down his raised left hand and agreed with Mike to approach Alpha's defensive circle.

However, the Marines who were responsible for defending Mike were still blocked by the Alpha.

Mike spread his arms as he walked towards William, showing the caring smile of the younger generation, and sighed:

"William, I didn't expect that after so many years, you kid still remember me."

William also put Halsey next to him, spread his arms and walked forward to hug Mike, smiling:

"Uncle O'Donagh, I remember my grandfather had no time to take care of me when I was young, and you were the only one to spend time with me."

"Haha!" Mike smiled broadly, let go, and William reluctantly shook his head and said: "The main thing is...

At that time, I couldn't talk, and couldn't integrate into the circle of those big people.

Thinking about seeing you as a child is boring, I will chat with you and show you around.

Who knows that because of this, Lord Russell still said I was naive... hey..."

"Hehe." William also smiled with Mike, and then he put his hand forward to remind:

"Lieutenant General, why don't we talk while walking?"

"Okay." Mike nodded in agreement.

Immediately afterwards, nearly a hundred armed men surrounded William, Mike and Halsey.

Halsey didn't interrupt the whole process, but she didn't expect that the dignified American Samsung Lieutenant General would be so respectful to William's grandfather.

She thought that only Andre would do that...

It seems that we have to add another one now.


William raised his head and glanced at the starless night sky, and told Mike the doubt he had been holding back for a long time:

"Lieutenant General, my grandfather almost controlled the whole world in secret.

Like you, if it wasn't for the anomaly in Manhattan, I didn't know that Lieutenant General you were loyal to the Russell family.

but why…


Why did the Russell family fall apart in an instant when my grandfather passed away, and you no longer contact my father?"

William once asked Andre about the specific reasons for this, but the old brawny just said he didn't know.

In other words, he only knew about Paul Heller, an official who was loyal to the family, and then tried any way to interrupt.

Such as…

Give him vodka.

Fortunately, he has the physical fitness of Wesker, otherwise he will be destroyed by combustible water before the world is destroyed.

Is vodka the only way to solve the problem of the fighting nation?

Hear the words.

Mike did not prevaricate like Andre, but explained in a low voice:

"Master Russell issued a strict order before he died, and everyone immediately cut off contact with the Russell family because..."

Having said that, Mike raised his right hand on William's shoulder, and said with satisfaction:

"Because Master Russell's son is not able to support the wall with mud after all, and the family cannot be destroyed by mud.

But Lord Russell once said that William, that is, you, will definitely revitalize the family.

If you are in urgent need of help, those of us who are hidden will take the initiative to show up, otherwise we will generally be alienated from you.

In fact, every time you arrive in Manhattan, I will always pay attention to your safety.

Unexpectedly, it really came in handy today.

The formation of armed helicopters was sent to escort Umbrella, and Manhattan was blocked for the first time by the way, preventing the large-scale spread of anomalies."


Hear Mike's answer.

In addition to shock, William's face was shocked.

How did Grandpa Sears determine that he would definitely revitalize the family?


Is Sears the earliest anomaly?

William has too much curiosity and questions, but the truth has been with his godlike grandpa...
