Containment control starts with the umbrella

Chapter 86-Missions and Rewards


The agents had no words, but they could notice that the atmosphere became more serious.

After all, the agents are all natives of New York. If they were to follow Hogan's words, their home would disappear from the earth.

Afterwards, Hogan continued:

"According to existing intelligence, the Marine Corps will escort us into the red zone, and we will also receive enough high-altitude support.

Of course, the coordinates given must be accurate (laughs).

So we are not alone in carrying out this operation, besides..."

Hogan patted the mechanical skeleton of his right arm with his left hand and chuckled, "These are not vegetarians, so... Do you have any questions?"

"..." The agents responded by shaking their heads.

"Very good." Hogan loaded the rifle in his hand and added as he walked toward the arch:

"Ready to set off, the friendly convoy has arrived."

"Yes, sir."

Immediately afterwards, under the leadership of Hogan, the agents passed through the arch to the Fifth Avenue which directly leads to Central Park.

I saw a convoy composed of dozens of armored vehicles, tanks, and armed Hummers, parked vertically in front of the arch.

Among them were five dark green Stricker infantry transport vehicles, which opened the rear hatch and unloaded the heavily armed Marines.

The Marines dispersed in teams and groups, looking for infected persons to shoot, or entering the building to build firepower strongholds.

The hatch is still open, because Stricker's next passengers are Umbrella's agents.

Hogan led eight agents into one of the transport vehicles.

The hatch is closed.

And there was a voice from the captain saying: "Passengers, please fasten your seat belts. The journey may be a bit bumpy. Drinks and snacks are at your own expense.

The ignition process is over, Houston, we are ready to... go!"

"Ha ha."

After hearing that he was a not-so-serious car captain, the agents who had always kept cold finally couldn't hold back, and all chuckled.

Hogan also shook his head, and then used Umbrella's newsletter to report:

"Command center, the vulture team has joined the friendly forces and is now preparing to go to the Palace Hotel in the red zone."

"Received by the command center, good luck to you, agent."


After Hogan cut off contact with the command center, Strick also led them to their destination along with the shaking at the start.


In the dimly lit car, in addition to the noise of the engine, there is also the words of the car commander who loves to talk.

"Gunner, there's a slugger at three o'clock, yes, fuck him."

"Boom! Boom!" The roof of the car resounded with a burst of .50 machine guns.

"Oh, driver, have you seen that fat guy?"

"Puff—!" The burst of meat sauce came from outside the car.

"Oh, my goodness, wipers, turn on the wipers!"


Even if Hogan said that they had enough support for this operation, and even their weapons and equipment had been upgraded, they could not erase the fact that the agents had a high mortality rate.


The agents who were originally in a heavy mood began to relax because of the car captain who had a lot of talk.

But as the vehicle traveled longer, the driver's tone became lighter and more serious.

"Gunner, at one o'clock, there are groups of infected corpses."

"Driver, avoid the pedestrians on both sides... Oh yes, they are no longer human."

The agents could not see the real situation outside, but listening to the commander's words, it was not difficult to guess that they had entered the red zone.

"He--!" Finally, Stricker's body stagnated.


At this time, the car commander seemed to swallow and spit, and he was no longer as funny as before, but he blessed the agents with a solemn heart:

"Guys, although we just met, but...I personally hope you can come back alive.

Here... it's hell."

After the captain said, he opened the rear hatch of Stricker.

Hear the words.

The agents looked at each other, and then they all clenched their guns, hurriedly left their seats and walked out of the cabin.

And Hogan, who was sitting at the innermost, walked outside without forgetting to thank and tease:

"Thanks, buddy, and hope your feint mission goes well, we will definitely meet again."

"Haha!" The captain did not hear Hogan's connotation, but smiled heartily:

"To each other, buddy, I like your nonchalant attitude, if you can really withdraw from the red mist, I don't mind buying you a drink."

"haha okay."

Hogan also smiled and stepped forward out of the safe cabin.


The block below the Palace Hotel;

The armored transport convoy of long snakes stopped in the center of Fifth Avenue.

Not only the agents belonging to Umbrella but also a large number of Marines came from various vehicles.

The Marines dispersed and advanced in coordination with the armored vehicles to attack the infected people around them indiscriminately.

The leader of the convoy, Hummer, chose to turn left and enter East Fifth Street at the intersection from the edge of the red fog.

Such a large-scale military operation has long attracted the surrounding infected people. They followed the convoy fearlessly and loyally performed their duty of spreading the virus.

This move by the Marines successfully created a short window for Hogan and others hiding in the Palace Hotel.

All agents relied on the power provided by the Exo exoskeleton to quickly rush along the open road, and rushed into the red mist in just over ten seconds.



at the same time.

Far away in the lobby of JFK Airport, Terminal 6;

A large number of screens display the physiological status of each agent, as well as real-time images from individual cameras.

William and Halsey were standing behind a group of technicians watching the whole process, but the former's eyes were dull, as if not focusing on the investigation.


[Detected the troops under the overlord and successfully entered the scarlet restricted area created by Elizabeth Green.

Therefore, the task of this system is triggered, please listen carefully.

Task content:

① Umbrella, which is owned by the host, needs to develop a vaccine for this virus within five days.

②After successfully receiving Elizabeth Green, the remaining population of Manhattan should not be less than 500,000.

③The host must personally participate in the military operation to contain Elizabeth Green.

Note: The physical fitness of the host is immune to any known or unknown virus.

mission rewards:

① Turn on the assimilation option of the colonial marines in "Alien 2".

Comes with a free assimilation opportunity for all Marines under Mike O'Donaghue.

②Turn on the assimilation option of Black Watch in "Prototype 1".

A free assimilation opportunity is given to all agents under the host.

③Turn on the attributes of "company culture".

Employees who join Umbrella and sign a confidentiality agreement will have a loyalty of more than 80.

④Fire Spirit Gift Pack.