"The command center received."

The correspondent at the other end of the dialogue channel reminded Hogan and others:

"Agents, the upper-level order is for investigation, not containment, please save your lives as much as possible."

"Received by the vulture team, over."

"Command center, over."

After disconnecting from the command center at JFK Airport, Hogan looked up at the end of Fifth Avenue and glanced at the thumbnail map on the upper right of the mask.

Confirm the location of the Plaza Hotel and them, the distance is about 500 meters.

Seeing this, Hogan checked his rifle and whispered:

"Vulture team, confirm that the magazine is loaded with subsonic bullets and the suppressor is installed.

According to Dr. Halsey's speculation, the containment item code-named Green has brood consciousness, which means it may have absolute control over every infected person.

Therefore, in this operation, we must try our best not to shoot, and avoid and avoid contact in any unexpected situation.

To understanding?"

"Yes, sir." A group of agents responded in a low voice.


Horton nodded, holding the gun in his right hand, and swiping his left hand forward and commanded: "Go."

Immediately after.

The agents were divided into groups of four and scattered on Fifth Avenue in ten groups. Each group kept a distance of about four meters to ensure the best fire protection.

As it goes deeper, the visibility of the naked eye becomes lower, until the concentration rises again later, almost reaching the point where it is almost invisible.

But relying on the scanning system and motion detection developed by Halsey, everyone was unimpeded in the blood fog, and even the small rocks in front of the army boots could be seen by the agents.


At this time, the upper left corner of Hogan's mask flashed a green reminder signal, reminding him that the blood fog concentration here reached the standard.

"Stop." Hogan ordered in a low voice, stopping the advancing team.

Then he hung the rifle by his side, raised the multi-pocket vest with his hands on his chest and fumbled, and took out a silver metal container.

Pinch the metal buttons at both ends of the container with both hands and twist it.


The container only took less than half a second to inhale and fill the red mist, and the metal buttons automatically closed and sealed.

Collect a good sample.

Hogan put the container back in his pocket again, and pressed the buckle of the pocket with his right thumb, and then he took the rifle again after confirming it was secure.



The conversation between the agents was concise and concise. After completing the primary goal, proceed to the next one.

Wordless all the way.

And, as if the goddess of luck was watching them, no infected person appeared during this period.

A good sign?

do not know.

But this caused the agents to quickly reach the bottom of a certain Sichuan University businessman's building, which is only more than 100 meters away from the Plaza Hotel in the center of the red mist.

That is to say, go forward another intersection, turn left, and you will reach their destination.


The anomalous phenomena that made the agents familiar with and'love', no longer concealed them, and finally began to gradually reveal their true appearance.

The road that was originally level has become bumpy, and it feels soft and soft when stepping on it.

Through the image coming from the face, there are interlaced vine structures on the road, and there is no attack power.

But they will wriggle and twitch a few times from time to time, which means that these vines are not plants, but tubular organs of some kind of organism.

Go further tens of meters.

The image returned by the scanning pulse shows that there are a large number of egg-shaped structures within the distance between the agents and the intersection.

Judging from the outline of the shape, it is more appropriate to say that it is an egg, rather than a huge sarcoma.


Hogan immediately stopped the team.


The agents spread a little apart, shaking hands with guns to guard the surroundings.

Hogan in the mask narrowed his eyes slightly and walked towards the nearest sarcoma.

Approaching, approaching, can see the outline visually, stop.

Now Hogan finally knows what the criss-crossing tubular organs on the ground are. They are connected to the roots of the sarcoma, as if they were delivering nutrients.

Look up again.

I saw that the outer wall of the sarcoma looked like pink matte paper, and the inside was still emitting a crimson red light, and I could vaguely see a huge humanoid creature inside.

"Fack." Hogan murmured, and then immediately contacted the command center:

"Command center, this is Sergeant Hogan, the leader of the vulture team, please put my individual camera on the big screen and let Dr. Halsey take a look at this... disgusting thing."

"Received by the command center, the screen of your sergeant has been posted, and Dr. Halsey is analyzing it."

In just a few seconds, the communication channel switched to Halsey’s voice and said:

"Sergeant, don't go forward for the time being. I have received enough information.

The boss ordered you to evacuate as soon as possible. A group of technicians with disinfection equipment have rushed to the Yellow Zone under the protection of the Marine Corps.

As for the specific coordinates, I will send it to you later."

"Yes." Hogan was about to turn and leave.

But just not two steps back, he stopped his foot, turned his head and looked at the group of sarcomas and suggested:

"Doctor, do we need blasting equipment?"

"No, don't disturb them, but..." Halsey seemed to be thinking about something.

Said: "Sergeant, you squat down and let me take a closer look at the tubular tissues."

"Yes." Hogan crouched on the ground, bringing his head as close as possible to the hose.

"Um..." Halsey groaned and said, "Sergeant, please help me take a sample of the liquid inside."


Hogan hung the rifle on his back and took out a longer container from his many pockets.

Remove the protective case, revealing the needle with silver light.


"Puff! Puff!"

The special needle easily pierces the fleshy wall of the tube, and also draws liquid samples extremely quickly.


Hogan lifted his hand as soon as he was full of liquid, took out the needle, installed the protective shell, and did it in one go.

The whole process takes only two or three seconds.

Put the container back into the pocket, press the velcro with your thumb, stand up and walk south and command:

"Vulture group, ready to evacuate."


Following a short and powerful response, a group of agents retreated to the coordinated location in an orderly manner.


All the agents involved in the investigation were thoroughly disinfected by the technicians who were assigned to them, and they were evacuated from Manhattan under the cover of the Marine Corps.

No one was injured or killed in the temporary vulture group.


Inside JFK Airport;

After William confirmed through the screen that all the agents were safely evacuated and prepared to board the helicopter and return home, a rock hanging in his heart finally landed.

And sighed to Halsey beside him:

"Catherine, I think Green is going to turn the red zone into her lair. Based on the data from the vulture group alone, there are at least a thousand such...eggs..."