Containment control starts with the umbrella

Chapter 116: Umbrella's Analysis File 3


'Brook' perceives the'cat' behind him, and is full of an agitated spirit, and runs with his hands waving.

And there are white water droplets coming out of its head, just like the special effects of sweat when the character is running in a cartoon.

The giant cat stood still, but its arms stretched at a very fast speed, as soft as boneless.

The cat's hands have white gloves, and the black body is distinguished like Mickey Mouse.

It's just that the edges of the cat's gloves are dark red, like fresh blood stains, looking extremely cripple and scary.

Soon, Brook was caught by the cat, and his soft arms quickly pulled back.

"Squeak! Squeak!" Brook struggled and let out a miserable cry like a mouse.

"Woo-woo-" The cat leaned Brooke to its huge face and made a cat's excitement purr.


The giant cat opened its mouth on the front, revealing white square-shaped teeth and blood-stained gums.


"Puff!" With a sound, he squeezed Pluto into his mouth abruptly and made a chewing action.

There are even cartoon special effects splashed with blood.


The special effects at this time do not seem to be pleasing to the eye, but make people stand upright, and can really feel the pain of being bitten to death.

"!" (x3)

Seeing such a horrible picture, the tension that had just been relaxed suddenly rose, and the three of them dared not even breathe loudly.

Immediately, they didn't even need a discussion, so they silently decided to leave together.

The camera has been focusing on the giant cat chewing slowly moving, after all, it is standing outside the door of the candy store, and it has to go through the broken window to leave.

It seems that the giant cat is enjoying eating, or because it is a two-dimensional object, it does not notice the lens side.

Avoid glass ballast.

Go over the window.

The lens is towards the back of the giant cat.

Stay away slowly.

Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, the cat turned around to face the camera at some point.

The eyes without pupils stared straight at the center of the screen, and the blood-stained mouth cracked bigger and bigger, as if smiling.

"Ha-ha-..." This time, it made a weird human laugh.

"Run!!!" Johnson said loudly.

The camera no longer points at the giant cat, but faces the corridor leading to the mall's gate.

Ava ran in front, Johnson behind, and finally Lucas in charge of the video.

Within seconds.

The picture turns around.

"Click!" A sound, indicating that the video recorder fell to the ground.

However, the video recorder was not broken and was still working normally. The camera happened to be aimed at Lucas whose face was processed by mosaics.

I saw Lucas's left ankle, being caught by the outstretched right hand of the giant cat and tripping to the ground, his fingers clasped tightly in the cracks of the floor, struggling to get out of the predicament.


Johnson appeared in the camera, grabbed Lucas by the wrist, and tried to help the opponent break free.


Johnson's fate was also dragged to the ground.

The strength of the two young men is completely out of proportion to the giant cat holding their feet. It is destined to be'eaten'.

"No! Lucas! Johnson!"

"Run! Run! Leave us alone!"

"Ava, call the police! Quick! You can't help!"

The video has finished playing.


In the early morning of February 3, 2008, the local police station received a report from a young woman named Ava saying that two of her friends were killed by some kind of giant cartoon cat.

Although the local police department thought that the murder mentioned by Ava was completely nonsense, and refused to accept it because of the early morning.

But this successfully caught the attention of Serena, who was monitoring the world, and she notified several local agents to contact Ava.

After that, a total of six agents were ordered to rush to this mall.


2. Crossfire.

Sergeant ■■, who was in charge of commanding the agents, obtained Ava's mobile phone number through Serena's assistance and communicated briefly with him.

The following content is an audio file copied by Serena;

Ava: "(Crying) me, one believes what I say..."

■■Sergeant: "I believe it, but I need you to stay where you are. My team and I will arrive immediately."

Ava: "You...who are you... (interrupted)."

■■Sergeant: “It doesn’t matter who we are. Please stay where you are while ensuring your own safety.”

Ava: "Um... OK..."

call ended.

Six agents, driving two SUVs, arrived at the scene of the incident at 03:14 in the morning.

In view of the fact that there was no infection of a nature, the agent’s equipment was of ordinary standard, and mechanical bones were still worn for insurance.

Cut into ■■Sergeant’s individual video files;

When they arrived at the parking lot outside the mall, Ava who was waiting outside immediately stepped forward and cried out to them.

The agents determined that the anomaly has a high tendency to attack.

After a brief discussion, the six agents were divided into two groups.

A group of five people led by Sergeant ■■ into the mall to find out, an agent from the other group was outside to protect Ava's safety.

Five agents entered in a standard formation. The sergeant was in charge of the center, with two agents at the front and back.

The agents quickly arrived in front of the candy store where the accident occurred, only to find two stalls of blood and HVR-HD1000C cameras.

No giant'monster cat' was found.

But after Sergeant ■■ recovered the camera...


They heard the music on the jukebox described by Ava.

At the same time, the'monster cat' also appeared in the agents' vision, and it was chasing a'Brook' that should have been eaten.

The moment the'monster cat' was discovered, the agents attacked it with firepower.

The blow is effective.

When the bullet passes through the body of the'monster cat', it will leave bullet holes, and there will be special effects when the cartoon character is shot.

'Monster Cat' and'Brook' made panic and horror expressions and ran towards the second floor of the mall.

The agent followed closely behind.

Finally, in the central hall on the second floor, a Motorola 21K1 black-and-white TV produced in 1952 was found.

The TV was not plugged in, but it continued to play a black-and-white cartoon called "Brook and the Monster Cat".

The agent twisted the shutdown button, and the TV continued to work.

The agent tried to move.

But when the TV set is more than four meters away from the original location, the TV opportunity disappears out of thin air, and is regenerated at the original location in an incomprehensible way.

Try multiple times.

To no avail.

Afterwards, she followed Selena of Sergeant Sergeant and other agents throughout the entire process, confirmed that the anomaly could not be physically moved, and suggested that all agents withdraw from the mall.

The individual soldier video file playback ends.