Containment control starts with the umbrella

Chapter 138 Bloody Battle To The End



In the quiet, dim living area, there is a sound of short-circuiting electric wires and splashing of water droplets on the ground.

The three Marines were moving in the direction of their dormitory, preparing to change the airtight clothing and enter the mine.

But the corpses all over the floor disappeared, and the three of them had to slow down and be prepared for any unexpected situations.

As a corporal Hicks, he has been exposed to the T virus by-product data. The'disappearance' of the corpse often means the appearance of the corpse.

In front of the road, Gina had already turned on the M56's smart aiming system. If there was anything unusual, she didn't mind pulling the trigger to take a few shots.

And Hudson, who is always talkative, has also become much quieter. After all, he has discovered his latest "superpower"...

Crow's mouth.

There must be no more useless words.



Suddenly, the motion detection function of the individual soldier system issued a reminder on the screen of the glasses, as if there was movement in the front corner.

The three men who were mentally prepared looked at each other and nodded together, then sprinted through the corner quickly.

Stand steady and aim your gun forward.

And a large creature resembling a bat appeared in front of them.

It has no obvious head tissue, but there are many soft whiskers at the foremost part of its body and a multi-joint sickle-shaped hard tentacles.

It flew to a dead body, and then lifted the dead body with its wings.

"Puff!" With a sound, the tip of the tentacle pierced into the corpse's head.

The corpse began to violently convulse and twitch, and the body was also mutating.

The sickle-like bone-like tissue stretched out from the palm, the chin fell off, the abdomen broke open from the inside out, and two small blood-stained arms grew out.



"Da da da!"

After seeing such a disgusting scene, the three Marines immediately pulled the trigger and shot blasting warheads at the two anomalies.


Immediately after the warhead touched the two monsters, it exploded, and suddenly flesh and blood splashed.

"Wow!" The sprayed blood even splashed on Gina's helmet standing in the front.

But the female Marine Corps of the fighting nation didn't care, but kept pulling the trigger, because there were at least dozens of bat monsters and abnormal dead bodies in the passage.

"Hahaha! Come! The more the better! This is all military merit!" Gina smiled wildly on her face.

After seeing the entity's anomaly, Gina's fighting spirit was finally completely ignited.

Relying on the crazy output of an M56 smart machine gun, the passage to the bedroom was cleared in just a few seconds.


The flashing lights also seemed to be frightened by the sturdiness of the fighting nation, and it turned brighter in an instant.

The original strange atmosphere suddenly disappeared.

"..." (x2)

Hicks and Hudson looked at each other. They had at least two-thirds of the ammunition in their magazines, but the battle was over...

What a scary woman.

Hudson, who was slowing down, looked at the mutants and whispered: "It seems that the corpses are all'live'. It seems that they ran away by themselves, oh, really encountered a monster. "

Hicks also nodded, seeming to acquiesce to Hudson's words.

Then he raised M41A with his right hand, and commanded the channel with his left finger:

"Hudson, in accordance with the boss's rules, give every guy who seems to have died a shot. I don't want them to suddenly jump up and attack us!"


Hudson immediately executed the order, switched to the M41A single-point mode, and shot at those abnormal variants that still retained the completed body from a long distance.

And Gina was covering Hudson from the side.

As for Hicks's self-talking video report on the helmet: "It has been confirmed that the abnormal phenomenon code-named'beacon' can not only affect the human mind.

The band it emits seems to be able to change the dead body and create a certain... bat creature to increase the number of variants."

Hicks did this to add a layer of insurance.

Although the Marines are confident of dealing with any anomaly, if you count the population of the entire asteroid, it is at least two thousand variants...

The survival rate of the three can be imagined.

If, just if they are all killed, then at least the video information can be kept to provide some information for follow-up personnel.

After Hicks finished recording the video, Hudson also finished filling up his gun, and the route to the bedroom had been emptied.

The three of them continued to move forward quickly.

Return to the bedroom.

Block the gate.

With the help of each other, the mechanical skeletons were removed, and they were prepared to put on airtight combat uniforms and go deep into the mine to capture the identity card.



Hicks and Gina are the first to complete the replacement, and then Gina helps Hudson.

"Guru..." Hudson saw Gina close at hand, swallowed and spit, and asked with a trembling lips:

"Um... Gina, if... if we don't... uh!"

Before Hudson could finish, Gina kissed Hudson aggressively, let go, slapped him and said:

"You forgot your crow's beak?! Fight for me!"

Hudson, who was full of electricity, said extremely excitedly: "Yes! Madam!"


Hicks, who was still single, sighed and shook his head looking at the two flirting men.

The atmosphere in the dormitory has temporarily eased a little, and the three of them have a stronger desire to survive.

Even if there are thousands of variants in the mine, we must blaze a trail to save ourselves while completing the mission!

When everything is ready.

The three of them left the dormitory and went deep into the mine with Gina's formation in front, relying on the power brought by the mechanical bones to quickly assault.

The guns are all fired, so what's the secret?

Soon they encountered a group of variants of dead corpses.

They used sickle-like bone tips to pierce the heel of the unmutated corpse, dragging them to the location of the beacon.


After hearing the heavy steps, the mutants made chilling noises, preparing to turn around and attack the three Marines.

"Da da!"

It's a pity that the crisp gunfire peculiar to M41A and M56 directly silenced this group of chin-less variants.

The explosive bullet of the pulse gun series is simply an indestructible weapon.

The hit body exploded directly.

Cruelty is the best word to describe a pulse gun.


It's not that organisms that mutated from human beings still die.

Apart from the M56 which has a'self-sighting hook', the M41A also has a 30mm grenade launcher, which is enough firepower to drink a pot of variants.

Even if they leave the colony area with gravity spawning, relying on the powerful grip of the mechanical skeleton, the three Marines still did not slow down.

Continue to move quickly towards the location of the beacon in the mine.

"Da da da!"




The sound of gunshots, howls, explosions, blasts, etc. spread into the mine, and this moment also attracted the attention of the abnormal variant beside the beacon.

The unfair battle of two thousand vs three people was opened.


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