Containment control starts with the umbrella

Chapter 173: Analysis of Umbrella's File 2

Item: The cursed doll.

Grade: Euclid.

Appearance: The appearance of the project is no different from ordinary 16-pack dolls.

She has red hair, her skin is bloodless and snow-white, and she is wearing a long black one-piece dress with her eyes slightly closed.


According to research conducted by researchers at Containment Center One, the doll’s hair is not artificial, but real human female hair.

The following is the detailed process of the containment item;

Time: August 12, 2010.

Location: Nashville, Indiana, USA.

The town is located in the central part of the United States, with a humid subtropical climate and an elevation of about 200 meters.



And the town is surrounded by dense forest on all sides, and the current number of residents is 805.

Due to the small number of people, the police station here has only four officers to maintain local security, but the crime rate is extremely low.

■■The agent hides in the town of Nashville as a police officer.


The following video file①, from the Jonathan family, a resident of the town, is the XR-010 home camera produced by Umbrella Digital Enterprise.

The composition of the Jonathan family is as follows;

1. Jack Jonathan.

Husband, 37 years old, white-collar worker.

From Monday to Friday, I drove to work in Polis, the capital city of Indiana, 15 kilometers away.

2. Diana Jonathan.

Wife, 35 years old, housewife.

Taking care of their sons and daughters who are in elementary school at home, they have to get up an hour earlier than Jack every day to prepare the husband's three meals a day.

After that, she needs to take the children to the primary school in the town.

Daily cleaning is at home, or shopping online.

3. Maria Jonathan Muller Jonathan.

In the womb, Muller was born a minute earlier than Maria, who is also nine years old.


The above information comes from agents ■■.

After all, in a town with a population of only 800, the agents are already familiar with the general or detailed information of each resident.

The agent also commented: "They are a happy family."


The video file is played.

The picture soon appeared, and the upper left corner displayed 20100812Thur (Thursday).

I saw the shooting location was the city park in Nashville.

The sun is slightly dazzling, but it gives a very warm feeling.

There are also many fat pigeons in the park, as well as old white-haired women sitting on benches and holding corn kernels.

In the center of the picture is Maria in a pink dress, swinging with her brother Muller in suspenders.

"Maria, Mueller." Diana smiled, holding the camera. "Today is your two birthdays. What do you want to eat at noon?"

"Ice cream!" (x2)

"Haha~!" After hearing the answers of the two children, the screen jittered slightly and Diana's laughter came.

Then she said: "You two, are you crazy if you want to eat ice cream? Forget it, let's make an exception today and let you eat it for a while.

But it must be after the meal?Think about what to eat at noon."

"Mom is the best~" (x2)

The two children cheered in unison, and quickly got off the swing, rushing towards the picture one after another.

The children hugged Diana, who was holding the camera, and the camera screen turned to a black screen after a while.

When the picture reappears, it is no longer the original city park, but in a bedroom.

Judging by the slightly dim light outside the window, it was already the evening of the day.

In the center of the screen are still the two children, Maria and Muller, sitting on a computer chair together, looking at the various toys listed on the computer screen.

The domain name of the website is Amazon.

Muller is manipulating his mouse to browse boys' favorite sci-fi models and figures.

Soon, he saw a 16 soldiers of the Umbrella Marines produced by DamToys.

The price is 89.9$, excluding tax.

"Wow... so cool." Mueller sighed.

Then he jumped off the computer chair and ran to the side of the screen, his eyes gleaming, his hands clasped and swinging up and down.

Begged and said, "Mom, I want this as a birthday present, okay?"

"Okay." Diana readily agreed, and her right hand stretched out from the right side of the screen, patted Mueller's head and exhorted:

"Now go and tidy up your house. Also, you have to assure me that if your house is kept tidy every day...

Then it is your birthday gift~."

"Yes! Guarantee to complete the task!" Mueller saluted in a decent way.

"Okay, go and clean up."

"Yes! Mom!"

Muller trot out of the bedroom and disappeared into the frame.

At this moment, Diana, who is holding the camera, approached the computer chair and reached out to manipulate the mouse to add the soldier just now to the shopping cart.

Then he said: "Maria, your brother is finished, now it's you."

"Hmm~!" Maria nodded excitedly.

She controlled the mouse and keyboard and typed the doll's keyword in the search bar.

After pressing enter.

All kinds of dolls are listed on the screen.

Maria controls the mouse, scrolls the wheel, and chooses carefully.


The computer screen flickered a few times.

After that, the thumbnail of the project appeared on the screen.

Maria seemed to be instantly attracted by this exquisite toy. Press the left button to enter the item's purchase page.

The price is 66.6$, but there is no reminder of tax or tax deduction.

There is nothing unusual other than that.

"Mom, mom!" Maria turned her head to look at the screen, and pointed to the computer screen excitedly: "I want this!"

"Haha, good~" Diana laughed softly:

"You are not allowed to be picky eaters in the future, have you heard? If you let me see you not eating broccoli again, I will confiscate this doll."

"Yeah~ I promise!" Maria nodded repeatedly.

"Go and help your brother clean up the house."



When Maria also left the computer chair, Diana put the camera aside, and the screen was pointed out of the window.

But there was a "click" keyboard and mouse sound, which proved that Diana seemed to be checking out.

A few seconds passed.

"Ding Dong~!" The doorbell reminded from the video.

"Huh? Did you come back so early today?" And Diana's doubts to herself.

Then she picked up the camera next to the table again, and the video image returned to a walking perspective.

"Children! Come out, Dad is coming home with the cake~!"

"Woo~!" Mueller was the first to jump out of his room and happily ran to the first floor to open the door.

And Maria also trot downstairs, preparing to welcome her father's return with her brother.

Just when Diana, who was holding a camera, walked downstairs, she saw Mueller who opened the door standing outside and looking around, as well as the beautifully wrapped gift box in front of the door.

As Diana approached, the appearance of the gift box gradually became clear in the picture.

I saw the exterior packaging, which was exactly the doll that Maria wanted to buy.